A/N: Thanks for reading Dark Storm Rising! Writing for the SVMs has given me dear friends and supportive readers. I can't thank you enough for all of the amazing support you have given me.

It's also toned up my writing muscles and given me the confidence to focus upon my original work. Solstice Moon, Solstice Sun the first in a series of children's books on The Wheel of the Year, will be published in the fall of 2012.

Please read this before you read the chapter:

Elementals are nature spirits that have only one element to their nature- usually air, fire, water or earth. Air is the essence of thought and learning, the element of the nature of the mind. Water is the essence of love and fertility, the element of the nature of emotions. Fire is the essence of purification and change, the element of the nature of the will. Earth is the essence of grounding and stability, the element of the nature of balance.

In order to make peace with the water elementals and join Sigurd to them strongly, his parents choose a water birth. He is born into salt water (salt representing the element of earth) the water is warmed (incorporating the element of fire). Water conducts electricity (born of fire and air) so the elements will now be in harmony. During his birth all the elements are joined so that fire's will and air's intellect are joined with water's emotions and grounded in earth within the birthing pool.

FarDareisMai2 and AmaZen, thank you for consistently being there for me for years. I couldn't have written DSR without your support, editing skills, honesty, formidable intellects, and most importantly, your friendship. What a privilege it's been to work with you!


Our lives were following parallel lines

You going down your way, me going down mine,

Then you looked to your left, I looked to my right

Our roads intertwined in the cool of the night.

We struggled, we faltered, we bent and we swayed,

Troubles fell back as new life was made.

Won't take it for granted. How precious and dear;

This gift from each other, we'll carry with care.

Love lives here

We'll build a safe place to grow and to give.

Love lives here.

This is the place where love lives.

"Love Lives Here" by Nancy Josephson - Angel Band


Eric gazed out the bay window of the royal hunting lodge. It didn't surprise him in the least that Scandinavian immigrants had taken to this stern, frozen land. Despite its hazards, they had embraced its fierce strength. They had worked hard, built low log houses, prepared for the cold and dark of Winter and had celebrated the returning light, asking the deity they worshipped for help through the hard times so that they might see the next year's planting and reaping.

One county north, the latest snow storm had taken lives and there were ghosts on the wind, drawn by light and energy. But, unlike the elementals, they couldn't get through Del's magick barriers. Nothing uninvited could enter. The Svass Bru had made sure that the Northmans weathered the storm safely in this great lodge set amid endless trees and frozen lakes.

Despite sub-zero cold, winter held no sway in the warm, protected lodge. Eric had planted and he would reap a bountiful harvest. This was his night of joy and light. Tonight his son would be born in the birthing room across the hall from this nursery suite. His dearest children and kin-Del, Kirsten, Zeline and Pam would be there to welcome the child, who would be surrounded by the love of some of the most powerful women and men in the Nnine Wworlds.

He recalled the prayers his kindred had offered in his childhood, "The cold frost bites at our skin and the weather rides hard on our souls. Let us make haste to honor the Shining Ones, that we may turn toward the light of the coming year under their protection."

He knew gods and elementals, the Shining Ones, would favor the Northmans, for they had won favor through blood, sacrifice, and marriage. He would never forget Adele's sacrifice—for their sakes, she had accepted an existence he could no longer fathom. Knowing this, he accepted his own changes and the power they gave him, and planned for the future.

For a millennium, light had been his enemy. Now it was once again his friend. His existence, both physical and spiritual, was no longer tethered to darkness. It was up to him and all of those who chose this new path— Stan, Sookie, Adele, Toller and Kirsten— to make sure that the family and the new day-walking kindred became strong and successful. He offered up the old prayer again as evergreens cast blue-black shadows over unbroken snow drifts and moonlight glittered on rough ice.

The spirits of the elements would participate—sprites of the air, undines beneath the icy surface of the lake, salamanders in the glowing coals of the fire, and earth gnomes. In their role as priestesses, Adele, Kirsten, and Zeline would invite them into sacred space when Sigurd began his journey out of the shelter of Sookie's womb.

Sigurd's life would touch many worlds, but he would be grounded in Midgard; here he would be protected and nurtured for many years. Eric's eyes blazed—many kin and sympathetic beings would ensure that Sigurd's childhood and youth were a time of safety and growth. But he was Sigurd's father. It was his duty to prepare the child for a time when he would be the strongest Mage in Midgard. His family—a family that changed the Vampire and Fae bloodlines— would need him.

He closed his eyes, focusing upon his son and spoke to the radiant soul he perceived.

"You are a blank book. Not even the gods can reveal how you'll fill the pages of this life. We are ready to greet you…but do not give your mother too much trouble."

Eric gazed at his wife with love. He was linked to all of his children, biological and vampire, but his connection to Sookie was soul deep; they were one.

Wrapped in her grandmother's worn afghan, Sookie slept fitfully in a rocker recliner. It was the calm before the tempest of birth. In the early morning, after the snow had stopped, they'd watched a flock of snow geese in the sky catching sunlight on wings as golden as her hair. She had held her breath—as if to stop time—as they shared the beauty and wonder of that daybreak.

