Amber and Emerald: Killer and Prey

Chapter One


Hi! :D This is my new CardCaptor Sakura fan fiction. It is my 9th...please read my other ones if you get the time. ^^ This fic is more serious than my others. But there will be humour in it, because if it was too dark, I wouldn't even like it anymore. ^^ Also, the way I do things will be different, as well...but that really doesn't matter, heheh. What I mean is doing the line instead of two dashes...whatever. X3 I've wanted to do this story for a while now, but I wanted to finish one of my other fan fictions before I started anymore, it is! :D I'm also a beta-reader, just thought I'd let you know... Oh yeah! And the name might change...(no matter how hard I worked to think one upX3) I really hope you like it! Please review!


Syaoran pushed his chocolate hair behind his ear impatiently. He was leaning up against a white pillar in Mimasaka Ayumu's mansion. He heard a shrill cry come from upstairs, and sighed. There was a loud bang and he heard something crash, followed by footsteps rushing down the hallway.

"It's been an hour already," Syaoran grumbled to himself. "He always takes way too long, and makes too much noise."

He looked over at the stairs, and saw the girl race down them, terror etched on her face. There was blood spattered on her clothes and a wound on her arm. Her girly yellow dress was dirty, even more so when she tumbled down the rest of the stairs, screaming.

Syaoran sighed again. "Too much noise," he repeated.

The girl ran over to him, rivers of tears lining her face. She had long black hair and light brown eyes, their pupils tiny with fear. She grasped Syaoran's arms. "Please! Please help me! That-that man is crazy!"

Syaoran looked down at her emotionlessly. The look on her face amused him.

"Scary? Ayumu-chan?" He let out a brief laugh. "I think not."

"But…but he…!" She broke down in his arms.

Tch, he thought. How annoying.

Ayumu came down the stairs, his dark hair brushed back with strands falling into his face. He was smiling charmingly as he sauntered down the stairs in his fluffy white robe, which had spots of blood on it.

"Oh, Syao-kun," he said dramatically. "Must you always steal my prey?"

Syaoran smiled back. "I can't help it if I'm prettier than you, Ayu-chan."

Ayumu chuckled. "How long?"

"An hour." Syaoran's voice was annoyed. The girl in his arms was frozen, sane realization hitting her like a rock.

"Ah, sorry, Syao-kun." Ayumu noticed the girl stiffen, and he laughed. "Oh, sweetheart, don't be afraid. You might not feel any pain, but no promises."

Syaoran sighed. "Must you always tell them that?"

Ayumu blinked innocently. "What? We take their heads first. They're already dead after the first blow. That must mean no pain, right?"

Syaoran shrugged. The girl pushed him away and screamed loudly. Ayumu, having reached the last step, walked swiftly over to her and slapped her.

"Shut up!"

The girl fell to the ground. Syaoran bent down and sighed yet again. "Ayu-chan, you always go to far. There, see? She's unconscious now."

Ayumu blushed and muttered an apology. Syaoran rolled his eyes and threw the girl's limp body over his shoulder. He opened the sliding screen door and stepped out onto the patio, followed closely by Ayumu.

"And by the way," Syaoran said as he advanced onto the grass. "It's not 'we' that kills." He stuck his tongue out playfully. "It's you."

Ayumu grinned. "Yeah, but you like to watch!"

Syaoran smiled back. "Yeah, so? I'm just delivery boy."

The older man snickered. "Whatever. I'll go chop her up now, I guess, now that she's unconscious."

Syaoran nodded. "Okay. I'll start the fire. Oh, and Ayumu-chan?" Ayumu looked back questioningly. "Don't take too long." He grinned and gave Syaoran a thumbs-up before walking into the forest.

Syaoran didn't wait long after starting the fire. He trekked into the woods and spotted Ayumu easily. His axe was a typical one, wooden handle and steel blade, perhaps a bit larger than an everyday chopper. It was stained red after all of Ayumu's years of using it. Syaoran had only met him one year ago when his car stalled in front of the mansion, and he had received help from Ayumu. Somehow, Syaoran had become his partner in crime. The memories were foggy, probably because of the drinks the two had shared. A possible threat from the murderer, and bam! Syaoran was an apprentice killer.

The girl's legs and right arm were lying in the grass. Syaoran raised an eyebrow. "I thought you told her you'd take her head off first."

Ayumu glared at him, sending shivers down his spine. "She bit me. Her head comes last, now."

Syaoran gulped. Perhaps this was the Ayumu that coaxed him into killing. But now, it had become a part of his lifestyle, a sport that he was paid beautifully for playing. Since Ayumu was a bit of big shot with money to spare, Syaoran lived off of the murders he took part in.

