A/N This story takes place in the Season 1 episode "The Last Call For Aunt Julie" but with one little twist. I wanted to see what would've happen to Simon if Annie had been out of the house when Julie threatened him. So here you go. Enjoy!

Chapter 1 A Tragic Incident

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind watching the kids Julie?" Annie Camden asked her sister-in-law.

"Not at all."

"Thank you so much," said Annie. "Eric is at the homeless shelter helping with the Thanksgiving meal, Mary is playing basketball with her friends but can be here if you need her. The park is only a few minutes away."

"Okay", said Julie.

"Ruthie's been having some phone problems lately so make sure to watch her."

Julie laughed, nudging Annie toward the door. " "You just go and get us the most delicious turkey ever. We'll be fine, I promise."

It was the Sunday before Thanksgiving and Annie desperately needed to go to the market. For some reason she had a strange feeling about leaving her two youngest children with their aunt even for an hour. Julie had been somewhat off-kilter lately.

After a few minutes though, Annie shrugged it off. "Jetlag can do that", she reminded herself as she headed out the door.


Julie wandered into living room where the Camdens had their liquor cabinet. However her 10-year-old nephew, Simon and five-year-old niece Ruthie were playing.

"Maybe I could sneak the key out of the room while their busy playing and get a drink later", thought Julie.

No she had been waiting all morning, even fidgeting through Eric's sermon (which was inconveniently long). There wasn't anyone home so nobody would notice if one bottle was missing. Julie Camden needed a drink.

"…Batman is the world's greatest athlete!" Simon declared, jumping over a footstool.

Julie smiled, "Hi you guys."

"Aunt Julie, Simon thinks he's the world's greatest", Ruthie repeated.

"That's nice", replied Julie, taking the roundabout way to the liquor cabinet. But as she reached for the key, Simon leaped over a sofa and blocked her path.

"Once again I foiled your plans, Catwoman."

"I think you underestimate us Caped Crusader", Julie played along winking at Ruthie. The two of them backed Simon against the window-seat.

"Gotcha!" Ruthie cried triumphantly.

Julie grinned. "Guess what, Ruthie I know Batman's one weakness."

"What?" her niece asked eagerly.


"No!" Simon yelled, laughing as Julie poked his ribs.

"Gimme the key and I'll stop", Julie offered. She was only half-playing now.

"No!" Simon refused laughing. "I must save Gotham City!"

"Look Simon", Julie said sweetly than something in her mind snapped. "Gimme that damn key!" She grabbed the front of her nephew's sweater and threw him on the ground trying to pry the key out of his grip.

Ruthie screamed for help but with Annie running errands, the house was empty. Happy, the family dog barked warningly trying to save her master.

"Aunt Julie, you're hurting me", Simon said franticly. "Aunt Julie stop!"

"Shut up!" Julie shrieked.

By this time Ruthie was crying. "Help!" she cried. "Mommy, I want Mommy!"

"Mommy's not here to save you, shrimp", Julie laughed still thrashing about with Simon. "She's running errands."

Simon saw the look of horror on his little sister's tear-stained face as he shifted the key to his other hand.

"Ruthie you gotta listen to me", he instructed trying to keep calm. "Take Happy, and go find Mary at the park."

Ruthie shook her head defiantly. "I'm staying here with you."

"I'll be fine", Simon assured her weakly, wincing as Julie slapped him across the face. "Go find Mary or Matt. Hurry!"

Ruthie tore out of the room, Happy nipping at her heels. She rushed outside, salty tears still streaming down her face.

Just then, Mary Camden and a few of her basketball teammates were coming home chatting merrily about an upcoming game.

Then one of the girls spotted Ruthie. "Mary, your sister!"

Mary rushed up and embraced Ruthie. "Hey short stuff, what's wrong?"

"Aunt J-Julie is h-hurting Simon!" Ruthie sobbed. "He w-wouldn't give her the key to the l-liquor cabinet!"

Mary smacked her forehead; she had known something was slightly wrong; it made perfect sense now. Her aunt was a closet alcoholic.

"We gotta get in there ", she cried slamming the door open.

Startled by the sudden noise Julie dropped a bruised Simon who immediately rushed to Mary for comfort. Mary turned to her friends "One of you call 911."

The words 'call 911' brought a change over Aunt Julie who looked over at Simon, remorse in her eyes. "911! Come on Mary there's no need for that!"

"No need?" Mary screamed. "No need! Look what you did to him." It was true. The whole left side of Simon's was cut up and puffy and there were splotches on his forearms where Aunt Julie had shaken him.

"Not to mention scaring Ruthie half to death. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking, Mary", Julie admitted.

"You're damn right you weren't! Get out of here!"

As Julie rushed out of the house, Mary's friend Leah came back the room. "They're sending some medics. We'll get you taken care, okay Simon?"

"Thanks", the little boy said from where he sat on the sofa. Sirens could be heard in the distances and three medics knocked on the door.

"Who's going to ride to the hospital with him?"