And so another story begins. Yikes. My imagination is way to overactive for my own good. This is short, I know, but it's only the prologue, I kind of just wanted to get a feel for how this is going to be received, because it's going to be a little different than my other stories. For one, I'm actually going to try to give other people an actual story. Big step for me right there. Also, I don't know if it's noticeable, but I tweaked my writing voice just a tad to reflect Terry Pratchett because he's my hero and I wish I could write like that. It's more prominent in the next chapter.

But anyways, go read the shortness, and hopefully you have time to tell me what you think.

I own the idea. If I owned Grey's Anatomy there would be no need for me to have such an idea.

It's quiet on the set of Grey's Anatomy. The cast and crew have all gone home and everything is locked up.

It's quiet of the set of Private Practice for similar reasons.

Incidentally, it's also quiet on the set of Bones and House for identical reasons, but no one gives any thought to this because they are on a completely different network.

The casts and crews have gone home and the cameras have stopped rolling. That doesn't mean the characters have stopped being.

It's one of the secrets of good storytelling. It's one of the secrets of good television too. You have to believe, or at least someone has to believe, in what you're telling. In stories, this belief gets you listeners. In television it gets you ratings.

The trouble with all this believing is that eventually the story will have no choice but to be real. Maybe only to a forty year old man still living in his mother's basement, but it will be real. And if it's real, then it must exist. That's just common sense. Maybe it doesn't exist so anybody notices it, but it will exist. There is a universe in our great multiverse dedicated to what can never exist in our own.

Only a few people know this though. It's one of those things that is simply Not Talked About. It confuses people so it's kept quiet.

Well, that's just too bad, because I'm talking.

So press the little button right below here, if only to tell me that you think my writing sucks and you have no idea what's going on.
