FASH: This is my very special gift for Shin/Sena fans who were probably disappointed that, even though the PD poll ended in a tie, I went ahead and chose Agon anyways. And it's always fun to write some good ol' multi-chaptered fics for this pairing.

Disclaimer: Oh man, the things I would do if I owned it...




Sena stared up at the building ahead of him, vaguely wondering if laughing at the sight would make him look crazy.

He quickly decided that he didn't care too much and chuckled lightly to himself, ignoring everything and everyone but the academy before him.

He'd made it, he'd actually been able to make it into Oonishi High School, and now he was finally here.

He was so happy that he could, in fact, laugh or cry hysterically, or both at the same time. But for the sake of keeping up a slightly more sane appearance he resisted the urges and kept to his soft chuckling.

Oonishi Middle School and High School, founded by the late Oonishi Keigo, were originally for wealthy students, period. It had only been recently that the high school division started giving out scholarships for students with excellent grades. And Sena, although his family was the epitome of middle class, and who wasn't scholastically sharp, had been accepted anyways.


The high school's most recent development, sports scholarships.

How did someone as average as him manage to get here on athletic skill alone? Well, it was quite a story, if he did say so himself.

His best friend during middle school, after discovering that he'd spent his first year as an errand boy again, had pretty much forced him to join a club so that he'd make friends and gain some more upperclassmen who'd protect him, Sena really hadn't thought he'd excel at all. For too many years he'd felt useless, only good for being a gopher and not much else.

But the track and field team had changed that. Apparently all those years running errands had actually helped him, because a short time after he joined the team's captain had realized his potential and had given Sena a workout regime that would increase his speed and stamina.

During grade eight he'd driven himself to improve so much, too elated at the thought of being useful to worry that all of his training was isolating him from his peers outside of the track club.

Although Sena wasn't very good at hurdles, or really any of the other events besides sprinting (he could hardly lift a shot put ball with one hand, let alone throw it), by grade nine a fair number of his underclassmen on the team were worrying about how his graduation would affect their overall standing, and he'd been worrying about what high school he should try out for.

That's when someone from Oonishi High School had approached him, informing him that they'd seen Sena's running and were very interested in using his talents to make Oonishi an even more remarkable school.

How could he say no? Even if it was in the Kagawa Prefecture on Shikoku Island, a fair distance from his beloved Tokyo, he'd never get a chance to go to such an elite school again.

And so here he was, standing in front of the main building, dumbstruck.

It took him several minutes to collect himself and go inside, pausing in front of a map for a moment in order to orient himself before moving on.

He made his way to the Dorm Manager's office, happy to see that a giant line hadn't formed. He'd decided to wait a while before moving in to the dorms to miss the rush, and he was incredibly glad for his foresight.

He knocked on the door and slowly entered when a muffled voice told him to come in.

Sitting behind a desk inside was a middle aged man, looking much like he'd rather be anywhere but there at the moment.

"Name?" He asked lazily, idly twirling a pencil in his fingers.

"Kobayakawa Sena."

"Kobayakawa? K. K. Where are the K's?" He shuffled through the papers on his desk slowly, starting to speak again without looking up.

"First things first, our school's dormitories were built to be different from the norm." He looked up from his papers for a moment, as if to assure himself that Sena was listening, and after making sure he had the brunette's attention he looked back down at his papers, speaking in a lazy sort of drawl.

"Each different floor is divided into two living spaces for two groups of up to eight, because of something about making the dorms seem more like an actual home away from home." Here he sighed and muttered something about pampered students under his breath. "We have six sets of dorms, three for girls, three for boys, each on opposite ends of the main school buildings. They used to be divided by grade, but a couple years back someone mentioned the pros of inter-grade interactivity, so Kobayakawa," he drew out a single sheet of paper. "You're going to end up with some upperclassmen that will help fill you in on anything you might not understand."

"Ah, I see..." Why was he being given a history lesson about the dorms? Not that he wanted to be disrespectful or anything, but couldn't he just get his room number, key and leave?

The Dorm Manager seemed to understand his confusion and quickly added. "The school board is very proud of it, so they make me tell all the newcomers about it. The higher ups like flaunting their elite-ness."

Oh, well, that sort of made sense.

"Now then, you're in the third dorm building on the Eastern side of the campus, second floor... Section A." He rose an eyebrow for some reason before giving Sena a quick once over.