Syaoran noticed the girl was still clinging to consciousness. She reached out to Syaoran. "Help…me…" she whispered, almost inaudibly. Syaoran watched on with cold eyes as Ayumu swung down to silence her forever, splattering him with blood.

When Ayumu had finished, they hauled the girl's pieces back to the yard and threw them into the fire. Syaoran didn't say anything, fearing that if he did, he'd be the next one to have his pieces thrown into a fire.

The next morning, after taking a shower, Syaoran went downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee. When he reached the kitchen, he found that his friend had beaten him to it.

Syaoran was wary at first, but Ayumu was smiling normally again, and he relaxed after sipping his coffee.

"Syaoran-kun, I need you to do something for me," Ayumu said. Syaoran cocked an eyebrow and took another gulp of coffee. "It's basically the usual, but…" he trailed off, looking away.

Syaoran frowned. "But?"

Ayumu smiled pleadingly. "Well, see…I'm going to Hokkaido next week."


"So…we're in Kagoshima now."

"Stop beating around the bush, Ayumu-kun."

Ayumu set his coffee down and clapped his hands together. "Please, please! Pick one exceptional girl from any town you'd like, and bring her to me in Hokkaido! And, uh, you have to drive."

Syaoran spat his coffee out in Ayumu's face. "What? You want me to drive from Kagoshima to Hokkaido."

"Please! Oh, I beg you, Syao-kun! I'll pay five times what I normally do and give you an ultra new corvette for you to drive around in!" he pleaded, his face twitching because of the coffee.

Syaoran sighed and put his head in his hands. He looked up at Ayumu. "Fine."

Ayumu beamed. He jumped up and hugged him, yelling, "Yay, yay!"

Syaoran rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling.

It had been two days since Ayumu left for Hokkaido. Syaoran still hadn't found a girl yet. He was cruising around, watching every girl he saw intently, and they all bored him. He parked the black corvette Ayumu had given him at the side of the road, stopping in front of a convenience store. As he put on his designer sunglasses, he thought, If this were a convenience store, they'd conveniently have a bunch of cute girls in stock…

Syaoran stepped out and locked the corvette. He went around the front of the car, glancing around for any girls. He pulled open the door to the store, 'Akiha Variety', and walked in. A bell went off when he opened the door, and the man at the desk greeted him.

He bought a bunch of candy. The man at the counter, whose nametag read 'Ren', eyed him weirdly. Syaoran countered it with a glare. He had a sweet tooth, so what? It's not like he was fat. Girls swooned over him. Always have, always will.

He threw the bag of candy in the back seat, and started the car. As he was pulling away from the curb, he noticed a girl walking along the sidewalk in his peripheral vision. He whipped around, taking his sunglasses off.

She wasn't too skinny, and not too fat. She was wearing a purple t-shirt with a black vest, black knee-shorts and purple flats outlined in white. She had short, light brown hair that bobbed playfully when she walked. She had a cute face, but what caught Syaoran's eye were her beautiful emerald green eyes that sparkled and dazzled him. He once again got out of his car, and walked over to the girl. He grabbed her wrist.

"Hey, creep! What're you…" She turned around and faced Syaoran. He was glaring at her full blast, and she immediately stopped struggling, knowing it was useless to fight back. "…Doing."

"What's your name?" Syaoran asked, looking her over a second time.

She gulped. "Ki…Kinomoto Sakura. What's yours…?"

He smiled at her, and she blushed, her eyes widening. He loved those eyes. It will be a shame when we kill you…

"Please, Kinomoto-chan. Here's my car. Get in." At first, his voice was nothing but gentleman. But with the last two words, he added a scary undertone that showed Sakura he was dead serious.

She bit her lip and nodded meekly. Syaoran, still smiling, opened the back door for her, and she climbed in nervously. Syaoran walked around to the other side and opened the door for himself. He looked at Sakura in the mirror as he started driving.

"You, my dear," he told her. "Have just been kidnapped."

I'm sorry. ^^" This was kind of a short chapter... But it's just an introduction to the story, I guess, to see if people like it. If you did like...then review! Mwahaha! (Yeah, I'm crazy for reviews. ^^ I hope I get a good response to this story. :) And wow! You have no idea how hard it was to come up with a NAME for it! XD I was here for like an hour trying to figure one it! LOL! Please review! Since I have other fics on the go, if you don't review, it won't be updated for like a least...everytime...Rahaha! Yes! That was a threat! :D Heheh. Oh yeah, and the beginning where they kill the girl? ^^" Sorry if that might have been a little TOO gruesome, but that will probably be the most gruesome thing in this story, just so you know. ^^