A nimbus of light played around her, the bright manifestation of her energy interlaced with that of airy sprites. The Brigant's ancestral elementals danced around her with excitement. Shortly after Sookie's second cup of morning coffee, her pains began to rise and fall in contractions five minutes apart.

By mid-day, though she could still joke and talk through one, she was getting tired. Still, she insisted that she wanted to walk, waving off Kirsten and Del's offers of drinks and cool compresses. She only paused to lean on Eric when the contractions got intense.

By late afternoon she'd stopped joking and talking—turning inward to focus on the contractions. After an interval, Dr. Ludwig declared that the labor was progressing slowly but surely and put her small, adamant foot down. "If you won't get into bed, you'll have to rest on the recliner! When the contractions are steadily two minutes apart it will be time for the birthing pool."

Sookie woke up with a contraction, in the grip of an unbearable pressure.

"What the…Eric!"

His eyes blazed into hers as he helped her stand—then squat.

"What can I do?"

"The pressure's so…bad!

Dr. Ludwig snapped on a glove. But before she could check, Sookie felt a "pop" and water gushed onto the floor. Elementals shimmered above it like mist above a pond.

Dr. Ludwig snorted. "That got their attention!" She glared up at Eric like a diminutive general, "Birthing stool! Now!" Then more gently to Sookie, "Sorry dear. Have to check you."

Sookie groaned as Dr. Ludwig's intruding fingers probed her through a contraction. "It's time to move to the tub. They're a little less than two minutes apart now. You're a hundred percent effaced and nine centimeters. Eric can lift you."

"The hell he will!" Sookie panted. "I'm crawling! And turn off that damn music!"

Eric's shocked eyes met Ludwig's. She chuckled. "You expect southern manners from a woman in labor?"


In the birthing room across the hall from her parents' suite, Kirsten softened her gaze and regarded the swirling waters of the birthing pool. Without jets or wind, the water rippled and swirled—rainbow shimmers like the phantoms of tropical fish. Sparkling vapor rose from the water, curving into wispy mermaid forms. She shook her head in wonder. "I've never seen so many undines! "

Zeline shrugged and extended one finger towards the swirling vapor. One misty form hissed and bared sharp, fishy teeth. "They aren't here for us, that's for sure. We smell too much of the air sprites; Brigants are Sky people.

Kirsten's brow creased. "That wasn't exactly welcoming. Are you sure they'll cooperate?"

Del readjusted a large quartz crystal on the window sill where several sylphs hovered and buzzed on crystalline wings. Looking into their silver bright eyes, she silently invited them to enter the water when she called upon them. Then she walked to the birthing pool and held her hands over the water. The undines coiled up her arm like steamy bracelets.

"I've made peace with them for myself and my people now that the Ulswaters are no longer in power. When the undines bond with Sigurd they'll be pledged to protect the Northmans as well as the Brigants. Water will be Sigurd's strongest element. You startled them Zee; they just need time to recognize your register. I've already introduced them to Mom. When everyone's in the room, we'll seal the circle."

Kirsten checked the fire, where three granite rocks glowed red. "The fire elementals—the salamanders—have awakened the earth gnomes in the stone."

Adele nodded in satisfaction. "Good ! The earth spirits will contribute the basic energy of life in its rawest form; the fire spirits will add passion and motivation. These elementals will make him strong in spirit, expand his magical powers, and be a source of healing energies."

Kirsten held out her hand, "Come on Zee. Try it again. You're Sigurd's kin and we all have to be on their good side before we cast the circle. The undines govern magnetism and chemistry, so they'll stimulate and feed Sigurd's intuitions and psychic abilities." She winked. "They'll also help him attract love."

Zeline snorted held out her hand tentatively "As if that will be a problem! He'll need the power to deflect, not to attract."

The girls all jumped as Eric bellowed, "Get those damn undines to cooperate! I won't have them hissing at your mother!"

A loud "Nnnngh!" of pain brought forth another Viking bellow.

"Ludwig! Should she be squatting? Her belly's still hard!"

Del's eyes flicked to Zeline and Kirsten as her mother's rebel yell resonated. Several elementals buzzed in agitation. They'd better get used to that particular yell.

Her mother voice was low, fierce. "Don't you dare try to make me stand. I'm crawling!"

They could hear her humming tonelessly—her way of working through the pain.

Her mother messaged them next. My water broke—Then a pause, and "No damn bathrobes!" reverberated across the hall.

Del winced in sympathy as Sookie breathed through a long hard contraction. Dad's getting in with me.

Her father's voice interrupted, "But lover, the girls…"

"Will have to blush on my behalf! Put on your swim trunks –you're not pushing out a baby!"

Can't rest—contractions are close, elementals are buzzing around me like flies, your dad's wound as tight as a bowstring, and Ludwig's snapping on gloves to do another internal exam.

Zeline winced, "I'll fetch Pam."

Adele shook her head. "Stay put. She's on her way. We need to ground and center."

Kirsten grinned. "Faðir will let mom have her way for about one more contraction, then he'll pick her up and put her in the birthing pool, whether she wants it or not."

