
August 12, 2011

Orange County, California

Pacific View Memorial Park Cemetery

Alexander Justin Santa Ana

March 14, 1994-July 28, 2010

Beloved son and friend

Now he rests amongst angels

Booth stared down at the headstone in front of him, his hands deep in the pockets of his khaki shorts, grateful for the breeze from the nearby Pacific Ocean. He could hear his son and Bones talking softly behind him, giving him a minute to collect his thoughts. It had been a year since Booth had been sent to China to investigate the death of the young man whose ashes lay below him. It had been a year since Booth was arrested by the Chinese government for the murder of Lieutenant Zhang. It had been a year since Booth told Bones he loved her and she had said it back. A lot has happened in a year Booth thought.

A couple of months ago, Bones was invited to speak at a forensics conference at the University of California, Irvine that would take place in August. They decided to take Parker along and make a trip of it. They went to Disneyland, the beach, and Parker and Booth went to an Angels' baseball game when Bones was at the conference. After a great week in sunny Southern California, they were headed back to D.C. tomorrow and Booth knew that this was a stop he wanted to make, feeling like it would provide some closure.

After Booth was released from Qincheng Prison, Ambassador Donovan negotiated a compromise with the Chinese government: if they weren't going to release Alex's body because of what they claimed was a fear of flu spreading, then at least cremate the body and return the ashes to the grieving family. The Chinese government agreed and Alex's ashes were placed in this spot in late September last year. The Santa Anas were so grateful for the squint's help in getting their son back to give him a proper resting place, they made a very generous donation to the Jeffersonian and a new wing was being built and was to be named after Alex. But while the Santa Ana's knew what really happened to Alex, the rest of the world remained oblivious. Both governments decided that it was best that the mistakes of a few not affect the welfare of millions and that the backlash from Alex's death might be too much for both countries to recover from. Tim Johnson and Charlie Wu were both released when Alex's body was and were able to return home, both to a heroes welcome. Sabrina Telecommunications never did restart negotiations and several smaller companies are now vying to get the contract with the Chinese government.

Agent Brian Kelso is currently serving 15 years in a federal prison in Colorado for his part in both Alex's and Lieutenant Zhang's deaths. He was given a more lenient sentence for cooperating. His wife had sought a divorce and had no idea that he was the reason why her sister was currently cancer-free. What was more satisfying for Booth though was that Captain Huang Qishan was now First Lieutenant Huang Qishan, his role in the whole fiasco causing a demotion in rank and from what Booth had heard, a miserable assignment on the border of China and Siberia.

Booth had also returned to Washington to a heroes welcome, much to his chagrin. He was tired a lot in the beginning of his recovery and had lost about 20 pounds during his stay with the Chinese government. Once he got back, the orthopedist had recommended surgery for Booth's left hand to properly reset all the bones and make sure that there wasn't any permanent nerve damage. Thankfully, they didn't find any nerve damage and after six months of physical therapy, Booth was as close to 100% as possible. He was told he would still have pain in his hand and he would be more likely to develop arthritis in the joints of his left hand but that otherwise, he would be fine.

Booth turned around, startled out of this thoughts and memories when he heard his son laughing. He smiled when he saw Parker trying to teach Bones how to play with a hacky sack and laughing when Bones accidently kicked it under the rental car. Bones looked over to him and when she noticed he was looking at them, he saw her say something to Parker and walk over to join him. Parker, absorbed in keeping the ball in the air, nodded to her while not taking his eyes off the ball.

Bones looked nice and relaxed in her blue tank top and white Bermuda shorts, gaining a nice tan when they were at the beach the other day. She walked right past him and stood in front of the headstone, mirroring his previous position. He stepped right behind her and slid his arms around her waist. He placed his head on her shoulder and felt her cover his hands with her own, entwining their fingers.

Another thing that had changed in the last year was their relationship. Where they had been close before Booth's trip to China, since then, they had been inseparable. Booth wasn't sure if he would have recovered as well as he did if Bones hadn't been there with him every step of the way. He had a lot of problems with nightmares and flashbacks upon their return but Bones had been there, holding him and reassuring him when he woke up. Booth felt the coolness of metal touch his left hand and looked down to see where her engagement ring rested against his hand. He smiled at the sight. Yep, things have definitely changed in the last year.

They stood silently for a couple of minutes, reflecting on what had happened and their lives today.

"Hey Dad," Parker said. Booth looked down to see the rambunctious 10-year-old at his side.

"Hey, bub. What's up?" Booth said, removing his right hand from Bones' grasp to pat his son's shoulder.

"Can we go now? I want to build another sand castle before we leave tomorrow," Parker told him as he looked up to his eyes.

Booth smiled down at his son. "Okay, bub. Go wait in the car. Bones and I will be there in a minute." Parker nodded excitedly and ran back to the car.

Booth gave Bones a kiss on her right temple. "You ready, babe?"

"Yeah," she sighed and turned in his arms. "Was it worth it Booth?"

He looked her in the eyes and knew what she was asking. Was the justice worth the pain they had been through? Was the sacrifice worth getting to where they were today? Booth leaned down and gave her a kiss before he grabbed her left hand, loving the feeling of her engagement ring against his skin, and led her back to the car.

"It was all worth it, Bones. We are worth it."

A/N: That's it, folks! Finished with my first fanfic. Thanks for all your support and reviews. It is much appreciated. Thanks again and don't forget to tell me what you think and leave a review!