Operation: Stella's Vacation

By angellwings


Stella watched from the wings with Tom Lucas. Tom leaned toward her.

"What are they doing?"

"I have no idea," Stella told him honestly.

"They haven't done a single stunt, flip, or slide yet. The fans are looking very confused," Tom said worriedly.

"They'll have to join the club," Stella said with a shake of her head.

"This is not going to be good for reviews…or even the tabloids," Tom said with a sigh.

Stella's phone vibrated in her hand she glanced down to see a text from Macy.

"What is going on with them tonight? And WHERE are Kevin's power slides?"

"I don't know, Mace, I'm as clueless as you. On the bright side I don't have to worry about cleaning or patching anything up tonight."

From her spot on the floor Macy's eyes widened, and then focused into a glare on the three Lucas brothers. They were up to something…

She watched them as Nick and Joe awkwardly passed each other on stage. That was the moment when Joe usually helped Nick flip over him, and judging by the awkwardness they knew that. So why didn't they do it? Macy glanced back down at her text from Stella and then back up at the boys. They wouldn't…would they?

Oh they so would…

"Idiots," She muttered. "Big dumb, attractive, talented idiots."

Macy made her way backstage after the show and immediately found Big Man.

"Just so you know I'll be hiding in their dressing room and waiting to ask them what the Jonas they thought they were doing out there tonight," Macy told him with a frustrated sigh. "Hope you don't mind."

Big Man chuckled, "Go right ahead. I'll even show you the way, Ms. Misa."

"Why thank you, Big Man. You are quite the gentleman," Macy said as she gave him a high five. He quickly led her to Kevin's dressing room where he knew the guys had planned to have their post-show meeting. Macy sat herself down in front of the vanity table, and tapped her foot as she waited. They better not be doing what she thought they were doing. She head the door knob jiggle and put on her intimidating face as she saw Joe's straightened hair leading the way. Kevin was the first one to notice her presence.

"Macy?" Kevin asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Big Man let me in," Macy said in a cool tone. "What the Jonas happened on stage tonight?"

"Anyone else think we should hire a new body guard?" Nick asked as he raised his hand in the air.

"What? Nothing happened…I mean we performed a show but other than-"

"No, no, that was not a Jonas concert," Macy said as she interrupted Joe. "You cut 50 percent of what makes you guys such awesome performers!"

"Wait, are you seriously saying the music is ONLY 50 percent?" Nick asked in slight annoyance.

Macy ignored him, "50 percent of what makes Jonas Jonas is your passion and willingness to go all out to make sure your fans have a GREAT time. You were NOT going all out tonight."

"C'mon, Mace, we're allowed to have one off night right?" Kevin asked in a miserable tone.

"Of course you are, but you're not allowed to take a DIVE…well, unless it's a stage dive. I suppose that would be okay," Macy said brightly before she shook her head. "That's not the point. The point is…I know what you guys are up to, and it won't work."

"And what are we up to?" Joe asked in a challenging tone.

"You're trying to get Stella to take time off by convincing her you don't need her to stand guard over your wardrobe twenty four-seven, correct?" Macy asked with a glare.

"Whoa, you're good. You should be like…a detective or something," Kevin suggested in amazement.

Macy gave him a small smile, "I do have a fedora, shades, and a trench coat in my car."

"Seriously? Me too!" Kevin exclaimed. Nick and Joe gave them both questioning looks.

"Don't ask," they said simultaneously.

Macy blushed lightly and cleared her throat, "Anyway…abort this plan right now…I'm telling you it will not work. If anything you'll just make things worse."

Kevin ran a hand through his curls, "I don't know, guys, maybe Macy is right."

"You're just saying that because you're in love with her," Joe blurted out. Joe slapped a hand over his mouth and gave his older brother an apologetic look.

"Dude!" Kevin said with wide eyes.

"Yes well NONE of you would be in this mess if you, Joseph, would just admit you want to date Stella," Macy fired back with a glare before softening her gaze and turning toward Kevin. "And what's this about?"


"Wait, you know what, why don't you call me after you guys fix this mess," Macy said with a smile. "I've got to go meet Stella before she notices I'm gone."

