Title: Quiet Time

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters you see here. That belongs to JK Rowling and other wonderful people that are not me.

Warning: Good, old gamer violence.

Characters/Pairing: practically invisible H/D

Summary: It happens to the best of us.

Author's Notes: Wow. Second one in two days! Rockin'! Maybe if I write enough of these I can put them all under one story instead of a ga-jillion to clog up cyberspace. Opinions? Most of them would be silly like this one. This one was inspired by a conversation I had at work today: nothing beats the N64.

Word Count: 262

Draco had been quiet ever since dinner.

Harry assumed that he was working on something in his study and decided not to bother him, but became curious as the night got later and later. To his surprise, when he entered the room it was completely devoid of its usual inhabitant.

Harry proceeded to search the kitchen, their bedroom, the dining room and the library with no success. In a last ditch effort, he walked towards the TV room where Harry kept all of his electronics as to not disturb the rest of the magically protected household. He heard something going on behind the door and investigated.

He stood in utter surprise as he watched the normally very sophisticated Malfoy heir sitting haphazardly on the floor staring very determinedly at the television screen, videogame controller in hand. Underneath the television, the little red light on their slightly aged N64 was glowing.

"Draco?" Harry inquired, not quite grasping what he was seeing.

"Get out of my way you bastard!" Draco screamed at the screen, leaning to and fro as he maneuvered the controls. "Oh, now you're in on it too are you? Take that you toad faced fucker!" Never having seen the other so impassioned, Harry felt a tingle of apprehension of the impending danger he was witnessing. He feared, specifically, for his television.

"Draco, I think it's time for bed."

"In a minute, Potter," Draco sneered off-handedly. "Right after I finish this-what the?! Oh now you're going to get it you little-!"

Harry made sure to shut the door on the way out.