Bella's POV

Monday June 23rd seven days after Jasper's disappearance

Something in my heart didn't feel right. I could tell he was lying I just couldn't understand or figure out what for... It's been a week and I miss him.. Of course it's not out of the ordinary to miss your husband.

I sat in the corner of my room again and tried to relax, nice and easy. Calling out Jasper's name wasn't unusual to do either when I was in this type of mood... always depressed. " Bella." I heard my name being called, but I didn't understand.. No one was here but me. If it was one of my delusions than something really must've been wrong with me. I saw Charlie twice after he was dead and I talked to him about me becoming immortal... I didn't want to see him again.

" Bella." It whispered again.. and the voice was so familiar it almost sounded exactly like Jasper

" Jasper?" I called out. But no one responded.

" Bella." It called out again. This time when I looked in the mirror, I saw him standing with me. Jasper.. My love was pecking at my hair gently with his lips... I couldn't feel it, and I felt scared because of that. Why was I having delusions of Jasper... He wasn't dead... Maybe I was sick?

There was a knock at my door... I was now not feeling as pleasant as before. I went to the door and opened it slowly, hoping it was Jasper.... But when I did... no sudden luck. I sighed, but was certainly shocked to who was at my door. " Edward?" I was losing it.. and something was not right.

" Hello, Bella." He was not happy, his smile was wrong, almost like it was tainted.

" What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice uneven. I was terrified to ask.

" Bella, I promised to something to Jasper... There's something I need to tell you... Aro called Carlisle... it was about Jasper." My eyes started forming tears I knew where this was going.

" Jasper's.... dead." His voice was hard to my body.. I ached suddenly, and felt broken. I had nothing left to live for. " Aro killed him." I looked at him now, my eyes sobbing, and my dead heart breaking.

" Why?" I whispered. I knew I didn't care, I just wanted him back to me.

" You know about the recent deaths of 60 people? You know where people thought it was animals.."

" It couldn't have been Jasper. I know he would never do something like this.. It wasn't Jasper, Edward." I clenched my fists together.

" It was him, Bella. He was hiding that from you. Before he left, where did he tell you he was going?" I tried to remember what he had said.. His last words were hard on me. I gulped loudly and tried to concentrate.

"He said he had some business to catch on with some old friends." I said quietly and went to sit down on my couch. Edward sat with me.

" Well, he was visiting some old friends... But Aro demanded him to come. So, he left to go to Volterra, Italy and meet up with them. Aro talked to him about his killing spree. He told him that he couldn't risk the vampire secret... and so they killed him." I was crying hard now and leaned against his chest gently, not knowing what to think. What to say. " Bella, it will be alright." He kissed the top of my head.

" Edward, please don't. " I begged and pushed him away slightly.

" I'm sorry." He sighed."I understand you're upset."

" Edward, strange things have been happening to me." I wiped the tears from my eyes quickly.

" Like what, Bella?" He asked calmly and rubbed my arm. I've been able to see and talk to Charlie since he was dead, and jasper I recently saw too, but I had no clue he was dead at the time." I tried really hard not to think about it.

" That's strange." Edward spoke confused.

" I know, and I think that if this is honestly permanent, I don't want to be reminded that my husband is dead. I can't live without him.. There's no point in living without him. He made whole." I cried again softly in Edward's chest. He put his hand on my back and began to rub it gently. " I don't want to live without him, Edward." I whispered.

" I know, Bella. Do you know if you can talk to Jasper yet?" Edward asked.

" I don't know, I've only been able to see him." I sobbed.

" Well, he tried to say his last goodbyes a week ago, but he was late for his flight. Maybe we could try to talk to him through you."

" I don't know if I want to try that. I miss him too much." I held my knees tightly.

" Bella, everything will be alright. I promise." Jasper whispered in my ear and kissed my head. I felt alright again suddenly, but I didn't feel the same.

" Alright." I gave in and got in his car. He pulled in his family's drive and stopped the car. We both got out and went inside. Everyone was standing in the living room. Esme and Carlisle looked just as depressed, as I was. And Alice was very hard to describe. She seemed to look too blank.

" Bella, I'm so sorry about all of this." Alice and Esme both hugged me gently.

" I'm sorry you guys too." I wiped my tear away that fell off my cheek.

" So, what are you guys doing here?" Emmett asked rather bitterly. Not really like him to do that.

" Bella, thinks she can get Jasper to talk to us." Edward said quietly. He looked rather embarrassed.

" How? He's dead." Rosalie was as bitter as Emmett. That on the other hand was normal.

" It's my talent." I replied. Suddenly Jasper appeared at my side and kissed my head again. I felt at peace.

" What do you want to say?" I asked looking at him. He seemed very distant and sad. I felt stupid though, I was talking to mid air.

" Tell Esme I'm sorry, and I love her. She was like a mother to me in so many ways, and I thank her for that. Also to keep Emmett out of trouble." He chuckled and so did I.

" Um, Esme," Her face perked when she heard her name. " He said that he's so sorry about what happened, and he loves you. You were a mother to him in so many ways, and he's grateful for everything you could've ever possibly done. Oh and he says to keep Emmett out of trouble." I smiled slightly, and watched her cry.

" This doesn't prove that she's really talking to him." Rosalie cried out. " There's no proof. Anyone could've thought of that."

" Why would I lie to any of you about seeing Jasper. I'm not crazy.. it's just my ability. Even though I really don't need, I'm grateful."

" If Rosalie wants proof, than that's what she'll get...this is something no one knows.. When I Emmett and I where home alone because everyone else went out hunting, Emmett went up in Alice's room and stole her credit card and put it in his jean drawer. Then blamed it on Edward, and she actually believed him." That sounds like Emmett.

