Disclaimer: I don't own any part of The Nanny…yet.

A/N: Here they are…the final ten chapters of my 100 chapter response to the 100 Word Challenge. Let me know what you think. And thanks for all the wonderful review/comments so far! – D

100 Word Challenge

Chapter 91


They had been in California nearly three months when CC walked in to Jonah and Eve's room to find her husband sound asleep with two infants cradled in his arms. "Niles…" CC whispered softly so not to wake the babies. "Niles, honey. You need to wake up…we have a doctor's appointment."

"MMmm? Oh, CC…I'm sorry, I was trying to put the babies down for a nap and I guess I fell asleep." CC lifted Eve from his arms and put her gently into her crib and Niles did the same with her older brother.

CC looked down at the twins. "Niles…I can see the doctor alone this time…you're exhausted." CC stroked his face.

"There's no way I'm missing this appointment, Babs. Don't think for a second that I don't know today is your ultrasound." Niles kissed her. "I want to see my baby."

CC couldn't help be smiled at him. "Ok, then, Butler Boy, let's go."

Chapter 92


"Well, CC…" Dr. Smith began. "Everything looks great. You're weight is good, you're blood pressure is under control. How are you feeling?"

CC smiled. "I've never felt better."

"Ok, then. Let's get a look at this kid, shall we?" Dr. Smith glopped on the gel and started moving the sensor slowly over CC's exposed belly. "Well, what do we have here?"

"What?" Niles asked. "It doesn't have a tail does it?"

"Niles!" CC snapped. "There isn't anything wrong is there, Dr. Smith?"

Dr. Smith knew Niles and CC well enough to have a fair understanding of their relationship. "Everythings fine, they look great."

"See Dust Mop, they look fine." CC glared at Niles who's eyes were already growing to the size of saucers. "Wait a minute!" CC's head snapped to look again at the doctor. "Did you say 'they' look great?"

Dr. Smith nodded. "It's not unusual, CC. Woman over 40 have a 30% greater chance of multiple birth." The doctor couldn't help but chuckle at the shocked expression they both wore.

"While the two of you let this news sink in, I'll take a few measurements and then we can decide if you want to know the gender of your babies." Dr. Smith made certain to hit 'babies' a little firmly just to enhance their shock.

When Niles and CC returned to the mansion Fran greeted them at the door. "What's with the goofy looks?"

Chapter 93


Niles woke up to an odd sound coming from the woman next to him. He turned to look at his sleeping wife and frowned at the sound again. "CC?" Niles waited…there it was again. "CC, Love…wake up…you're giggling and it's freaking me out."

"I'm not asleep, Honey. Here." CC took his hand and placed it low on her now bulging belly. This time the odd sound came from Niles. "Now you're giggling, Butler Boy." CC looked at him. "Niles? Are you alright?"

Niles couldn't hide the tear that slipped down his cheek. "Thank you, CC." Niles rested his head lightly on her belly and she stroked his hair.

"For what you silly servant." CC asked him.

Niles softly rubbed her belly. "For giving me a dream."

Chapter 94


They sat on the blanket looking out at the water. "Niles…are you…happy here?" CC lay with her head in his lap.

"Do you mean here on the beach or here in California?" Niles asked lightly.

CC sat up and looked at him. "I'm serious, Niles. I just can't help feeling that something isn't right."

"Do you feel alright? It's not the babies is it?" Niles love and concern showed in his eyes.

CC shook her head. "I guess it's probably just everything...getting married, moving, being pregnant, not to mention my husband's insatiable appetite for…"

"The love of his life? I'm just making up for lost time, Love." Niles smiled softly and then his smile faded. "What's wrong?"

"I just keep thinking I'm going to wake up and I'll be sitting alone in the corner of some deplorable room wondering what might have been." CC could feel her tears starting. "I'm sorry, Niles…"

Niles wrapped his arms around her. "Shhh…it's not your fault, Love. I never should've said those things. I'd have never let anything happen to you. I'd have searched the world over to find you and make you happy, even if that meant not being with me."

CC looked into his eyes. "I don't deserve you, Niles." Niles raised an eyebrow knowing there would be more. "But if you ever tell anyone…I'll deny it flatly."

They smiled and Niles kissed her softly. "I wouldn't expect any less, Love."

Chapter 95


"Niles! Come back here, please!" CC waddled after him as he blew into the kitchen from their small house in the back yard.