He was starting to get a bad feeling about this...

"Um... Do you have the key?" Sena slowly asked and the older man shrugged.

"I haven't had the time to go and make copies of all the dorm keys yet. Due to the recent sports scholarship program that the school started up we have more first years coming than third years going. I should be able to get you a new key before classes start up."

"But then... How am I supposed to get in?"


"... Oh..."

The man sighed. "If no one answers, you can just go in, those guys normally only lock their door at night. If by some strange chance it is locked, ask the security officer on the first floor to unlock it for you."

"Do they really not lock their door often? But isn't that dangerous? What if a... A serial killer or a thief managed to get in?"

"Even if an intruder with malicious intent managed to bypass security and get into Section A, I'd be more worried about him." Sena blinked sharply and paled, what kind of monsters was he going to be boarding with?!

"And if a thief managed to get in, well..." He scoffed. "You'll see why that isn't an issue when you see the place."

Apparently, because if these guys could take out a serial killer, a thief would certainly be no problem.

Sena made his way across campus to the male's dorm buildings, quickly finding the one with a large metal number three above the entrance to the foyer.

He entered the dormitory and turned right to the Section A stairs, climbing up to the second floor eagerly. He paused upon reaching the landing leading to the front door to re-adjust his bag, straighten out his clothing and make sure his hair wasn't too wild.

'Alright, this is it, you only get one shot at a good first impression.'

He knocked on the door and waited for a moment.

The door stayed shut.

'Maybe they're all out?' Sena looked at the doorknob nervously. 'The Dorm Manager did say that they normally locked the door only at night...' He reached out, gripped the handle and turned.

The door opened with a ghastly sounding squeak that made him wince.

'I'm going to have to fix that once I-' Sena stopped and stared, horrified at the sight in front of him. 'Oh my God...'

Now he knew why a thief wouldn't be a problem, this place was a complete mess! If someone came in here when it was dark without a fair amount of caution they'd be likely to trip over something and crack their skull open, and they'd probably never be able to find anything of value with so much junk lying around.

'How did it get this bad so fast? I'm sure that the school only started allowing new people to move into the dorms a week or so ago. And even if there are a bunch of people who haven't changed dorms since last year, this is a bit much.'

Sena took a cautious step inside.

"H-hello?" He called softly as he weaved through stacks of old newspapers, sports magazines, bags of trash that hadn't been thrown out yet and a myriad of other things that really shouldn't be laying around. The only completely clear spots in the hall were in front of the doors to the bedrooms.

'How can people live like this?'

Honestly, he knew that the majority of the people going to this school were probably rich kids who weren't used to doing housework, but how could anyone let themselves slip so far?

He paused as he reached the entrance to the living room, which was cleaner than the entrance and hallway, although there were still a lot of tripping hazards lying around, and moved on to the kitchen where he very nearly slipped on a mysterious substance that had fallen onto the tiled floor, and internally wept at the sight of dirty dishes piling up in the sink.

Well, dirty dishes and a bit of countertop clutter were probably normal in this situation, and the living room, although a bit extreme, could still be considered ordinary, but the hallway...

'Oh God, what if the rooms are just as messy as the hallway?' He felt a little faint at the thought, but didn't have the courage to open up any of the doors in the hall. He was worried, but intruding in someone's room was rude, and Sena did not want to offend people who could apparently take out a serial killer.

But at the same time...

'I... I just can't stay here if it's like this...' He set his backpack down on the cleanest available surface, the coffee table in the living room.

And so, with nothing better to do, he started cleaning up the dreadful hallway and entrance.

'They'd better have a good excuse for living like this, I don't care if I have to do the housework all the time, since I don't want to contract any mysterious diseases, but they had better have an excuse other than: I'm too lazy to clean.' He told himself after he had sorted out the recyclables and trash in the entry way and was in the process of kicking it to the curb.

Of course, it was easy to be angry at them when they weren't around, but Sena had the feeling his irritation would probably melt away upon meeting his dorm mates, probably to be replaced by fear. He had no friends in this school after all, he was quite alone for the first time since before he'd joined the track team.

He was just coming back from his fifth trip to the dumpster when he noticed something was off.

The door to the living quarters was open, and he had always closed it when he left the place.

He tiptoed up the rest of the stairs, listening intently for any voices.

