Title: Life's Weird Addiction

Author: Dark Angel Kaos

Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou

Pairings: Yuuri x Wolfram (Yuuram)

Rating: PG – 16

Warnings: Shonen ai, yaoi, language, OOCness (maybe), AU

Genre: Angst, humor, romance, school life, AU

Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and its characters do not belong to me. I've been trying and yet KKM still isn't mine. WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

Summery: Yuuri and Wolfram have been sworn enemies every since Wolfram moved to Japan from Germany. They never see eye to eye and are always fighting over the smallest of things. What will happen when Yuuri accidentally reenact a sacred custom from Wolfram's home land that will bond him to the blond forever.

A/N: Kyou Kara Maou is hot hot hot it one of my favorite animes and I really am honored to be doing another story for it. I hope you all will like it!! Beta'd by Kyatione!!!! R&R!!!


Chapter 1 – The Slap

A black stretch limo pulled up in front of the Shin Makoku High School. Two bishonen quality persons stepped out of the extravagant vehicle, the shorter one who happened to be blond walked towards the school. The taller of the two nodded to the driver then walked up to catch up the shorter blond. The blond looked slightly irritated as he walked then suddenly he stopped and turned to face the brown haired man before him.

"Conrart! Why are you still following me!!" his emerald eyes flashed dangerously.

Conrart just smiled, which only irritated him more.

"I promise mother that I'd go in her stead and talk to the principal" Conrart answered his silvery brown eyes calm as usual, "I am just here to take care of the finalities of your admission"

"What ever but its still weird having you here I'm not a baby I can take care of my self!" he puffed his cheeks out in a bratty way before he continued walking.

Conrart chuckled softly at his little brother's cute behavior, but didn't dare do it where he could see. He knew his brother's fiery temper and new he would not take well being laughed at; even if it was not suppose to be insulting.

"Conrart hurry up!"

"Hai, hai"

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"Shibuya, come on we'll be late for class"

The one called Shibuya looked up, his black eyes scanning the halls for the person that called him. He found the person standing right beside the notice board. The person wore the same black school uniform as him and had similar color hair and eyes, but he wore glasses. Shibuya's expression brightened when he saw the boy.

"Murata! You're back!" He got up running towards the boy, "When did you get back I mean I thought you were gone for good"

"I got back this morning" Murata replied, "Germany wasn't all that it was cracked up to be so I told Shinou that I was coming back here"

"Ah, and he let you go just like that or did you break up with him?"

"Shibuya, I never knew you were comfortable with talking about my relationship with Shinou" Murata smirked, "I thought you were homophobic, I vaguely remember you fainting when I showed you that porn magazine; a gay porn magazine"

He blushed at what Murata said. It wasn't like he was homophobic just a little disturbed by the thought of two guys together plus it was a very graphic porn magazine it wasn't his fault that he fainted. He couldn't stomach the things that the guys were doing in them.

"I'm not homophobic Murata and it's not my business who you choose to date, besides I'm your friend and I won't scorn you jus because you are gay"

"Bi" Murata said fixing his glasses.


"I said I'm bi not gay I maybe with Shinou now but I still like girls, though not as much as I like Shinou" Murata explained, "Anyway enough of my love life how about you, met any hot girls lately?"

"I haven't had time for girls" Shibuya replied walking ahead, "I've been busy with baseball you now the next season starts this term and I've been pretty busy with practice"

"A.K.A no one noticed you as yet huh" Murata said chuckling, "You're pitiful Shibuya just ask a girl out, sure they will shot you down but at least you get credits for trying"

He laughed, as Shibuya's face burned red in embarrassment.

"I told you that I'm busy Murata, I don't have time to date!" he stopped and stomped his foot on the ground.

"Yeah right" Murata laughed, then continued walking, "Hurry up Shibuya you don't want to be late now do you, who knows you may find someone you like today"

"Murata what do you mean by that? Hey wait up!!"

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"Nice of you to join us Shibuya-san, I see Murata-san is with you" their teacher said as soon as they entered the room, "Good to see you back Murata-san how was Germany?"

"It was alright" Murata replied with a shrug, "I met a lot of interesting people"

"That is good I'm sure the class would love to hear more but for now please take your seats, there is an announcement I would like to make"

"Hai sensei"

They walked towards their desks at the front at the class, once seated the teacher began his announcement.