Niles stopped and turned on a dime. "No! You had no right! Why would you do that and not even tell me!"

"It was supposed to be a surprise!" CC tried to explain. "Please…can't we just talk about it?"

"Why? You've done it…there's nothing more to discuss!" Niles nearly ran into Fran as they both tried to use the kitchen door.

"Hey!" Fran spoke loudly. "I'm tryin' to get the kids down, what's all the yellin'?"

Niles turned with fury in his eyes. "Ask her!"

"You're such a miserable, stubborn old servant!" CC barked more harshly than she'd intended.

Niles shook his head. "That's it isn't it…you still can't handle it. Well it's a little late now, would you say?" Niles turned and stormed out of the kitchen.

CC stood and tried desperately not to lose it. She failed. Her tears flowed instantly and Fran grabbed her into a warm hug. "Okay, you tell me everything and then well go kill him together."

"Oh, Fran…I screwed it up good this time." CC sniffled and sat at the kitchen table with Fran.

Fran gave CC a bottle of water and a box of tissues. "First of all, CC, you are about to celebrate your...ff...birthday, six months pregnant with twins. You are incapable of screwing anything up. Trust me…it's his fault." Fran smiled and dropped the pint of Ben and Jerry's between them. "Now…tell me what Niles' is makin' such a big deal about?"

"Do you remember when he inherited that title and estate, but it was tied up in law suits and bankruptcy?" Fran nodded as she spooned the ice cream into her mouth. "I…I took care of it for him."

"Heh?" Fran wasn't sure of exactly what CC meant. "I don't get it?"

"I cleared up the law suits, paid off the debts, and even started restoration on the family estate." It was supposed to be s surprise, but he received his entitlement papers in the mail and asked me what I knew about it." CC took a bite if ice cream.

Fran looked at her like she was crazy. "And you told him?"

"Fran…I love Niles, more than anything. I'm not going to lie to him…he's my husband." CC stated as a simple point of fact.

Fran shook her head. "We've got to talk about the finer points of marriage, CC. But for now, we need to fix this with Niles." Fran took another spoonful into her mouth. "Why's he so upset? I thought he wanted to be rich and have a title and all." CC didn't see Niles return to the kitchen, but Fran did.

"He thinks I'm ashamed of him. He thinks that I only did it so he wouldn't have to be a butler anymore." CC could feel the tears forming again.

"Are you ashamed of him?" Fran asked softly.

CC laughed lightly. "I've never been ashamed of him. I was ashamed of me. He's always been a better man than I deserve."

Fran asked the all important question, more for Niles than herself. "Why did you do it?"

CC couldn't contain her tears, six months pregnant and full of hormones didn't help. "I love him, Fran, more than anything or anyone. I love Niles more than I ever knew I was capable of loving. He gave me a life I only ever dreamed about, and never thought would ever be possible. What do I have to give him? He deserves so much more than a cold hearted bitch on wheels. I don't need the money or want it for that matter…if I could use it to give him something he seemed to want so much…why is that wrong?"

Fran stood from the table and looked from CC up to Niles. "I can't think of anything."

Chapter 96


Niles looked desperately sorry as Fran passed him and left the kitchen. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He spoke barely above a whisper as he knelt in front of his wife.

"I just wanted to surprise you…for Valentine's Day. I don't think we'll be pulling off anything extravagantly romantic with me being the size of a small airplane." CC sniffled a bit.

Niles whipped out his hanky and dried her tears. "I'm so sorry, Love. I overreacted, terribly. I should've known you didn't mean to upset me."

"I…I just wanted you to have everything you've ever wanted." CC chewed at her bottom lip.

Niles stroked her cheek with his thumb. "You're all I've ever wanted." Niles smiled. "You and the two little servants' spawn in here." Niles rested his hand softly on her belly.

"Hey…" CC started. "That's the future Lord and Lady Brightmore you're referring to." CC looked at Niles with all the love in the world pouring from her eyes.

"I love you, Countess Brightmore." Niles kissed her warmly.

"And I you, my Lord."

Chapter 97


"I won fair and square, Miss Grace. You have to watch the twins tonight. I want to take my wife out for dinner." Niles grinned.

Grace shook her head. "I still think you cheated."

"Gracie…" Niles tilted his head and made that pouty face. "How could I cheat at hoops?"