"And I do NOT want to date Stella, Misa! You are totally and completely-"

Macy gave him a glare.

"One hundred percent correct," Joe said with a sigh.

"That's what I thought," Macy smirked as she opened the door to the hallway. All four people in the room froze at the site of the two figures on the other side of the door. It was Stella and Mr. Lucas.

Mr. Lucas stood straight up and brushed off his jacket, "I wasn't listening with my ear pressed up against the door, and I didn't hear anything about the girls my two oldest sons want to date. Nope I certainly did not."

"Well, I did," Stella said with a blank expression. "And first off, Macy HOW are you not freaking right now? You basically just found out that Kevin Lucas has a huge honkin' crush on you, and second…Joseph, your plan…was stupid."

He sighed miserably.

Her blank look morphed into something softer, "It was very very sweet, but very very stupid."

"Um, you know, dad," Nick said as he approached his father. "I think you and I should go talk…about…something…in another room. Let's go."

"Really? It was just getting good," Tom Lucas said as Nick pushed him out of the room.

Kevin looked over at Macy for the first time since the door had opened and realized she was frozen. He chuckled and tentatively approached, "Mace?"

She shook herself and turned to face him, "Yes, Heaven? I mean Kevin! Kevin! Not Heaven…why would I call you Heaven? That's dumb…"

"Why don't we go find a quiet place to talk?" he asked.

She swallowed thickly, "So…um…Kevin Lucas…you have a crush on ME?"

"It's hard not to, Macy," Kevin said with a smile as he led her out of the room.

"So, it's just you and me," Stella said as she watched Kevin and Macy leave.

Joe nodded, "Guess so."

Stella sighed, "Joe…what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking…" He began as he ran a hand through his hair. "I was thinking you looked exhausted and stressed."

"And the only way to take a little weight off my shoulders was to give an extremely weak performance?" Stella asked in disbelief.

"No, the only way to get you to take some time off was to convince you that we could do without you for a little bit, and the whole stain/rip free performance thing was the only way to do THAT," Joe told her.

"You could have just talked to me about it," She told him simply.

"You wouldn't have listened," Joe told her with a stern glance.

"Okay, that's…extremely true," Stella sighed. "Look, you're my boss. You can force me to take time off. If I'm being too stubborn for my own good yell at me or call my mom or something. You don't have to do anything huge. No matter how adorable I may secretly think it is."

"Adorable, huh?"

"Is this the part where we talk about you wanting to date me?" Stella asked him curiously.

"We do have the opening for it, don't we?" He said hesitantly.

"Look, I know that the last time we talked about this we went with the whole 'Good of the Band' option, but don't you think things might turn out worse if we just make ourselves miserable? I mean we won't let ourselves be happy with each other and we won't let each other be happy with other people so what good are we doing for the band?"

Joe grinned at Stella, "Those are some very good reasons."

"You prepared the same speech in case of a moment like this one, didn't you?" She asked him with a smirk.

"Well, same message…mine was just in a more musical format."


"So, how about you help us make this whole fiasco up to our fans at the post show party tonight, and maybe help us figure out what ELSE to do to apologize…and then tomorrow after the concert you and I can hang out in a non-friend capacity. And then you can ride home with Macy Sunday afternoon and take next week off," Joe said with a wide smile.

"How do you know if Macy is staying until Sunday?" Stella asked with a grin.

"Well, you have an extra bed for her in your room, and I'm almost positive that Kev is gonna want her to stick around for a bit," Joe smirked.

Stella gave him a soft smile, "Fine, I guess I can take a short vacation."

"And no backing out at the last minute or creating a fashion emergency to keep you here," Joe told her as he pointed at her with an accusing finger. She muttered a curse under her breath before forcing a smile and nodding.


"Extremely," Joe said with a smirk as he leaned forward to give Stella a kiss on the cheek. There was a knock on the door frame that caused Stella to jump, and she stumbled forward. It just so happened that her lips fell right on top of Joe's lips. After the initial shock wore off Stella quickly deepened the kiss and sunk her fingers into his hair.

Neither one of them noticed Kevin and Macy sharing a quiet fist bump from inside the door frame.