" Jasper said that no one knows about this.. It's proof for Rose. When no body was home except him and Emmett, Emmett went upstairs and stole Alice's credit card from her wallet and hid it in his jean drawer to drive her mad until she gave up. Also he blamed it on Edward, and it worked for him." I looked at Jasper and saw him look guilty.

" That was you!?" Alice burst out with an angry roar.

" Come on! You had to know it was... Edward wouldn't be stupid enough to do that." He put his hands in front of her.

" But you would... Good point." She sighed in defeat. I heard Jasper laugh.

" Okay, I believe you." Rose admitted.

"Bella, give me your hand." Jasper demanded politely. I reached my hand out towards his and noticed something different. I heard gasps in the background.

" That is one talented gift." Emmett said quietly in amazement. Everyone could see Jasper, not just me. Jasper turned to me and smiled slightly, and kissed me gently.

" Bella, I'll always be with you. No matter what I love you." He brushed my cheek with his finger tip.

" I don't want to lose you." I cried gently.

" I know, but Bella... Promise you won't do anything to harm yourself while I'm not around.. You still have your family and friends.. and me in a way, a weird ghost form kind of way. But I'm still here darling." He kissed me cheek and let go of my hand. He finally vanished. Everybody was still stunned. Alice was fuming, and Emmett was apologetic. I began to cry as the quiet began to fill the room. Edward ran to me and hugged me.

" Believe her now?" Emmett looked at Rosalie and watched her mouth hang open.

" I think everybody believes her, Emmett." Edward rolled his eyes.

" How long have you been hiding this from us, Bella?" Rose asked bitterly.

" I recently learned how to do this.. the only bad thing about this is, I can't bring them back. I can only talk to them for a short amount of time."I sighed and began to shiver. " Edward, I think it's time for me to go home." I admitted, and walked towards his car.

Edward followed behind me eventually, and watched me cry. " Are you sure you're alright?" He asked wiping away the tear that had fallen from my cheek again.

" Yes, I'm fine." I looked away from him and closed my eyes. We arrived home shortly after. I walked to my front door and laid on my couch. Falling asleep was now something I was able to do.

Edward's POV

10 years later

Today was a day I felt like visiting Bella. Alice wanted to go with me, but I'm not sure I wanted her to come. It was peaceful when Alice didn't go, and rather loud when she did.

" Alice, no." I begged her to stay, but she wouldn't listen.

" Hey, Edward, relax. Bella's my sister, and I know how much she means to you. I'll be quiet when we go, and if I'm not, you can take my credit cards. I promise." She smiled politely. " Are you bringing her a rose?" She asked quickly. I did not know if I was going to or not. I bring her a roses every time I visit, and usually their either red or black, and Alice would always bring those pink frilly type flowers. Which is what I saw in her hand today again. Shocking.

" Wow, you're giving up your credit cards if you talk? You must really mean that." I laughed. " Is anyone else going? Or is it just you?" I asked before walking to the car.

" No,just me. Emmett wanted to come, but him Rose are busy doing things... God only knows what." She cringed and then giggled. We both walked to the car, and drove off. When we arrived I parked on the side of the road.

" How long are we staying?" She asked, and then put her hand over her mouth.

" Not long. I just haven't been here in so long to visit her. I think it's time I visit again." I smiled content. We walked into the cemetery gates and stood by both Jasper and Bella's grave. It was a good idea to put them next each other. I'm sure it's what Bella would've wanted.

" Hello Bella." Alice said with her shrilling voice. It almost hurt to listen to her. She sat the rose on the ground and stood next to me. " We all miss you, and Jasper. We wish you can be here. You missed out on everything." She smiled. " Anna, had a little son and daughter. She had twins, and Jacob and her moved away. We miss them too." She then frowned.

" Bella," I spoke barely above a whisper. " I was always afraid to ask you this question."I rolled the ring back and forth on my finger tips. " I loved you so much, and the day you died, I was going to ask you to marry me. It's hard on me ,now that I know I'll never get a real chance to ask you. The first time I asked you I knew you meant it. The second time I asked you, you were just trying to get yourself out of being single, but if I asked you a third time, I'm sure you would've meant it. Since we'd been together for 4 years. I only wish I knew what happened that you decided to commit suicide. I know you still loved Jasper.. and it's fine I understand." I slipped the ring onto a black ribbon and tied it around the stem of the white rose I had for her and set it on the ground. "I love you, Bella." I smiled slightly then sighed.

" And Jasper, I do thank you for keeping Bella happy as long as you did. I was honestly envious of you at the time. You had everything you could've ever wanted including Bella. I just hope you two are happy together now. Or at least with each other. Anna misses you, her kids would've loved you and Bella both. They're so beautiful. And Emmett is bugging everyone, and Rose is still as bitter as she always." I laughed. " Esme's been depressed lately, but she's been better. Carlisle and her took in another lost vampire. and it just makes remember that we loved you both more." I chuckled. " oh, before I go.. Bella give me a sign.. any sign.. that you would say yes to my proposal." I looked up and closed my eyes. I waited for a long while and felt the wind blow against my face, and a gentle peck on my cheek. I smiled slightly and looked at Alice. She was sobbing.

" Edward, I'm so sorry." She hugged me quickly and tightly.

" It's alright, Alice." I admitted and sighed. " It's finally over." I sighed

" Edward, you know they'll always be here with us." She cuddled herself close to my chest.

" I know, I just wish I could see her one last time. I'd do anything to see her face again and hold her in my arms."

" I know I feel the same way about Jasper." She admitted.

Well, that's what happened. Bella and I fell in love, then fell apart. And Jasper finally filled the empty void she had, something I couldn't do. Jasper was killed, and Bella died shortly after him so she could see him again. And now all that's left are broken memories. " Goodbye, Bella. I love you darling."