Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, as might be gathered. I mean no disrespect, I just can't help frolicking in this amazing universe.

Traveling through the abandoned and chilling hallways of the Jedi Temple, Ean was quiet. It wasn't just caution, he felt he was walking on hallowed and sacred ground. One attack had nearly wiped out an entire Order. He had no illusions about his importance, but as one of the few remaining Jedi, he was starting to realize that there was more at stake.

Upon entering the medical bay, Ean found it strewn with droid parts. In the corner Seran and a few other medical technicians were lying where they'd fallen. Much of the medical equipment that hadn't been hit by blaster crossfire appeared to be fully functional. Ean approached a console and tried to look up any logs regarding Kauryn.

Kauryn had apparently gone into premature labor during the night, not very long after their dinner. The baby girl was early and had been put into some sort of stabilizing pod to keep her alive. Finding the correct pod, Ean debated for a moment, wondering if it was safe to remove the child. Ean decided that it was worse leave her here to be discovered. Activating the pod's seal, he reached in and pulled out the child.

She was very small, but didn't wake up when he picked her up. Her head was covered by dark hair, her skin fair and soft. Tiny fingers curled around her blanket. Ean smiled despite himself, marveling at the life in his arms.

A sound brought his attention back to his surroundings. It was distant, he couldn't tell the cause. Caution prevailed, and he rushed to exit the carcass of the Temple, his home.

Ean took the fastest shuttle he could find to a hospital far from the Jedi Temple. It was best to remain as inconspicuous as possible. He paid off the orderlies to put the birth off-record.

The medical droid calculated the child's survival as low. Even with modern technology, it was unable to determine if her body had formed completely. Ean watched through the glass, his hand tightening around his own wrist. He had never been interested in children, he found them to be uncontrollable and irritating. Never had he expected to be so worried about a strange child. Trying to convince himself that she was just going to be his next student, he felt a connection and a strong desire for her survival. Already he was starting to think of her as his child.

Once the girl had been stabilized, Ean received word in the waiting room through his personal communicator that Senator Bail Organa, Obi-wan, and Yoda were on their way to Coruscant and wanted him to meet them in orbit. Gathering his things, he told the technicians he would be by later to take the baby home.

One short shuttle ride later, Ean was sitting in a stately room on Organa's Tantive IV. Once he had been brought on board, the ship made its way to Naboo. Obi-wan and Yoda said little about their respective missions, only saying that Anakin was dead but the Emperor remained unchallenged. Padme had died in childbirth, weakened by an attack from Anakin. Ean had been shocked to hear of their marriage, but everyone at the table was relieved that her twins were alive. The future of the Jedi was grave.

"Alive, you say she is?" asked Yoda of Ean after he had told them his story.

He nodded. "There were problems, but they think she'll be fine. I am registered as the guardian."

Yoda nodded then turned to the other men at the table. "Hidden, safe, the children must be kept."

"We must take them somewhere the Sith will not sense their presence." said Obi-wan. He was dirty and there were burnt patches all over his Jedi robes. He was obviously weary, as were they all.

"Split up, they should be."

Ean spoke up. "I can take Kauryn's child. I'll raise her as a daughter. It will not be too difficult to build a new identity for the both of us."

"My wife and I will take the other girl," said Organa. He smiled. "We've always talked of adopting a baby girl. She will be loved with us."

"And what of the boy?" asked Obi-wan.

Yoda turned to him. "To Tatooine. To his family, send him."

Obi-wan nodded. "I will take the child and watch over him."

Yoda and the others nodded. "Done, it is. Until the time is right, disappear we will."

"No mention should be made about their origins or their Jedi lineages. It will only attract attention," suggested Ean. "Even the children should remain ignorant. In the future, if any of us survive, they can be told. Until then, we should remain out of contact except under the most dire of circumstances." The others agreed.

The last remnants of the Old Republic and Jedi Council broke for the last time and went their separate ways.

On Coruscant, several days later, Avrin Mandrello and his infant daughter, Arryn, boarded a shuttle for Corellia. The father was tall with brown hair and hazel eyes with a quiet but strong presence. He wore a set of mechanics overalls and seemed sad. He explained that he had recently lost his wife, Kauryn, to the recent surge of violence on Coruscant. He was moving to Corellia to forget his past and start a new life. Little did they know.

Ean sat in the shuttle looking out the window. The girl he had named Arryn slept quietly in his arms. She was small, but he sensed there was something larger that was tugging at her destiny, at all their destinies. He didn't know that she would grow up to be mechanically-minded like him, that she would go off and join the Imperial Navy against his wishes. He didn't know that he would be finally hunted down by Darth Vader and killed, setting a path for his daughter that would link her up with the likes of Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Luke Skywalker to restore peace to the galaxy.

All he knew was that the tiny bundle in his arms was the center of his life. He had brought in all his favors to create valid identities for him, Arryn, and for Kauryn, after some professional modifications. They should last the rest of their lives.

Arryn opened her eyes and Ean's heart jumped when he noticed how blue they were. She gurgled then smiled. Ean couldn't help but smile back. His exile would be bearable as long as she was in his life.