The young girl shook her head. "I don't know myself, Niles. But I'm sure if anyone could find a way…it would be you." The girl hugged him. "You and Aunt CC go and have a nice dinner. I'll watch the twins for Mom and Daddy."

"Thank you, Miss Grace. Remember, not a word." Niles grinned at her.

Chapter 98


"Are you ready to go, Love?" Niles asked CC after he paid their dinner bill.

CC nodded. "Just let me hit the restroom first and I'm all yours."

Niles stood and helped her up out of the chair. "It won't be long now, Love, only three more weeks." Niles kissed her cheek and watched her waddle away.

It hadn't been five minutes when a woman came rushing into the dining room. "Is there a Niles in here?"

Niles leapt from his chair. "I'm Niles!"

"Your wife's in labor!" The woman announced to the room.

Niles followed her to the ladies room. "CC!" Niles burst through the door not caring about decorum. "Are you alright?"

"No, Niles…something's wrong…I can feel…call an ambulance…hurry." CC begged before she fainted.

Dr. Smith had been alerted as had the staff in the maternity ward, for their impending arrival. Niles called the house while he waited for the ambulance. Niles refused to let go of CC's hand when they lifted her into the back of the ambulance. "Sir, you have to let go." The emergency worker spoke softly.

"Now you listen to me. The three most important people in the world to me are on that stretcher; I'm not about to leave them alone." Niles was firm but controlled.

"It's alright, he's an EMT." CC whispered to the man as they all got on the ambulance.

Niles face showed his concern. "I'm right here, Love."

"Niles…please…tell me everything will be alright?" CC looked at him with fear and trust in her eyes.

"We've gone through too much and come too far for anything to happen now, Love. You'll see. You just rest…you've got a lot of work ahead of you." Niles leaned in and kissed her already sweaty brow.

Niles could hear what the EMT was reporting in the radio to the hospital. CC's blood pressure was very high and her heart was racing. Her water broke at the restaurant and her contractions were coming at about eight minutes apart. "How bad is her pressure?" Niles asked the attendant.

"It's 160 over 101." The man answered.

Niles eyes betrayed him. "That's not good. I have an idea." Niles leaned down and the attendant could hear him singing something and watched as his hand made little circles on his wife's bulging belly.

CC hummed softly. "I love it when you sing to me." She whispered softly.

Niles looked at the man. "Try it again." The man did as instructed.

"It's coming down a bit and her pulse is slowing." The man smiled as they pulled into the emergency entrance.

Niles held CC's hand all the way through the hospital until they got to maternity, where he saw a friendly face. "Rosemary…?" Niles tried to smile.

"Mr. Brightmore…you have to wait here until we get your wife settled." Niles looked at Rosemary and she nodded.

"I asked the nurses in maternity to call the minute CC Brightmore called that she was coming in. How are you holding up?" Rosemary walked with Niles to get him a set of scrubs.

Niles sighed and took the scrubs. "Her blood pressure was through the roof, but I think it's coming down. We had just finished dinner and she went into the ladies room. Her water broke and the contractions just came on like mad. She's terrified…she thinks there's something wrong."

"You go change, and I'll check on CC." Rosemary smiled at him. Entering the room where they took CC, Rosemary spoke with the head nurse. "Sandy, how are CC and the twins?"

"CC's blood pressure is still elevated and the twins are in slight distress…Dr. Smith just left to prep for an emergency C-section." Sandy gave it to her straight.

Rosemary saw that CC was waking up. "Hey you." She went to her side. "How do you feel?"

"Where's Niles, Rosemary?" CC's eyes darted around the room looking for him.

"I'm right here, Love." Niles was at her side in moments. "You're getting out of labor after all, Babs, Dr. Smith decided to do a C-section."

"No pushing?" CC asked lightly.

Niles did his best to hide his concern. "Nope, no pushing, and no pain…well…not until after anyway."

"We're ready to take her in, Mr. Brightmore." Sandy spoke gently.

"Ok, Love. I'll see you when I can. You behave in there." Niles leaned in and kissed her as deeply as he dared, still trying not to fall apart.

A drowsy CC smiled at him. "Hey, Butler Boy, don't get all sappy on me now."

"I love you." Niles whispered.

CC smiled as they started rolling her out. "I love you, too." The door had barely closed before Niles practically collapsed into the chair just behind him.

"Dr. Smith is the best OB at this hospital, Niles. CC will be fine." Rosemary offered as little consolation.

