Phantom Lover

Hey everyone. Sorry I couldn't update in a long time. I had to babysit, so I was hecka tired. I also had surgery. Also I started writing the first 2 chapters of my new story, "The Secret Life of a Skateboard Girl. Anyways, here's chapter 5 and the lemon will be on chapter 7 or 8. So enjoy and please review.

- dreamgirl795 -

Phantom Lover Ch.5: Talking of the past in dreams.

It has passed a week since that incident at school.

Unfortunately, the young boys that were thrown out the window had died. The only good thing is that I'm not a suspect in their death and there are no leads of what could have caused theur death. Most of the students at school think that it could have been a suicide, but only I know what happened.

My phantom lover had saved me from being raped by those boys. I really don't know how to repay him and I wonder if I should tell him my feelings for him.

When I read through my past's life diary, she said that she never told him her feelings. She kept her feelings to herself and it was too late for her to finally tell.

Now that I think about it, it seems so sad. He loved her, but didn't admit his feelings because of his pride. She loved him, but never admited her feelings because she was afraid of rejection. And now his soul is trapped here because of his love for her. He has waited nearly 560 years for her and now he has found me, her reincarnation. But now I wonder if he sees me as me or as the other Rin.

Right now I'm reading more of her diary. On this page she is talking about her powers. This is what she wrote.

Date: End of the year, winter.

" My lord had found other humans that have similar powers as I do. They are also telepathic and and can use there powers to grab objects and read peoples thoughts.

Today they were teaching me how to control my powers. It seemed a lot harder than I thought because a lot of times you couldn't help, but hear peoples thoughts. They also said that we can only read the thoughts of humans. I couldn't read the minds of demons. Looks like I won't be able to hear my lords thoughts then.

The other telepaths are going to teach how to grab items properly and how to control the powere as well and … oh my lord is knocking on my door. This is all for now diary. Until tomorrow then diary."


This was what she wrote. Looks like she was trying to control her powers. I wonder why I don't have her powers if I'm her reincarnation? Oh well. Although it would be nice to read peoples minds.

It was night time so I put the diary under my pillow and I layed my head down on my pillows. After a few minutes I fell asleep and went into the world of dreams.

Rin's Dream,

I looked around my surroundings and I saw an entire field of flowers. And next to the field of flowers I saw the mansion in wonderful condition with vines of flowers covering the entire back of it.

I guess the mansion used to have a field of flowers behind it. Now that I think about it, the field of flowers made me feel calm and happy for some reason. Maybe my past life loved flowers? That could be.

I know now! I remember what this place is. It's the field of flowers that my lord put behind the mansion. I used to love to pick flowers. I remember the day that my lord had showed me this place. He had done it just for me.

I kneeled down and then sat on the field of flowers. I started picking flowers and I felt happiness.

As I was picking flowers, I felt a small breeze pass by. When it passed by, I shivered a bit, but then I felt strong, warm arms wrap around my waist.

I turned my head around and I saw the man I love. It was my lord.

I smiled at him as I got closer to his body. He felt so warm and soft. As we sat together for a few seconds, he picked up the flowers I picked and said, "So you remember what this place is Rin?" "Yeah. You had this place for me because of my love for flowers. You would always sit down in the shade of the tree over there and you would sit there until I was done picking my flowers. I also remember makining flower crowns for you and I would put them on your head and Master Jaken would yell at me for touching you and…" "Heh heh. You talk too much like always." he said as he had his finger on my lips.

I turned my body around to face him and I said, "My lord, I want to ask you a question and please answer truthfully. Did you love me in my past life?"

His eyes widen, but then soften. He grabbed my hand and said, "I did love you. But because of my pride it was too late to tell you. You had died because the humans were too afraid of you." "My lord, can you please tell me what happened a long time ago? I don't care if my past is painful, just please tell me what happened a long time ago in the mansion. Tell me about how we met and more." I said.

He stared at me for a while before he started talking about my past. An hour had passed and then 2 hours. I couldn't believe that I met him when I was a little girl. He told me how wolves attacked me and how he saved me with his sword, the tensiega.

3 hours passed when he was finally finished. I stared at him with surprise in my eyes. He grabbed my face and he said, "That same night you were killed, I made a promise. That night I promised that I would stay in the mansion for you. That night I trust my sword in my heart and now my spirit lays intact to the mansion waiting for you."

My eyes widen as I gasped. My eyes sofeten as I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and then he grabbed my chin gently as he stared in my eyes like he was piercing into my soul. He then said, "Rin, I really wish that I could have told you this when you were alive. Now I can tell you… I love you Rin."

After he said that, he pulled my face closer to his as he gently put his lips on mine.

My eyes widen for a second, but then closed when I gave in to his deep kiss. He had his tongue on the rim of my lips, asking for entrance into my mouth. I couldn't resist him and I gave in.

Once his tongue was inside my mouth, our tongues fought for submission and he was winning. He grabbed my shoulder and started rubbing it with his fingers. The feeling of his fingers on my shoulder and the heat of our deep and passionate kiss made moan in pleasure.

He heard this and stopped the kiss… or so I thought. I gasped as I felt his tongue on the nape of my neck, licking it and his lips kissing all over. All of this heat building up mad eme moan even louder.

When I thought that this couldn't get any better, I gasped and looked down to see that he was pulling up my pajama shirt. Once he pulled it off of my body he grabbed one of my breast and kissed me once again.

There was so much pleasure, but I don't know if I should this. I don't think I'm ready for this.

I pushed him off gently, looked at him straight in the eye and I said, "My lord, I think that we should stop this right now. I don't think I'm ready for something like this and so…" He cut me off and said, "Don't worry my little Rin. We will stop here for the night. It will be morning soon. You should wake up from this dream now. And remember that I love you Rin. I'll see you soon."

He gave me one last kiss, then I said, " Wait! What do you mean, see you soon. My lord wait don't go."

Everything in my dream started disappearing and then, I woke up.

I looked around my room and I saw the sun start to rise. The whole thing last night was a dream. It also looks like I wont see my lord for a while.

I got out of my bed and I went towards my window. I pulled the blinds up and looked outside. It was dawn and the sun was rising slowly. The orange and yellow colors spread throughout all Japan. I will see my phantom lover again soon. For now I'll just wait for him. I'll wait for my lord… my Lord Sesshoumaru.

-Finally got it done. I'm so sorry that it took me a long time to update. I've had a lot happening and I was also writing my 2 new stories. Please read them if you can. Anyways, tell me what you think so far, please review, and enjoy.-
