Well here goes chapter two… xD


Lunch is over, and thank the Lord, she decided her taser would be used only in emergencies. I agreed with her. And right after I did, she starts her endless complaining again; saying even with her immensely tolerant character, I stubbornly hold my meanie attitude towards her. Whatever. If she doesn't know I at least treat her differently, then it's her loss.

I go through my usual schedule for the afternoon, and luckily, people stopped the needless paparazzi-like questioning. However, jealous girls begin talking behind her back, quietly but not quiet enough, about what I see in her and why I got with a… in short, they are shitty people. I am pissed. Later the same girls send me idiotic smiles. I turn away. They aren't even worth it. Plus, my glares are saved specifically for her. I hear the she-devils pout as they resume their disgusting gossip about her. Furious, I hit my table and a satisfying blast of sound rings in the room. While everyone in class stares, I snatch my stuff and walk out of the classroom.

A few minutes after school ended, she skips in the room with her signature smile towards me and kneels by my side. "Wow Narumi-san… You're early!"

"What are you smiling about?" I didn't mean to snap at her, but it just came out that way.

"Um, Narumi-san? What's wrong?" she cocks her head, as if she was clueless.

I sigh. "Don't act like you don't know what people are saying about you."

She blinks. "Oh." She thinks for a bit, then replies, "It's just gossip, Naru—"

"People are treating you like trash." I can't believe people would treat this girl, my girl, this way. It's inhuman. It's sin.

She casually replies, "It's okay. You do too."

I can't explain how much that stung. I clench her wrist and make her look at me. "Do you really feel that way?"

Struggling from my grip, she tries to pass it off as one of her usual complaints. "Well, I mean at least they don't say it to my face… YOU do..."

I try to look as serious as possible. "I mean it."

She shivers. "Narumi-san…"

"Am I really like… that?" I insist on hearing what she thinks. If anything she says now somewhat resembles what I just heard, I'd snap.

She shifts around a little, blushing. I guess we're in a somewhat awkward position. She's sitting on the floor, her back against a desk and I'm almost on top of her. The room was in an unpopular section of the school, or else I might get suspended for being "inappropriate" to a girl. She opens her mouth to speak, but changes her mind. At least five minutes have passed in this embarrassing position. It was to say the least, uncomfortable, but being so close to her isn't something that happens everyday.

"Narumi-san?" she finally speaks.


"Can we continue this conversation in a more comfortable position?" she requests sheepishly.

Well it has to end sometime. "Sure." I get up and pull her up. When we're both sitting down, I continue pressing on the subject. "Do you really feel like that?"

"Oh darn, I thought I got out of that…" she sighs and looks away. "Okay, well in truth, you don't. I'd appreciate it if you'd be…" As she tries to figure out what I'm thinking, her words trail off.

"Nicer?" I offer.


I get up to leave. "Maybe."


Okay so that's chapter two. hmmmmmm