Hey all!

If you are reading this, then I assume you are one of two people; someone who is generally interested in this new fic, or someone who is wondering when the hell I'll ever finish my other fic, Secret of the Coopers. Well, I don't really want to get into the details of the latter. Let's just say that I lost interest in it and leave it at that. I might finish it one day, but to be honest, I don't know.

Anyways, I decided to write this fic after reading numerous Animaniacs fanfics. Hopefully it won't bore you to death. Before you read, allow me to warn you. This fic is rated T for a reason. If you'd rather read a fic about pink fuzzy bunnies, I suggest you look elsewhere. This ain't going to be the happiest story. With that said, I present to you my newest fic; Despised


Chapter 1: Five Years

Five years... Five long years...

Yakko sat in his armchair, staring at the television that wasn't even on. He grabbed his glass off of the coffee table and took a swig. The strong alcohol burned as it traveled down his throat. He never thought that he would ever end up as a drinker. While he was younger, he swore off alcohol for life. He knew what the stuff did to people. It was, after all, drilled into his brain while he was working for Warner Brothers. They were quite strict about underage drinking, and Yakko respected their wishes. After all, they let him and his siblings live there for almost 6 years, and they even paid them for it. The least he could do was obey the rules the studio had laid out for them.

And yet, here he was, sipping down his third glass of whiskey, thinking. To be honest, he didn't even care for the taste of the liquid. In fact, it made him gag with each sip. He hated the taste, the smell, the effects... So why did he drink it?

He didn't want to answer that question.

Five years...

He took his last sip of the drink, and set the glass back down on the coffee table. He continued to stare at the television for several minutes. Finally, he decided that turning it on might take his mind off of things. He reached for the remote and hit the on button, and the screen lit up. He watched as the news channel talked about a recent murder in San Francisco. He shuddered, and quickly changed the channel. He flipped through many channels. After a few minutes of channel surfing, he decided that there wasn't anything on the tube that was worth watching. He turned off the television and returned to staring at a blank screen.

Yakko sighed and threw his head back on the armchair, closing his eyes. Maybe if he fell asleep he could momentarily forget about his current situation. No... that wouldn't work. Every night, he would have a brand new nightmare to look forward to. He was worried that his dreams would eventually drive him crazy. Yakko finally got out of the armchair and looked around his apartment, trying to find something... anything to distract him. His eyes fell on his half empty pack of cigarettes.

Drinking and smoking. Oh if fans of Animaniacs could see me now...

Yakko shrugged at his thoughts and grabbed a cigarette out of the pack. It's not like he cared what anyone thought of him. Well... not anymore at least.

Five years... Five lonely years...

Yakko shook his head, trying to still his thoughts. He brought the cigarette up to his mouth and lit it. He knew smoking wasn't healthy, but damn if it didn't help him feel better. It took the edge off. Yakko walked around the living room looking at various objects in the room. The clock on the wall read 10:37 PM. Yakko wished it wasn't the weekend. He didn't work weekends, and he would love to be distracted by work. Maybe he wouldn't think about them so much...

Yakko took another drag of his cigarette.

Yakko walked up to the cabinet which held the TV. He opened up the doors on the bottom, hoping to find a movie to watch. He had a decent collection, mostly of comedies and a few cartoon shows. He ran his finger over the Looney Tunes DVD. He considered watching it. After all, he could use a few laughs. Yakko continued to search through the collection, looking to see if he could spot something better. His heart skipped a beat as his eyes glanced over a certain group of DVDs. All three volumes of the Animaniacs cartoon show.

Yakko raised an eyebrow and put out the cigarette in an ashtray. He knew watching them would only make him feel worse. He knew it would do nothing but remind him of why he was so depressed. Still, he always did smile while watching the cartoons. While it reminded him of his loneliness, it also reminded him of the good old days when they were still filming the show. Yakko smiled and put the Looney Tunes DVD back on the shelf. As he did so, he grabbed all three volumes of the show. He looked at all three of them separately, wondering which one he should put in first.

The sound of a doorbell made Yakko jump and drop the DVDs. He walked over to the front door and opened it. He smiled at the blue and pink bunnies standing on his doorstep.

"Buster? Babs? What are you doing here?" Yakko asked.

"Hey Yak, what's up?" Buster said.

"Er, not much." Yakko scratched the back of his neck. "So how've you two been? I haven't seen you since I came up a month ago!" Babs smiled.

"We've been good," she said. "L.A. started to get boring. We decided to come surprise you with a visit. We actually got into Burbank about twenty minutes ago."

"Come on in, I'll grab some drinks!" Yakko led them into the apartment, and directed them to the couch in the living room. He walked into the kitchen and headed over to the fridge. He was happy that Babs and Buster decided to show up. He could use some company right now. He just hoped they wouldn't want to talk about... uh oh.

Damn it, the DVDs!

Yakko smacked himself on the head. He had left the Animaniacs DVDs out on the floor. It was far too late for him to grab them, he was sure that Buster and Babs had already seen them. He sincerely hoped that they wouldn't say much about it. Yakko calmed down and grabbed three beers. He walked into the living room, just catching Babs and Buster looking at the DVD's, while sitting on the couch.


Buster and Babs immediately turned their heads away when they noticed Yakko was there. He handed them the beers and sat down on his armchair, trying not to eye the DVD's on the floor. Buster was the first to break the silence.

"So how's it been Yakko? Anything new?"

"Eh, not much," Yakko replied. "Been getting pretty bored with the same routine everyday."

