author's note: ok, I was working on another story first called 'Like you'll never see me again' but I decided to leave that one till after I'm done with this, so everyone who subscribed thanks ^_^ it'll be put up soon enough don't worry. Also, in this story the Cullen's aren't vampires.


l was sick. Sick of the sun; sick of trying; sick of faking and right now sick of fifth period. I banged my dense skull against the hard and faded science lab desk in a hopeless manner. I felt like being dramatic--I wanted to make a show; if Mr. Banner were to probe me 'what is the matter' there was no doubt in my now numb mind I'd reply 'every little thing.' Somedays I just don't feel like getting out of bed. I heard in one of those depression drug commericials that's like a red flag of a problem but I don't really feel depressed, just stagnant and paralyzed. Forks *sigh* what can be said about living in such a densely populated town where 'light fog and minimal rain' are considered fantastic weather. The only reason I packed up and stayed here was for my dad, Charlie. He'd missed out on seeing me grow up for the most part so when he asked if I'd like to stay with him for my final two years of school I agreed. I'm a senior now and nothing's changed in over a year. But I say all that as if my life back in Phoenix with my mother, Renee were any different things were just like how they are in Forks only slightly dryer and sprinkled in with a friend or two. I guess I'm just simply bored by most people and the people that interest me don't care for my time of day in any sense of the word. I guess it's safe to say I'm ambling my way through life until I get swept away by something...I hope to at least. I want something big to occur and knock me off my feet...I guess I read too many Austen novels or watch too many Disney Princess movies but it's true. I'm not speaking of love just--I'd like to meet someone that changes my whole view of things. No one in Forks or anywhere challenges me or makes me want to wake up for my semi-responsive comatose state. The class bell didn't do the trick.

Bella gathered her books and trudged her way out of the door as stood there handing back the graded tests from yesterday. From the responses of the many classmates around her the general grades were less than stellar. Bella caught a smile from the top of Mr. Banner's lips as it was her turn to get her test

"Congradulations Bella," Mr. Banner said and handed her test back with a 100% scribbled on the top with garrish red ink. Bella feigned a smile and walked out, she shoved the test into her bag and mad continued 'forcing' herself to walk to Gym. She felt ashamed at her thoughts and wishing that she had failed the test just to give her a sense of excitement and thrill. As Bella made her way down the populated hallway her best friend Angela treked over to her.

"Bella!" Angela shrieked while trying to fit through to meet Bella

She stopped and smiled a soft smile at Angela's attempt to come over.

"AH! I'm glad I found you. Are you going to the pep rally?" Angela asked as Bella looked her friend up and down noticing that she was wearing the same colors as the rest of the school...and that she had just now realized.

"Oh, yeah...pep rally," Bella said ruffling her brow as she tried to recall something about pep rally

"Hehe, don't worry we're gonna hear all about it in gym," Angela reassured smiling and Bella smiled in response and the two continued to the gymnasium.


The good thing about gym was that class would simply be a mini-assembly so no getting dressed and no risking bodily harm to myself or the innocent bystanders around. I took a seat at the bottom of the bleachers with Angela and was dead set on catching some sleep. Everyone around me was highly enthused and ready to here the 'exciting' pep rally news. Coach Thomspon and Coach Liler the girl's volleyball coach came out with cheesy grins plastered on their faces.

"You all ready for pep rally?" Coach Thompson jeered to which the entire room errupted in a mass of cheers and applause.

"Well, before we get onto pep rally news there is a new student joining us," Coach Liler said to which the whole crowd booed in unison

"Now now, settle. Edward Cullen please stand up and introduce yourself." Coach Liler said

I had my forehad nested safely in my palm when he stood all I saw was the back of him. All I could make out was he was dressed pretty chicly and he was no doubt handsome but still (even from behind) he was out of my league. I went back to my bored state when Edward sat back down.

"Now, to pep rally stuff..." Coach Thompson continued

I felt Angela continually nudge my shoulder to keep me awake but it was to no avail I had gone off into a slumber way more interesting than anything going on in that class.

"Bella! Bella!" I heard a voice that sounded like Angela beckoning me

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that everyone was now leaving and that class was now over.

"Oh, shoot did I fall asleep?" Bella asked rubbing her eyes

"Yeah and I gotta run to Spanish or I'm gonna be late," Angela said gathering her books and standing

"Ok, it's fine you can go off," Bella said sweeping the hair out her face and reached down for her stuff

"Alright see you in class." Angela said and ran off

I was still in a groggy state while collecting my books and as I reached to dump everything inside the complete opposite happened and everything fell out and onto the floor. The last barrage of students (no doubt in their rush to beat the second late bell) trampled all over my stuff.

"Great." I said to myself as I took to the now 'task' of depositing my books in my bag

"You need help?"

I heard a voice from above ask and I looked up and saw his face was Grecian, innocent, sexy, traffic halting and unfamiliarly beautiful. I knew it was Edward not just because I had studied his outfit but because I'd never seen someone so unbelivably attractive in my life. I know, I'm being frank but in a town as dreary as this one covered with so much dark green and marred by and even darker sky it was a stunning contrast to be suddenly confronted by an onslaught of 'pretty'.

"No, it's ok...I have everything," I somehow mustered the strength to say. I knew my clutziness would strike at any minute 'please let him leave,' I begged silently to myself.

"What's your next class?" Edward asked as I put my bookbag up

"Ahh, Spanish..." I said selectively wondering why our conversation had went on for this long.

"I have Spanish you have Mrs. Dunham?" Edward asked walking slowly by my side his schedule clentched in his hands

"Yeah, I do." I said blushing, hating the irony to death. And then as we were walking out of the door the strap of my bookbag caught hold of the swing door handle and jerked me back. Everytime I tried to move the door wouldn't let me. I was literally pinned against it with Edward staring directly at me trying his best not to laugh.

"I think you're caught onto something..."

"Bella." I said frankly and finally unhooked myself and made a terse embarrassed smile

"Bella is a lovely name. I'm--

"Edward. Yes, I announced it in class," I said harshly in a 'been there, done that' manner

"Oh, I'm sorry I just assumed no one gave a crap," Edward said laughing lightly

"Someone has to be occupied with other things asside from pep rallies today," I said softly

We reached Spanish class and I knew I had no real excuse besides to give besides 'I fell asleep because the idea of dedicating a day to a school I loathe--to a football team with guys who'd never like me just seemed kinda stupid,'

"Nice of you to show up Bella," Mrs. Dunahm said angered

I was just about to makeup some lame excuse when Edward came to my rescue

"Ah, Mrs. Dunham, I'm Edward Cullen the new student, Bella was just giving me a tour," Edward explained looking at me and smiling.

I felt my insides begin to melt...