"Today our class will be having a transfer student from Germany, not just an ordinary student but a prince" he began pleased when he received the expected awes and whispers from his students, "I haven't met him as yet but he will be here after his meeting with the principal. Therefore I want you all to be on your best behavior"

"Oooh a foreigner we haven't have one in a while, anyone you now Murata?" the boy behind of Murata asked.

"I don't know, lets find out shall we" was Murata's reply.

"You're so stingy Murata, hey Yuuri why don't you get the answers for us" the boy prodded turning to face Shibuya Yuuri who was sitting beside Murata.

"I wish I could but you just have to wait and see" Yuuri replied, but there was something he wanted to know, "Hey why are you so interested?"

"I want to now who I'm up against, he probably is some pretty boy who would snatch up all the girl's attention" the boy whined, "I already have enough competition getting a girl, if some pretty boy prince comes in I won't stand a chance"

"Poor you" Murata said, his voice lacked in sarcasm, "Date a guy then"

They guy's eyes looked as if it was about to bulge out of his head.

"What!! Eww no way!!" the boy yelled looking disgusted, "I don't swing that way"

Murata snickered softly to himself at the boy's reaction. They all are so easy to play with. Yuuri saw the look of disgust that the boy gave Murata at his suggestion, and shivered. He never wants to be on the receiving end of that stare, no matter what.

There was a knock at the door and the teacher went to open it. All the children in the class got up trying to get a glimpse of the person outside but they couldn't since the teacher blocked the door way. Yuuri struggled to hear the conversation going on but he could only catch bits and pieces of it.


"Oh…we…thank you…"



Wolf? The person's name is Wolf? What a weird name. Yuuri thought the person would have a princely name like Alexander or even Edward, but it wasn't his problem what the guy was called.

The teacher moved from the door to allow the new student to enter. Surprised gasps filled the air when they eyes met this beauty who was wearing their plain black uniform. Wolfram looked annoyed but in the eyes of everyone – who was captured by his beauty - he was smiling. Yuuri found it hard to remove his gaze from the new boy's captivating emerald depts. It seemed to draw him in as if he would drown by just staring at them too long. The teacher cleared his throat to get the class's attention.

"Everyone I would like you to welcome to our class and school, Mr. Wolfram Von Bielefeld"

Instantly everyone stood up and greeted the new boy.

"Ohayo Von Bielefeldo Woruframu-san(1)" the class chorused.

Wolfram's scowl deepened at the butchering of his name. Stupid Japanese idiots don't even know how to pronounce a person's name right. Even though he was fuming on the inside for the way they called him, his outside expression was calm – as calm as Wolfram could get. A smug smirk crossed his lips as he prepared to answer the class.

"It's Wolfram Von Bielefeld Wol-fram not Woruframu Bielefeld not Bielefeldo say it right or don't say it at all" he said in a haughty tone, "As a matter of fact I rather you not call me, I don't associate my self with the lower class, the only reason I'm even gracing your school with my presence is that happened to I liked the name of this school, so for future reference do not speak to me, got it"

Everyone was taken aback by the tone of this…this spoilt brat!! The boys all hated him already but the girls squealed at him more determined to make him notice them. Yuuri for one didn't like this new kid; he acted like a royal pain. There was no way they would be friends.

"Well…" the teacher chuckled nervously, "Bielefeld-san would you mind taking a seat while I speak to your brother outside"

Wolfram looked at him then nodded.

"Oh could you tell him to leave after words I can't seem to get him to"

"S-sure Bielefeld-san" the teacher bowed excusing him self.

Wolfram looked pleased as the teacher walked out at least some one knows how to treat royalty. After the teacher left he walked over to one of the empty desk in the row that Yuuri sat, three seats down. He attempted to walk past them ignoring their presence. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks beside Yuuri. Someone held his wrist!! Someone dare held on to him much less touch him. He was infuriated and that was an understatement.

He turned looking at the person who so boldly held his wrist. His narrowed eyes widened at the pair of amused black bespectacled ones. His anger drop down to annoyance as the person before him registered to his mind.

"Ken…" he gritted out in annoyance.

Murata smiled.

"Good to see you too Wolf " Murata said sweetly, "My, my you always treat me like I'm annoying you or something"

"Because you do annoy me constantly" Wolfram snorted glaring at him, "I will say this only once more, stop touching me so leisurely pervert!"