Sandy nearly burst back into the room. "We need Dad, now!"

Niles leapt from his chair and followed Sandy down the hall to the operation room. "What's wrong?" Niles panicked as they made their way into the room.

"She won't let them touch her without you in the room. She said you're a licensed EMT and you should be allowed to watch the birth of your children." Sandy explained. "I thought the anesthesiologist was going to cry."

Niles couldn't help but smile. "That's my CC."

Niles was seated next to CC's head. "Now what's this I hear about you giving your doctors a hard time."

"Oh thank God, Niles…I was so scared you'd miss it." CC apparently still had no idea of the issues she and their babies faced.

"Alrlight, now that we're all here, I'd to get this done…I have a dinner date in an hour." Dr. Smith could definitely hold his own with Niles and CC.

Niles looked at Sandy and glanced back and Rosemary who had joined the pediatrician in wait for the arrival of the first little Brightmore. Since CC's pressure had stabilized, the concern now was just getting the babies out. Dr. Smith worked like a man on a mission and Niles' and CC's son came quietly into the world only a few short minutes after Niles took his place next to CC. "Here's your son." Dr. Smith held him up for CC to see over the steril drape.

"Is he alright, he's not crying…" CC asked. "Niles?"

"Shhh, don't worry, Love. Rosemary's with him." Niles whispered to comfort her hiding his own worry.

Rosemary came up behind Niles. "He's just fine, kids, APGAR of 8/9. He's a big boy with his father's reddish hair and blue eyes. I even think he's got that same boyish grin."

That was when the quiet was broken by the screaming of Niles' and CC's daughter. "Well, she's got a set of lungs on her." Niles leaned down and kissed CC. "Just like Mommy."

"Stow it, Merry Maid." CC grinned.

"You did well, Love." Niles smiled down at her. Rosemary and Sandy brought the swaddled babies to their parents.

"She's the spitting image of her mommy, wispy light blonde hair and pale blue eyes." Niles eyes conveyed his question. "Her APGAR was 8/9 as well. They're fine…I promise you." Rosemary and Sandy, after allowing CC to drop a kiss on the forehead of each of her children, handed them to their father. "So, do these little ones have names yet, Niles?"

"Oh, yes. CC and I have named our son here after her grandfather and my father, Daniel Joseph. And the little princess, will be named after CC's nana and my mother, Lauren Marie." Niles beamed at his children.

Chapter 99


After the ordeal in the hospital and a fast two weeks of home recovery CC sat in the living room of their small house. "Niles…"

"Yes, Love?" He answered from the kitchen.

CC sighed and Niles knew that it wasn't just a simple request she was pondering. "Could we…" She let her voice trail.

Niles was at her side in a moment. "What is it, CC…you've been in an odd mood all day."

"I just…if only we…" The hormones were still flowing through the normally stoic CC Brightmore's veins.

"No regrets, remember…we promised never to look back again." Niles kissed her lightly.

"It's not that, well it is…but there's something else." CC looked away. "Do you remember that afternoon out on the beach? When I asked if you where happy here?" Niles nodded knowing there was more and not wanting to interrupt. "I'm…I'm not." Niles was a little taken back. "Oh you silly old man, I don't mean you. I mean here."

"I thought you liked living close to Max and Fran." Niles frowned wondering exactly what she did mean.

"I want to go home, Niles. Can we go home?" CC was near tears and it broke Niles' heart.

"CC, Love." He pulled her into his arms. "We can go where ever you want."

"I didn't think you wanted to raise the children in New York." Niles offered seeing she'd calmed down a little.

"Not New York, Niles." CC stroked his cheek with her thumb. "I want to go to your home. I want to go to England. My happiest childhood moments are of the time I spend in England with Nana and Grandpa. Your parents are there and we've never even seen the Manor house you inherited. And I haven't seen Nana and Grandpa's flat since my last visit for Grandpa's funeral. She wanted me to have it, I should at least see it." CC suddenly looked very sad and Niles couldn't refuse her. He'd already hired a new staff for Max and Fran so he wouldn't really be missed.

"I'll call my parents and let them know to expect us." He smiled at her. "But we'll have to check with your doctor and the twin's doctor first to make sure it's alright to travel. We can stay at the manor house. Mom and Dad should have it all decorated and staffed by now. It'll be a lovely vacation."