"It can't be him, he's still training, and Marco went on a date with that third year girl he met while he was moving in yesterday."

"Well someone's been cleaning up while we were out. You don't suppose one of the guys hired someone to clean the place, do you?"

Sena reached the door and peeked inside, where two very tall teens were talking to each other.

'Are these the guys who could take out a serial killer? They're both really tall, around six feet, and they seem to have athletic builds...'

"I doubt anyone would bother, they've been here-" The one who had been talking, with dark hair and glasses, suddenly glanced at the doorway. "Ah, it looks as though we have a visitor, Sakuraba-kun."

"Huh?" The other boy turned to look and Sena immediately hid further behind the door frame.

"Are you the one that's been cleaning?" The one with glasses asked and Sena nodded tentatively, feeling a little less nervous when both of the older boys sent a reassuring smile his way.

"I'm Kobayakawa Sena, your new dorm mate."

"New? We have another one?" The fair haired boy asked in surprise, throwing a quick look over to the one with glasses.

"Eh? You weren't expecting me?"

"Don't worry, the Dorm Manager, you've probably met him, he's a bit... Laid back, he tends to do things, such as informing the individual Dorm Heads about various semi-important matters, at his own pace." The boy with glasses ran a hand through his hair with a sigh.

"Well, in any case, I'm Sakuraba Haruto, and this is our Dorm Head, Takami Ichiro."

These two seemed pretty nice, maybe he could ask them about the mess without fearing for his life after all.

"Um, if you don't mind my asking... How exactly did this place..." He swept his hand in a vague gesture to accentuate the hallway, which was much cleaner than before, almost normal looking, but the two boys in front of him got the point.

"Ah, I'm afraid that Sakuraba-kun, Shin-kun and I are completely responsible for this. The three of us were on this floor last year as well, and since we knew we wouldn't be moving to a new floor we put off our spring cleaning."

Sena blinked, a phantom of a memory suddenly washing over him for some reason, but he quickly shook it away. It was probably just about how much he had hated spring cleaning back when he was a kid.

"Even so, I'm surprised that you managed to let it get, uh..." He trailed off, unsure if continuing to bring up the topic of how bad it was would put him on his dorm mates' bad sides.

"Well, we practice a lot, even when it's not game season." Sakuraba explained, rubbing at the back of his neck in embarrassment. "When we came here after warming down, we'd usually just order take out, eat, then sleep."

Sena's eyes widened in alarm.

He had club activities, and he often practised way more than anyone expected him to, but he'd always find the time to do the household chores his mother assigned to him.

Either these guys trained like complete maniacs, even more than he did, or they were lazy.

Sena didn't know which one he'd prefer.

"In our defence we were cleaning out our rooms, so everything just sort of accumulated in this hallway." Takami made a gesture with his hand towards the floor.

"Ah, so you just had a little mess everywhere, but then you concentrated it in one place so that you could clean that one area and be done with it in one go?"

"Pretty much, we were going to do it tomorrow."

Sena sighed in relief. 'They're not slobs, they just don't have much time on their hands, and things tend to pile up before they can handle them.'

And the rooms would be clean! Thank goodness.

"I suppose that since you got the ball rolling we may as well tidy up the living room tonight though. We could finish de-cluttering the hall completely tomorrow." Takami said, looking thoughtful as he turned around.

"But what about the kitchen?" Sakuraba asked, trailing behind the older boy and biting his lip. "I don't like washing dishes, touching old, cold bits of food disturbs me."

"That job can be left for the others, since they're all out at the moment."

"Oh, I'd rather do it now than leave it for later, so you guys can take care of the living room while I start on the kitchen." Sena offered, eager to make himself useful.

Takami turned to look at him, gentle smile in place. "Sena-kun, some of the other first years may be particularly spoiled, if you keep cleaning up after them they're going to start expecting it of you." He patted Sena's shoulder lightly, glasses glinting in an almost eerie fashion. "No work and all play is what most of the students who go here are used to, it's best to keep up a small amount of discipline to keep them from becoming too rowdy and self important."

"O-okay, I'll leave the kitchen for everyone else."

"So, uh, where's the rest of your stuff?" Sakuraba broke in, glancing at Sena's bag briefly before gathering up various magazines and books that had been strewn about the area and placing them on a small bookshelf.

"My luggage should arrive tomorrow, I just brought along some stuff for today and tomorrow in my backpack."