"Harsh and beautiful as ever" Murata chuckled, "Well I guess messing with you is like playing with fire, I might as well stop or else I'll risk getting burnt" he let go.

"Good to know that you know" Wolfram said in an annoyed tone, "I'm not my cousin or my brothers, I will not tolerate your sort of behavior"

"Haha touchy"

Wolfram ignored the last comment and continued to his seat. Once he was gone Murata's desk was swarmed by girls and guys alike each had a furry of questions on their mind. He knew him! The girls wanted to know more about the blond while the boys wanted to know his weakness. Murata just shrugged them off giving them vague answers. Once the crowd dispersed Yuuri turned to Murata with questions of his own.

"Murata so you do know him" he commented.

"I guess I do" Murata shrugged, "After all I'm involved with his cousin"

"Shinou?" Yuuri yelled a little too loud, "They're related! I should have noticed they do look alike if you ask me"

Wolfram ears twitched.

"I hope Shinou isn't like his cousin" Yuuri said "But I doubt it, from what you told me he's just childish"

"They aren't really alike, but Wolfram has a fiery temper I'd advise you to stay away" his voice took on a playful edge, "Don't tell me you're interested in him I wouldn't blame you though he is a super bishonen"

Yuuri's face burned red.

"N-no I'm n-not!!!" Yuuri yelled, "Who'd be interested in that brat!! Besides he's a guy!"

Murata chuckled, he didn't miss that shutter.

"Ma, calm down Shibuya it wasn't like I said you like him or is in love with him" his chuckle slowly turned to a fit of laughter at the look on Yuuri's face, "Or do you"

"Don't be ridiculous Murata I'm not gay" Yuuri yelled.

"I didn't say you were" Murata said amused, Yuuri was just too fun to mess with.

Wolfram felt him self getting irritated he didn't know why but that Shibuya person was really pissing him off. He just wanted to wipe that look off his face. That damned look his eyes narrowed as if being gay is a crime. He wanted to just keep quiet and ignore him too bad his mouth was ahead of him on that.

"Idiot, are you retarded or what shut up already" he growled "You're annoying me"

Yuuri's mouth snapped shut as he looked at the blond in disbelief. There's no way he's talking about me right? He thought.

"Wait a sec you can't be referring to me right" Yuuri asked.

"Who else am I talking about moron you're the only idiot here that's talking" Wolfram said his charming voice marred with uncontrolled rage, "Do me a favor and shut the hell up"

"What's your problem, just because you're a prince doesn't mean that you can act like a jerk" Yuuri yelled turning to face the blond.

"Yes that gives me the right to, manner less oafs like you will never understand" Wolfram said, his voice raising, "I hate guys like you who lack decorum"

"Well brats like you aren't really on my good list either" Yuuri retorted.

"Hmph did your mother not teach you manners that is no way to talk to a prince" a smug look crossed Wolfram's face, "I guess she did not, ha she must have been some tramp no wonder you turned out like this being raise by a whore-"


Wolfram's face flung to the right from the force of the blow. What. The. Fuck?!!

"I don't care if you bad talk me but no one talks about my mom like that!!!" Yuuri yelled.

He couldn't believe it!! This guy…noooooooo!!! He turned his enraged eyes to face the boy who so daringly slap him. Wondering how he managed to reach down to his seat so quickly.

"Shibuya you might want to take that back" Murata said a little amused at the turn of events, "I'm telling you, you really should take it back for your sanity that it"

"No I won't!! That brat deserved it!!!"

There was a low feral growl and before you know it Yuuri was on the ground with a deadly furious Wolfram on top of him screaming 'take it back you fucking idiot' and 'quick before its too late' on top of his lungs.

"Times up" Murata said pleased, "It's now official. My, my Shibuya I never new you liked Wolfram that much"

"Wha?" Yuuri asked stopping in his attempt on trying to get the blond off him, "What do you mean Murata"

"According to the law of their land you have just ask Wolfram here his hand in marriage, you just proposed to him Shibuya" Murata said, he fixed his glasses, "I guess you did find some one today but I didn't think you would have proposed to him"

Yuuri's face paled. No no no no this can not be happening!!! His normal life just made a turn for the worst.

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A/N: There you go the first chapter. I hope you liked it hehehe. I just hope I can keep the two of them together and make the engagement something that can't be called off, hmm I have an idea. Forget my blabbing but don't forget to review onegai.

Ja na
