This is the latest and newest chapter from my new story.. it's based on twilight.. don't judge it's no fun! haha

Chapter 1: A Tough Week

It was December 1st and I laid in my bed terribly ill. I couldn't breath and my heart began to beat abnormally. Edward wasn't home and everyone else was out hunting. I slowly picked up my hand and rubbed it against my head. My head was oddly overheated and it was also wet and clammy. This was the right time to diagnose that I had the flue of some sort. At this time I gently closed my eyes, praying Edward would come back home and realized what was going on with his dearly beloved wife. " e-Edward." I barely spoke out in a whisper. I knew he couldn't hear me, but it made me feel better.

I then began to feel nauseated and my eyes began to search for the bathroom. I was obviously in such bad condition to know I wouldn't be able to walk let alone run to the bathroom and throw up. So I covered my mouth and began to take deep breaths, but I felt light headed as I began to do so. I stopped and now had a tear falling down the side of my face as I was in agony. " Edward!" I screamed out, this time it was with my all I called out his name for help. " Anybody." I whispered now and rubbed my head carefully and began to groan.

I laid down helplessly and waited for someone to come running in to the house. It had been two hours later and I heard the front door open and footsteps rome around in the house. " Edward?" I asked and you could tell in my voice that I was ill. " Bella?" I heard a voice speak out and I heard them run to my room. The voice wasn't very familiar to me. " Bella?" The man called out. " In here." I said quietly and feeling sweat rush down the side of my face. I then recognized the voice.. It was Jacob. " Jake!" I cried and began to groan again.

" Bella!" He screamed and ran to my side. " Bella, what happened to you?" He asked somewhat frightened of my paleness.

" I- I don't know." I replied softly and a tear ran down the side of my cheek slowly.

" Come on, let's go get you taken care of. Do you need anything?" He asked in a whisper.

" Water." I replied and could feel his hot hand against my head that was too wet from all the sweat.

" You look like you have a fever. How do you feel now?" He asked curiously.

" Nauseous. " I admitted and could feel my body shiver as he went to put more blankets on me as I laid sick in bed.

He sat next to me and kissed my slimy forehead and put a small, cold, wet wash cloth on my head and rubbed the side of my arm in a soothing motion. I began to cry again. "Shh.. Everything's going to be okay, Bella. I promise." He smiled slightly and sighed as I began to groan again from my stomach feeling nauseated. He wrapped his arms around my inflamed, over heated body.

" I'm sorry I look like this." I said quietly and buried my head into his chest.

" Um, you're apologizing for being sick? Okay, Bella. I think your fever's making you go a little crazy at the moment." He laughed slightly.

" I-I need." I could barely say what I needed and it was very important that Jacob paid attention to my needs at the moment. So, I wouldn't go into shock from not being properly taken care of. What I truly and honestly needed was the Cullen's or at least Carlisle, and Edward at my side. Carlisle trying to diagnose what was wrong with me, and Edward comforting me gently and making my tears of agony disappear.

" No," He said firmly. " what you need is to take it easy and get some sleep." He looked at me and held me gently by my shoulders.

" Edward!" I finally begged, and I saw Jacob's expression... confusion was written on his face.

" Edward? I'm sorry, Bella, but Edward just left to go over to Alaska for a while... I thought you knew?" He said confused still. " He just came to my door this morning asking for me to check on you every now and then while he was gone, but I don't need a stupid blood sucker telling me to check on you when I was capable of doing that on my own." He rolled his eyes and put his hand on my head again and sighed in disappointment. " I think your fever's going up.... Maybe I should call Carlisle." He said for a moment and the nodded his head 'no'. I sighed and began to moan again. I tried reaching to grab some of Jacob's shirt in my hand to try and tell him to get Edward now, but I had no strength in my body left. I was done for.

I need Edward! now!

Call Carlisle!

Get somebody other than yourself to help me out, like say... I don't know.. maybe a doctor!

There was too many things going on in my mind and I couldn't bare to think of it any longer. The one question that was running through my mind the most was... well, why did Edward leave and not tell me? Why was he gone in the first place?! especially when I needed him the most. I began to breath out gently and began to feel cold. I had the chills and started to cough loudly into my blanket. Every time I coughed, it grew louder and harder, which made it very difficult for me to breath and focus as well.

" Bella, What's wrong?" He asked slightly concerned. I couldn't answer him my voice was too far gone for me to speak at least once. I could feel a salty yet moist liquid form in the back of my throat, causing me to gag it up. The taste reminded me of rust and it made me feel dizzy from the horrible smell it was forming in my nose. The werewolf genius wouldn't be smart enough to realize I was not okay, instead he just stared at me.

I finally had the smallest strength to speak again. " Jake, Bathroom!" I begged and feel something rushing down the side of my lip and dripping off of my chin. Jake looked rather disturbed and did as I asked. He stood me gently by the sink and I let my head fall over the sink and began to spit out something that reddish orange.. It was blood and I could smell it, taste it. I could recognize it anywhere. I was bleeding on the inside of my throat. Something was definitely wrong. It made me feel even more nauseous than I originally had been and I began to through up. Jake was speechless and I could tell he was scare. He could not bare to see me like this.. and I'm sure neither could Edward. If he was here, he would of flipped out from the blood and maybe lost control... It would all be on me now. So, maybe it was better he was gone. For now, anyway.

