Vita Obscura

Disclaimer: I don't own HP, and I'm broke, so don't sue. K thanks!

AU 6th year, Percy still isn't talking to his family. He refuses to apologize until Arthur does too. Will these two ever see eye to eye? Will Percy ever come back to his family? And is there more to Percy than meets the eye?

Nine pm at the Ministry of Magic found the night time janitors cleaning the almost completely empty halls. One usual fixture however was still in his office, the scratching of a quill across parchment the only sound heard. Percy Weasley was always one of the first to arrive in the morning, and last to leave. At the tender age of merely 21, he was one of the youngest ministry employees, and certainly the most powerful of his age. While Scrimgeour was the public face of the Minister for Magic, Percy was actually the one doing most of the work. He was the one keeping the economy running and doing well, meeting with foreign dignitaries to improve diplomatic relations and keeping the ministry running like a well-oiled machine. Scrimgeour was an ex-Auror who knew how to function in war, but he was not Minister for Magic material. Even Scrimgeour himself knew it, and was delighted to discover that his Assistant could competently run the rest.

While he could run it and do his own job, it also meant that he worked longer hours than anyone else to get the job done. A knock at the door startled him out of his own thoughts and reminded him that he wasn't the only one working long hours these days. Not even a second after calling for his visitor to enter, Kingsley Shacklebolt stood in his doorway. One disadvantage of having an ex-Auror for a Minister was that his Auror friends, Shacklebolt mainly, were prone to stopping by. Percy also had it on good authority that Shacklebolt was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, a rebel group his family was also a part of.

"Percy! Here late again?" asked Kingsley as he casually took in the office around him.

"One of those days," replied Percy tensely. Kingsley Shacklebolt was not an unobservant man and he seemed to be taking a special interest in Percy and the work he was doing. Only very few people knew what Percy did at the ministry, and he did not need Kingsley to be one of them.

"Seems I've heard that from you before," laughed Kingsley as he took a seat in the one of the lavish seats before Percy's immaculately kept desk. "Odd that you have such long nights so often when the Minister himself goes home promptly at five every evening," Kingsley observed as he leaned back in the chair to study the Assistant in front of him.

"Maybe I just work slower," replied Percy. While he certainly didn't want to insult himself and his work ethic, he hoped that it would throw Shacklebolt off whatever trail he seemed to be on.

Kingsley couldn't contain his snort at Percy's absurd excuse. He didn't believe for a second that Percy could even possibly be working slowly. The amount of completed work that left his office on a daily basis was testament to that. Using that as his cue to make the purpose of his visit known, Kingsley produced a document from his robes and placed it on the desk in front of Percy. "The Auror's office received this today. It's the budget for next year."

"Is there something wrong with it?" asked Percy, already knowing it was perfect having written it himself.

"Nope," replied Kingsley. "In fact, the work is actually absolutely perfect. Too perfect for an ex-Auror-come-Minister. It led me to look a little closer at it, particularly the signature."

Percy leaned forward to glare at the Auror and said, "The Minister's signature looks just fine to me." Although Kingsley didn't miss the fact that Percy Weasley hadn't even glanced down at the paper in question.

Kingsley leaned forward to match Percy and replied, "Oh the signature looks perfect, but a quick casting of plagirius showed that the Minister did not sign this document, his Assistant forged it. Kingsley leaned back and relaxed in the chair, waiting for Percy's reaction.

Percy, faced with the fact that Shacklebolt was apparently a lot smarter that he let on, leaned forward, hands folded and in a cold voice responded, "What do you want?"

While Kingsley wanted Percy on edge, he didn't want the Assistant to think he was being interrogated and moved to reassure him. "I'm not planning on telling the Ministry of this, don't worry. I merely like to know who is actually pulling the strings at the ministry."

"The Minister for Magic, obviously," answered Percy sarcastically.

"And if I check all of the other documents that the Minister has been issuing lately? Am I going to find them written by Scrimgeour, or by you Percy?"

"What do you want?" repeated Percy.

"I already told you, I just want to know the truth Percy."

"Fine. I run the economy, I rewrite laws, I sign your pay check. Is that what you wanted to hear Shacklebolt?" asked Percy tersely.

"I'm sure that's much closer to the truth anyway," replied Kingsley, happy to have his suspicions confirmed. He stood up and turned to leave when Percy's voice called out to stop him.

"Just what do you plan on doing with that information, Auror Shacklebolt?" Percy was standing now.

"It's Kingsley, Percy. And nothing much. I told you already, don't worry about it. You'll just have to trust me," Kingsley smiled as he turned and left, leaving a stunned Percy behind his desk.


Why is it important that Percy has so much power, and that Kingsley now knows? Check out chapter two coming your way soon....Although if I were to somehow get like....I don't know 10 reviews??? That might make it a lot faster :D.......and no, I am not above bribery lol.