Phantom Lover


Rated R for:

Sexual Content





Chapter 1

It all started with a fire

The fire's flames burned on. The house is falling down to the ground. The men and women are outside shouting. They are shouting," Burn it down! Burn all of the evil in the house. Kill the evil woman! She is the Devil's child! Burn the house!" That is what they shouted throughout the house. While the house is burning, men from outside go inside the house. They look for the evil woman that they spoke of. Believing that she is the Devil's child, they are on a pursuit to kill her.

Up in the bedroom on the third floor, in the darkness of the room that is six doors away from the stairs lies the two lovers. He is there holding her cold hand. He touched the face of the soul less body that is his lover. He weeps for her. Asking the Lord to bring her back. However, that cannot happen. He went closer to her face where he gently kissed her on the lips. He knows that she died of the fire. The fumes that it created. He wishes dearly that none of this ever happened.

The groups of men are closer, now arriving the third floor. He hears their footsteps and their angry cries. He lets go of his lovers hand and he goes to the other side of the room to retrieve his sword. He waits for the men to arrive, so he goes and waits by his dead lover. The men barge into the room and there they saw the corpse of the woman… dead. They also find the lover of the woman, standing in front of her body. He looks at the group of men and tells them," This is what you have done to her. You have no more worries anymore. You all have gotten your wish… her death. One day I will find her again. Remember this. I will never leave this house. This house is ours. I will never leave…ever. I also want you all to know that … I Loved Rin!!!" He unsheathed his sword and thrust the blade of the sword in his heart.

He fell to the ground… and then there was silence. The day was April 17, 1454. It all occurred in Feudal Japan. It was all before the first plum blossom bloomed in the beautiful springtime. This was only the beginning. You can say that it all started with a fire. What started you asked? Only the beginning of the strange affair that happened to young Rin; the adventure of Rin and her Phantom Lover. When she thought that her life was simple, well it is no more. She will tell you of the strange affair between her and

her Phantom Lover.

I have never given much thought about the afterworld. You know like heaven, hell, and purgatory. I used to be like that. That was all before I moved to Tokyo, Japan on August 12, 2009. Once I was there, my life had changed completely. Although, it probably wouldn't have happened, if my dad didn't join the army.

My dad had decided to join the army as a Marine. That was also the reason on why my mom decided to leave him. He always had to go away and it drove my mom insane sometimes. That's why my mom left him.

Just shortly after the divorce, we got a letter in the mail from my dad saying that he was going to fight in the war in Iraq. I know my dad fought hard, but maybe if he just came home for Christmas, than maybe he might not have been shot on December 24, 2004.

My mother and I didn't get a word from him for three months. Then on March 30, 2005, we found out what happened.

I cried long and hard for days. I loved my father so much.

My mother suffered so much too. She managed to love again, but that's the reason why we are moving to Japan.

My new stepfather has his business company there, so of course we have to move there.

We went house hunting a few weeks ago and we found an old mansion outside of town, but near my step dad's company and the mansion was being sold for a cheap price. So of course, we took the mansion. Yet, there was something strange and familiar about the mansion.

Today we are officially moving into the mansion. I still find it weird that this did not cost much and it has not been sold to anyone since the 1900's.

The woman who sold us the mansion said that it is a historical landmark because this house was built in the mid- 1400's. She said that the house burned down a long time ago, and that it was re-built in the 1900's. I wonder why no one took it?

"Rin dear, we're almost home, so start getting ready." she said. I looked out the window and pass the many trees, the mansion was there waiting for our arrival.

We parked the car in front of the mansion and as I got out, I looked at it. It was three stories, enormous, and completely gorgeous. It had a beautiful rose garden in the front. I guess whoever lived her must of liked roses.

As I kept looking at the mansion, I looked at one of the windows and there I saw a shadow. My eyes widen, I rubbed my eyes and then looked again; there was nothing. How weird. I hope I'm not going senile?

I kept staring at the window to see if I could see that shadow again, then my mom called me and said, "Rin, could you stop daydreaming and help us unpack please. Let's go in and enjoy our new home. You can choose whatever room you want, dear." Once she said that, I picked up some boxes that were mine and I ran into the house.

As I went in I looked up the stairs and I saw the shadow again. I dropped my stuff and I gasped. What the hell is it!? I closed my eyes for a few seconds and I looked again. It wasn't there anymore. What is going on? I heard footsteps and I turned around to see that it was my mom and step dad. She looked at me and said, "Are you alright sweetie? Why are you things on the floor?" I looked at the floor and then I said, "Oh, I, um, I just had a clumsy moment and I fell. Don't worry mom, I'm fine." She nodded her head and continued to walk.

I picked up my stuff and put things that fell out back into the boxes. I then followed my mom and step dad up the stairs so that we could find our rooms. I don't know what's happening in this house, but I hope that it doesn't last long.

- So, what do you think? I the first chapter is confusing, but chapter 2 will give you an idea of whats gonna happen. By the way, this is a sesshy/rin fanfic.- dreamgirl795 J