"Those kids still haven't gotten sick of you huh?" Buster laughed at his own comment.

"I happen to be one of the best Toon Tutors in Burbank, thank you very much," Yakko said with a grin on his face.

"We'll be sure to send our kids straight to you professor," Babs said with a sarcastic tone, as Buster nearly choked on his beer. Babs shot a look at Buster. "What?"

"Er... *cough* nothing." Yakko struggled to keep from laughing.

"What? Still afraid of commitment?" Yakko joked.

"Bite me," Buster said. Yakko chuckled. This was proving to be some quality distraction. He was thankful that they had come over to his apartment. He wasn't able to keep in touch with all of his old cast mates. Who knew where they were now. The only people that he really could call close friends were some of the crew from Tiny Toons, including Buster and Babs. Yakko broke from his thoughts as he noticed that Babs was looking at the DVDs again. The look on her face told Yakko that Buster and Babs wanted to say something. Yakko sighed.

"So what do you really want to talk about?" Yakko asked seriously, even though he already knew the answer. Babs quickly turned away from the DVDs to look at Yakko. There was a small moment of silence before anyone else spoke.

"Well..." Buster began. He fumbled with his words. "It's about... your brother and sister..." Yakko looked down at the floor.


"What about them?" Yakko asked with an emotionless voice.

"Well... it's just that... we noticed the DVDs," Buster answered. Yakko tried not to snort.

"I figured."

"And well..." There was a short pause in Babs's voice. "We kinda know what day it is today."

"Saturday?" Yakko joked without humor. Babs brought her hand to her face.

"Yakko you know exactly what I'm talking about." He did. He just didn't her to talk about it. Oh if only there was a nice way to tell someone politely to mind their own business. Yakko rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Look, I'd really rather not talk about this..."

"Yakko please," Buster pleaded. "It's been five years man. We really want to know what happened... and where they went."

"I don't know where they went. Please guys, I really don't want to talk about this." Yakko rested his arms on his knees and closed his eyes. Maybe if he couldn't see them, they would go away. There was another long bout of silence before Babs jumped in.

"Yakko... I know it's hard but it's been five years and you're still the only one who really knows why they left. What happened? Did you get into a fight with them? Did they go out to live on their own? Did..."

"I said I don't fucking want to talk about this now drop it!" Yakko's shout boomed within the apartment. Buster jumped in shock. Babs had her jaw wide open. Yakko took a big breath. It had been a while since he lost his temper like that, and he knew they didn't deserve it. "Sorry... just please. Either change the subject or leave." Yakko buried his face in his hands. Buster and Babs looked at each other. They had a compassionate look on their face.

"Sorry," Buster said quietly. "Look we'll come back tomorrow okay? We're staying at that Hotel a few blocks down. You still have my number right?" Yakko nodded, still not looking at either of them. "Call me whenever you feel like talking." He got up from the couch. "C'mon Babs." The two bunnies headed towards the door and waved their goodbyes. Yakko didn't move from his position for a good ten minutes. Why the hell did he flip out like that? Damn it, they're probably pissed at him now. And he's already made enough people pissed off at him for one life time.

He looked up at the clock again, now reading 11:09 PM. Damn it. Might as well try to go to sleep. He walked into his bedroom and turned on the lamp that sat on his nightstand. He sat down on the bed, trying to gather his thoughts. It had been a while since Buster and Babs had tried to talk to him about his siblings. He was hoping that they had gotten the hint last time. Well if they didn't then, they sure as hell had now. He didn't remember a time where he actually yelled at his friends. His family, but not his friends.

Yakko sighed and looked at the top drawer of his nightstand. Every year, on this day, he had the same routine when going to bed. He had hoped that he would grow out of the habit eventually. He opened the top drawer and moved around various items to find a piece of folded lined paper. Through it, Yakko could see writing. He held the paper in his hands for a few seconds, and then finally unfolded it. It was a note, written in very messy handwriting.


This will probably be the hardest note I'll ever have to write. Dot couldn't bring herself to do it. As you can tell, Dot and I have left. We're not sure when we will be back, or even if we will be back. Bottom line, we've had enough. Just because you hold the title of "Big Brother" does not give you the right to try and run our lives. You never gave us freedom, you never gave us support, and you never gave a shit about what we want. I'm sorry, but I can't live my life with someone like that anymore. What's happened to you man? This isn't the Yakko I used to know and love. This isn't the Yakko that me and Dot would fool around with or get advice from. No. The new Yakko is cold, distant, and quiet. Every time we tried talking to you to see what was wrong, you always changed the subject, or just plain ignored us. I don't know what happened to turn you into the person you are now, but whatever it is, you need to get it sorted out. You need some time to yourself so you can find the old you again. Until you do, we won't be there to get yelled at or be ignored. Please understand that me and Dot think this is for the best, for both you and us.


Yakko blinked back the tears that struggled to pour out of his eyes. He folded the paper back up and put it in the drawer. He got situated in his bed and shut off the lamp, hoping to get some sleep tonight.

Five years... Five fucking years...


Phew! Done with the first chapter. I like how it came out, and I hope you've enjoyed it. I don't exactly know where this fic will be going. Well, I kind of have a rough idea of what I want, but it needs a lot of work. If the reviews are good and plentiful, I will work my hardest to get chapters out as soon as possible. Needless to say, College is almost upon me, so who knows what kind of work I'll be doing while that's going on. Nevertheless, I will try to spend as much time as possible on this story. And who knows, maybe one day I'll finish Secret of the Coopers...

Until next chapter folks!