"Do you think you'll need help unpacking?" The blonde asked as he and Takami sorted out the more personal items in the living room, occasionally asking the other if they knew what belonged to who.

"I should be fine, but thanks for the offer." Sena smiled as he watched them work, happy that, no matter what his other dorm mates might be like, he at least had two down to Earth upperclassmen.

The two older boys were about half finished with their cleaning when Sena was able to briefly meet Satake and Yamaoka, two first years like himself, before they quietly slipped into their room, cheeks pink and hiding a bag from a convenience store behind their backs.

Takami had mumbled something that had sounded suspiciously like "perverts" under his breath, but Sena wasn't close enough to be certain.

Once they were finished cleaning they sat down on the couch opposite to the chair Sena had perched himself on, basking in the cleanliness that surrounded them for a couple minutes before Takami cautiously moved into the kitchen to make some tea. Soon enough the trio were amicably chatting, sipping at their slightly too hot tea every so often.

As the friendly small talk veered towards the shock Sakuraba and Takami had felt upon finding their hallway quite different from how they'd left it that morning Sakuraba's eyebrows began to furrow and he slowly ventured to ask:

"Just out of curiosity, were you able to come in because someone left the door unlocked, or did the Dorm Manager give you a key?"

"I don't have one yet, actually. The Dorm Manager said he hadn't had time to make copies of the keys yet."

Takami and Sakuraba sighed in unison. "I thought so."

"Still, this is the first time since I've been here that all eight spots in this section are taken, and I've heard the other dorms are pretty full as well." Takami mused aloud. "Getting all those extra keys cut and sorted may take a while."

"It must be because our school started up that sports scholarship program. Now people who don't necessarily have enough money or book-smarts to get in can be accepted as long as they're good at a sport of some sort."

Sena silently pursed his lips, unsure if he should say anything about this particular topic.

Not too long after that Sena was able to meet another one of his dorm mates, although 'meet' was perhaps a bit of a stretch.

Gaou was a rather terrifying individual, so tall and muscular that at first Sena hadn't believed that he was a first year like him. Takami had tried to introduce him, but Gaou had cast him a glance, sizing him up and apparently, although Sena could be misunderstanding something, deeming him not worthy enough to stick around for.

He retreated to his room, and although Sena felt somewhat insulted at the lack of greeting when he himself had conquered his alarm fast enough to stutter out a 'hello' to the other boy, he wasn't going to get cross with someone who could probably snap him in half.

Sure he was pretty confident in himself now, but Gaou was, well, himself, and he was also one of Sena's dorm mates. Fighting was not allowed.

Marco had come in not long after Gaou, practically radiating happiness. He'd politely greeted Sena and had smiled quite charmingly when Sakuraba asked him how his date had gone, reminiscing. He left after taking several minutes to explain the details of his perfect date by excusing himself to his room to finish unpacking. He at least seemed like a fairly social individual, unlike his frightening roommate.

"Would you like us to show you to your room? It's not like you'll be intruding or anything, and Shin-kun sometimes takes a while to come back after he's gone for his evening jog."

"Oh, I'd rather wait to meet Shin-san out here." Sena paused momentarily, the phantom of a memory creeping back, just out of his reach. "I... I feel like it would be rude if I went in before he came back, in case there's anything he doesn't want me to see. I was unexpected, after all."

Takami smiled. "My, you were brought up very well weren't you? Etiquette is one thing in a school such as this, but manners such as yours are quite refreshing. Which middle school did you go to?"

"Oh, uh, just a normal public one." Sena responded vaguely.

"Really? Did your parents rightfully think that having you attend a public school would allow you to remain sensible? What do your parents do?" Takami leaned forward slightly, eyes bright with curiosity.

Sena squirmed a little but was thankfully saved from having to answer when the door opened and closed with an ominous squeak.

He was really going to have to fix that before it gave him nightmares.

"Ah, and the last dorm mate finally arrives. He'll be the one sharing a room with you. He seems pretty scary, but he's really a nice guy."

Somehow Sena wasn't reassured.

'Well, he can't be scarier than Gaou-kun, right?'

"And here he is." Takami gestured to the dark haired boy who had just entered the living room.

"Sena, this is-"

"Shin-san." Sena interrupted, eyes wide. "He's Shin Seijuro-san."