Thassarian stood in Daggercap Bay, the chilled air sending a shiver down his spine. Camp was set up, and all of the other soldiers scampered around, trying to keep out the cold. In front of him, Arthas stood, watching the water with emotionless eyes. As the most senior soldier, Thassarian had become an advisor and bodyguard of sorts to the young prince.

"My Prince, are you alright?" He asked carefully.

"Tell the soldiers to get some sleep. We will move inland soon, and hunt Mal'Ganis down."

"Of course, my prince." Thassarian bowed, and quietly stepped back to camp. To him, the prince was disturbed. But by what, he could not tell.


Traveling with Kael'thas, Illidan and Vashj was an interesting experience for everyone. For Koltira, it was even more so. He and his sister, Shiwdy had been there when their home had been destroyed, and they had followed Kael'thas, having nowhere else to go.

I think, I would rather be in my destroyed home than fleeing from everyone. Koltira thought quietly. He never fled from anything unless we was forced.

Shiwdy looked over at him, her gentle blue eyes filled with sadness. Their magic addiction was not as strong as the others, keeping their eyes blue instead of a fel green. Reaching her pale hand out, she smiled slightly as Koltira touched his fingertips to hers, and they exchanged magic before drawing away.

"Come! Ilidan wishes to move inland."

Standing, Koltira and Shiwdy followed their brethren.


Mal'Ganis fell, defeated. Everyone stood in stunned silence, all bearing injuries, as Arthas walked towards the remaining bits of the demon, stared at them, and then hobbled away, behind the rock that hid the trail to their camp.

Groaning with soft pain, Thassarian stood and went after his prince, dragging his broken leg behind him and holding his wounded arm against his chest. Sliding behind the rock, Thassarian limped after his prince, who was already nearing the main path to camp.

"My lord!" The knight called out. Ignoring him, Arthas vanished onto the main path.

With a grimace, Thassarian started to pick up speed when a voice behind him surprised him.

"Yes, Thassarian?"

Spinning around, Thassarian froze, seeing himself face to face with Arthas.

"It is over, my lord. Are you quiet alright, ready to go home?" He asked.

"Over? Thassarian, you are a fool. It hasn't even begun!"

Before he could answer, he gasped in pain as Frostmourne's sharp tip slid into his chest.


Koltira looked at Shiwdy briefly, tightening his grip on his double bladed weapon. Her bare torso shown in the strange Northrend light, as did the cloth covering her legs. Turning her still-intact eyes to Koltira, she smiled at him, and raised her curved warglaives. The movement, Kotlira knew, meant for them to fight. Quickly reaching over and brushing his pale lips across her cheek, he rushed off with the other elves, Shiwdy running behind him.

In front of them, the Death Knights were tearing through what they thought to be the only Blood Elves. With a roar, Shiwdy jumped over the elves in front of her and crashed directly into the death knights, causing the to scatter as the demon hunter cut them down. The other elves quickly surrounded the death knights, and attacked them furiously. Koltira tossed his blade into a group of necromancers, slicing their heads off and interrupting their spells. Catching the pale blade, He swung it a human male with grey hair. It was parried, and the two were soon fighting viciously.

"Say goodbye to your pathetic undead life, demon." Koltira sneered.

"It is you who will say goodbye, cowardly spellbreaker." The Death Knight returned.

"Cowardly? The Fireweaver family runs from nothing!"

"Brave words, full of lies."

Koltira raised his blade, but froze, letting out a shocked little gasp as a blade ran straight into his stomach. Dropping his sword, and wrapping his fingers around the blade, Koltira turned to look at the person behind it. He came face to face with the Lich King. Frostmourne yanked out of his stomach, and Koltira dropped, collapsing in front of the grey haired death knight. Shakily, he placed a hand on the death knight's knee and whispered,

"Spare……Shiwdy……please!" Coughing up blood, he dropped his hand and fell into unconsciousness.