After that whole thing, I had felt better, better than I'd ever felt, but that still didn't mean it was over. I looked up to Jake in agony and sighed quietly. " I think it's safe to say we should go to Carlisle now. Jake, please" I begged and my eyes began to widen in misery. " Do it for me." I added , and watched him nod and hug me tightly in surrender. He picked me up and I tried not to giggle. I was not really dressed to go see Carlisle. I was in sweats and a tank top.. in the middle of winter in Forks. I had to admit that I was not always a smart dresser when it came to the proper seasons. I put my hand gently on his shoulder and he looked at me, realizing my problem, as well. He put me down and set me by my closet. " Sorry." He said quietly.

I shrugged my shoulders and began to skim through my closet for a decent sweater. I found a plain grey one and slid it over my tank top to keep me warm. I did not need to be sicker than I already was. How stupid could I really be? I shook my head and kept my sweats on. It was just the Cullen's they didn't care what I looked like in the middle of winter, or anytime,really. I walked slowly to the front to slip on my brown boots and then head to the coat closet and put on my comfiest coat. I turned around to look at Jake, and found him to be dazed.

" Jake!" I yelled, and then flinched feeling a horrible pain deep down in my throat. He turned around and looked at me, and ran to my side.

" Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and smiled slightly, even though I knew, and he knew that I was most certainly not okay. He picked me up and opened up the door. As we reached the outside, I could feel the cold blow against my face, causing me to shiver too much. Jake ran quickly to the car and put me inside gently. I buckled myself in and laid my head against the seat. I got out my phone and handed it to Jake carefully. I looked at him and saw him sigh underneath his breath. He knew exactly who I wanted him to call. " Did you check your messages lately?" He asked curiously and raised one eyebrow. I nodded my head no and sure enough heard it beep from a missed call. I must had been sleeping while it rang. I took the phone and began to listen to the message that was left for me.

" Bella, it's Edward. Alice told me you were sick... I'm so sorry I cannot be there for you. I will explain to you later when I get back, which should be maybe in less than a week. Hold on, please!" Edward begged and then the phone was hung up.

" So, I take it he already knew you were sick huh?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I growled underneath my breath and put the phone away. The growl I let out had made my throat burn with an intensity and I ached. " Don't worry, Bella. I'm going to get you to Carlisle." He promised and started his car up. It was times like these where I had grown to hate the winter and missed Phoenix, but if I never agreed to live with my Dad, I would have never met Edward. So, I had no regret moving up to Forks for sure. I began to breath out over and over again in anxiety. This was not the best time I was having with fate.

I stared out the window and could hear Jake panic in the background. he probably knew that there was nothing he could do and he didn't want to admit that he truly needed both Edward, and Carlisle's help. It was about time! As the quiet dragged on in the car he pulled into the Cullen's drive and carried me to the front and knocked loudly on the door. I waited anxiously for Carlisle or any of the Cullen's to open up the door. My wish finally came true. Jasper answered the door and suddenly seeing me he grew worried.

" What happened to Bella?" Jasper asked concerned. I looked directly into Jasper's eyes. They were a dark shade golden brown. They were beautiful... intriguing. I seriously must have been crazy from this fever. My head was not in the right place at the right time. I could tell Jasper was chuckling at me because he could feel my emotions, as well I could. This was absolutely not fun. " Well, I'll take it from here." Jasper said quietly and carefully moved closer to me and Jake and began to lift me up from Jake's arms. I could hear Jake growling to himself. I knew he still didn't trust Jasper after the horrible birthday incident. Jasper was a little frightened by Jake's reply to his movement.

" Easy, Jake." I said quietly. I waved goodbye, as Jasper laid me on the couch. I wish I could've told Jake he was no longer needed at the moment. I was for sure in the right hands. Jake walked away and shut the door loudly behind him. " Where's Carlisle?" I asked confused.

" Carlisle is still out hunting. He'll be home shortly, though." Jasper smiled and handed me an ice pack to put against my forehead. I put the blue gelled pack against my head and breathed out slightly, relaxing myself on the couch. No sooner did I fall asleep. Being sick made me feel drained all the time. It was not the best feeling in the world, but neither was feeling like part of you was missing. I sighed and Jasper noticed that I was upset. Of course he would notice. " Is everything alright?" Jasper asked politely.

" Yes, everything's fine.... Just fine." I breathed out. He could tell I was lying, and still was hurt deeply.

" You should relax, it's harder for you to get any better when you're stressed... What's on your mind?" He asked curiously.

" I miss Edward, that's all." I shrugged my shoulders and began to stare out the closest window next to me.

" He's coming to take care of you, Bella. Don't worry." I then began to feel calmer than I was. I knew exactly the cause of that sudden change in emotion.

" Thanks." I smiled warmly and laid my head against the small couch pillow.

" No problem." He admitted and smiled back at me.