"I don't mean a vacation, Niles." CC looked at him lovingly. "I want to move to the manor house and raise the twins there. I want them to know and love your parents like I loved Nana and Grandpa. I want them to be able to run and play and go horseback riding and swim in the pond where their father swam. I don't want them to grow up like I did. I want them to grow up like you did. Cherished and loved by two parents who loved each other above all else."

Niles was near tears. He just didn't think the woman could possible surprise him after all the years he'd known her. He'd always wanted to return home, even gave it serious thought a few times. But there was this little witch… And now, there she was…that same little witch, sitting calm, cool, and collected asking, no, closer to begging him to move back to his family home to raise their children. Children he'd almost given up on ever having. "But, what about…Sheffield-Babcock productions?"

CC smiled at him. "I've already spoken to Max. Actually, he brought it up. The pilot was picked up, but the ratings weren't high, he doesn't imagine it'll go more than one season. He never liked being the second best producer on Broadway either, so he and Fran had been talking about going to England and being the best producer at the West End. I didn't remind him the Webber works there too, on occasion. I think he misses it. We practically brought it up at the same time."

"I love you, Babcock." Niles kissed her.

"I love you too, Brightmore." CC winked.

Chapter 100


CC hired a private jet to fly them back to England. She thought it would be easier on the twins and their parents. The flight was uneventful and the babies easily took to air travel. Niles' folks met them at the air port.

"Niles, Lad." Joseph Brightmore, CC imagined, looked much like Niles would in another twenty five years; still handsome, but with silver hair, piercing blue eyes and impish grin. "So this is the vixen that finally captured you, eh?" Apparently the sharp tongue was also a gift from his father.

"Joseph, control in your tongue or I'll control it in for you." Marie Brightmore was equally at sharp tongued. She too sported near white hair and lighter blue eyes.

Joseph raised the tell tale eyebrow. "Wouldn't you just love that?"

"You wish!" Marie barked as she took her son in a warm embrace.

"Hello Maman. I've missed you." Niles offered.

Marie smacked him lightly on the arm. "Not enough to bring your wife home to meet us before you were married with children." Marie turned and winked at CC. "Come along, dear. I'll show you how to keep him under control."

"My guess is…" Joseph leaned into Niles. "She's already well aware of just how to keep you under control." Niles practically blushed. "Now…let me see my grandbabies."

They arrived at the manor house and put the children down for a much needed rest. "Maman, I'd like to take CC for a walk. Can you listen for the twin's please?"

"Go on, Son. I'll take care of the babies." Marie smiled at her son.

Niles led CC out of the house and down off the back patio into the gardens. "These are the original gardens. It took some doing, but Maman said the landscapers you contracted did an amazing job at restoring it. They even researched to find out what kind of plants had been here originally."

"It's beautiful Niles, but why do I think there is a point to this walk?" CC asked as she took his arm.

Niles blushed a bit. "You know me to well, Love." Niles sighed. You remember I told you that I hdd only seen the Manor once, about a year after you started working for Max?" CC nodded that she did indeed remember. "Well, I wanted to show you something that had long since been overgrown and was only discovered because the landscapers were going to remove it. They asked Maman and she insisted they leave it alone."

CC's curiosity was peaked. "Alright, Niles. What is it?"

"Here." Niles took CC into a small grove of trees. One tree seemed most out of place. It was split down the main trunk to just short of six feet up from the ground.

"Niles, what happened to it?" CC asked as they approached it.

Niles held her hand. "It was struck by lightning…twice. The first time was a few days before my…heart attack. The second time was just before Christmas the year you, Max and Grace went to Boston."

"Wow! And it's survived that?" CC smiled brightly at her husband.

Niles nodded. "Maman said it was fate…"

"Why fate?" CC asked as Niles pulled her around to the opposite side of the tree. CC gasped softly when she saw the tree and believed she understood. Tears formed in her eyes and Niles wrapped his arms around her narrowing waist. "Oh, Niles."

The split in that tree stopped a few short inches above where Niles, some fifteen years before had lovingly carved their initials: 'NAB ~n~ CCB'. The tree that was twice struck by lightning, as their lives had been. That tree still survived as did their love. That tree survived through hard winters, and dry summers fighting to continue to grow and flourish. That it did, despite the hardships, despite the lightning strikes that tree split, but stopped just short of a declaration of love…a bond that through everything, remained like the tree…unbreakable.