10 years later

"Merry Christmas!" Green shouted holding out a big box, wrapped with a bow, completely red in the face from the cold outside and his excitement.

Blue just arched a brow while Red squealed excitedly, bursting out the door to give his long time friend a hug. The present got flung sideways, but was caught by the completely overly-bundled Spirit, in his winter attire.

"Merry Christmas! Green, Spirit! Oh, it's so good to see you, it's been too long! Where's Sheik?"

Green looked back and frowned."He was right hereā€¦"

"He is probably checking the perimeter." Spirit said, although it was rather muffled by his scarf. "You know how he is."

Red and Green just beamed excitedly.

Blue rolled his eyes. "Come on, get in. Quick standing in the doorway, you're letting all the heat out."

Everyone slipped inside, the warmth enveloping them so fast the newcomers were quick to shed their extra layers.

"Green! Spirit!" Shadow cheered from the couch, where he was sitting next to Vio. They had already been there for a while, since they live relatively close. He would have gotten up, but Green saved them both the trip, flinging himself on them. "Merry Christmas!"

"We do not do this enough." Green complained, finishing his hugs and moving back to look at them all. "I missed you guys so much!"

"You're the one that moved away." Blue pointed out, although it had only been two months since their last get-together.

They were all grown up now. Lives were finally stable, and all the drama and craziness of high school was far behind them. It had been hard. There had been ups and downs, but Blue had never been wrong: they'd struggled through it together, and came out on top. Ganondorf had never been heard from again. They didn't know what had happened and they'd never heard anything on the news, but they didn't question it. They just made sure to send a Christmas card to Blue's old coach every year.

Blue had gone to the best athletic collage in the kingdom. Or the best collage that was right next-door to a very respectable culinary school. Maybe it wasn't the smartest plan, but it had all worked out in the end. His father was trying to groom him to take over the business, but all Blue wanted to do was play. He was on his way to being one of the highest paid athletes in the world, or so he bragged. He just hired someone else to take care of all that business stuff (his father was very impressed and clueless about his work ethic).

Red was doing well, too. He was on the verge of becoming head-chef at a very popular restaurant, although he had no idea the promotion was coming. He wanted his own restaurant one day, but he was happy and content with his life now. There was no need to rush anything. All good things would come with time, just like Blue had. For now, he was just happy to see all his friends together again.

The door opened slowly, and there was Sheik, who was immediately ambushed as well, and tugged inside.

A timer went off in the other room. "Oh! Dinner!" Red rushed off, while Blue took all the snow stuff, making sure it all ended up on the right hooks.

Shadow smirked "Nice of you to join us. How's work?"

Sheik smirked under his cowl, the friendly animosity between them only noticed by their respective lovers. Still good friends and both still thinking the other was an unwitting informant, they both worked secretly for some branch of the government. Neither were really able to talk about it, but the others had slowly gathered it was two branches that didn't quite like each other and they were both proud of this little oblivious insider they had wrapped around their finger.

"Just fine. How about you?" Everyone expected weird cryptic conversations to start later in the night, but as long was they waited until they were in another room it was fine.

"No one wants to talk about work, dear." Green told him, jumping down on the largest couch. "Lets talk about anything else. Vacations are so rare!"

Green, of course, worked for the-now-Queen Zelda. It was without a doubt his dream job. Always busy, very important and still usually losing his office to the Queens sporadic flights of fancy. Last week, there had been a llama. For some reason, he still found himself getting in-between Zelda and Vaati, and honestly, how many times did he have to tell them he had no intention of adding a fourth to his relationship? But he loved it all the same.

Sadly between his and Sheiks work, they'd had to move away to live near the castle. It wasn't more than a three hour drive, but it was still a trip to get back. Spirit, who immediately followed Green to the couch, was taking a break from work to study under the high priest as the castle. Signs had already begun appearing that he might be chosen to stay there. And after 10 years, he almost completely understood the difference between their cultures, with only a few gentle reminders here and there.

Vio smiled. "Alright, what do you want to talk about then?"

Green leaned forward teasing. "Well, how's school?"

Vio laughed.

After a year of being a doctor, Vio had decided it was time to go back to school to be a teacher, just like Shadow had guessed when they were younger. He loved learning, and, well, why settle for one job when he could learn and do anything he wanted. He was making plenty from his part time job, doing Blue's work at his dad's office, to cover the bills and expenses so why not? He wasn't planning to become a professional student, but for now, how could he not look forward to going back to school. Some times, he'd teach what he was learning to Shadow. Maybe, just maybe, he didn't hate the teacher-student play Shadow was always dragging him into.

The smell of chicken filled the room as Red carried dinner to the table. Just about everyone got up to help out, which was a little crowded even for their kitchen. Dinner looked as delicious as it smelled and everyone found their seats next to their lovers. It wasn't exactly Christmas, which all their family were still hosting and they were all wondering exactly what their real holiday arrangements were going to be, but right then, surrounded by their best friends, it was every bit as good as the real day.

Right before everyone could start eating, Blue stood up and Red jumped to his side, his face lit up with blissful excitement. Blue coughed slightly, then grinned. "So, we wanted you guys to be the first people to know." He grabbed his fiancees hand holding it tightly. "We've finally set a day for the wedding. Obviously-"

He'd intended to tell then that they were all expected to be part of the wedding party, which they would happily accept, but he was drowned out by the cheering and whooping and calls of 'Finally!' of his former classmates. He couldn't say he minded. Red beamed up at him and kissed him quickly, still as in love with him as he'd ever been. The cheering got louder.

Admits the cheering, framed, hanging in a visible spot in the living room, was a seemingly out of place newspaper article. An article that Green had feared would make things worse. An article that had only served to remind a school what love was and carved out the remaining darkness that had plagued their school. It started with a secretly captured kiss between two secret lovers.

Love On The Court

By Princess Zelda of Hyrule

Long before this kingdom was created, our world was crafted in love,

and long after it falls will that love carry on. It is the driving force of us all,

and those of us lucky enough to find it, should embrace it. Those who embrace

love can never be wrong. This is a story. A story about two young men, who meet

and feel in love. It all began...

Alright, I couldn't wait! It's finished and: SO AM I! 7 years! 7 years since I started this thing with no real plan or understanding of how words work. And for 5 years, you guys were there, cheering me on! This thing would have never gotten finished if it wasn't for you, and it was all for you! You guys have been great!

-But if you ask me to make a sequel I will come to your house and punch you!


But thank you so much for all your support and I really hope this ending didn't disappoint you! Let me know what you think! I can't wait to read it. And with that: Good Night!