Adele flicked the door open and Dr. Ludwig walked straight to the birthing tub to check the waters and thermostat. A few moments later Eric entered, cradling their mother in his arms. He had put on swim trunks…for their sakes. Faðir had strict standards. Of course mom was nude. There was no point in wearing a robe when she'd be giving birth in the pool.

Dr. Ludwig nodded with satisfaction. "Good work girls. My equipment's in place. The air and the water are nice and warm and the undines are cozy. Let's get her into the tub and cast the circle."

Del and Zeline checked the stones they'd placed around the birthing pool, to make sure that they were placed precisely on Cardinal Points to concentrate the elementals' energy and protect the sacred space.

Adele held her hands above the water of the deep birthing tub, which resembled a miniature Roman marble bath. It was so Northman— their father never did anything by halves. She nodded to her father and mother. "Get in. They're ready for you …"

Del, Kirsten, and Zeline chanted softly, calling upon the elementals to unite and place their unique sigils of energy upon Sigurd, creating a sphere of sacred space around the birthing pool, a space protected by the elementals.

Sacred Fire, holy water,
Warm light to fill this airy hall,
Nine realms are formed
With our words this night
Let the Bright Ones hear the call
Let us call the Kindred forth

To join us in this watery birth!

From the East Sylphs of the Air,

From the South Salamanders flare,

From the West Undines of Water,

From North come Gnomes—the Earth's strong Daughters

Eric and Sookie relaxed in warm water, momentarily calmed by softly chanting voices, candle flames, and the aroma of delicate incense.

Enveloped by the warm water and Eric, Sookie's pain began to subside, but she could still feel her womb contracting, rising and falling like the waves of the ocean. Eric massaged her back while she rubbed her belly gently, massaging their baby down, down. "Come down, Sigurd come down."

She spoke gently to him, feeling his leg push into her side, "I can't wait to hold you." As another contraction began, she and Eric breathed and hummed through the waves of pain together. She could feel his joy and trepidation as he massaged her through another contraction. With a deep breath, sucked in slowly and slowly released, she leaned into Eric's chest as her belly surged.

Excitement shivered in the air, danced in the flames, swirled in the waters, and pulsed in the glowing core of the heated rocks. Transparent ripples stirred the water as undines circled and darted, absorbing Sigurd's unique register. The contractions were closer, harder, and longer now, and Eric was breathing with her, willing her through each one as his niece and daughters finished their chant. They were all between the worlds now, held in a sacred space.

Dr. Ludwig reached down to swat a curious undine away, "I have to check through another contraction…breathe dear…and keep the groans low… war cries aren't good for you or the baby…and it upsets the elementals…"

Sookie panted and barely controlled her urge to yank Dr. Ludwig's probing hand from its socket.

Pulling back, Dr Ludwig removed her gloves and smiled, "You made a lot of progress with that one…"

Sookie braced herself against Eric in the warm water, looking into his eyes, and gathered her strength. His sympathy and support were palpable as he whispered, "Just let go, let your body take over…"

Sookie was in another world, humming, singing, yelling, grunting; seeing only visions of Sigurd dropping. Nothing else existed. And then she felt that familiar hot pressure—the baby's head pushing its way out.

"Sigurd," she cried, not sure if it was aloud or in her head, "Sigurd- down! Here you come, into my arms. Here you come!"

She pushed again and again, feeling the hot pressure change with each straining effort, until finally she reached down and to feel a little head. Eric reached down with her. She felt his pride, strength, and encouragement flow into her.

Dr Ludwig smiled. "One more push sweetie." Coils of light—blue, red, golden, and purest white—touched the water as elementals bound their energies to Sigurd's unique register. The water glistened and swirled.

Sookie braced herself against Eric's hard chest as the pain peaked, and then had a flash of rest between contractions. For that brief instant she perceived a brilliant presence—the white light of Sigurd's soul—an old soul who had returned to learn, grow, and share the lessons it had already learned.

The vision fled before a hard long surge—an over whelming need to push. Then, suddenly, no pain. No pressure. And baby Sigurd swam between her legs in the warm waves made by her labors.

Pam gasped; Eric wept and breathed, "Min son!" He kissed Sookie's head and whispered, "You did it. I love you. Thank you for this gift."

Sookie kissed him. "I love you too. And…thank you back…"

Sigurd shone with the rainbow energies of every element. Clear, deep blue eyes with golden glints gazed into hers. His arms reached to her and she brought him to her, his breath to her breath. Eric watched in awe, touching the infant still slick with water and birth fluids, his broad little chest, his chubby fists and fuzzy golden head—then gently took the babe from Sookie to kiss him, smell him and feel him, as the elementals sang and shimmered. Gong-like base notes rang forth from the gnomes, chimes from the salamanders, captivating sopranos and high bells from the undines and sprites.

Sigurd's sisters, Zeline, and Pam crowded round clamoring to hold him. But Sookie refused to give him up, "Give us a minute more. He's happy as a pea in a pod cuddling with us here."

The cord was still pulsing slowly as Sigurd took his first breaths and began to root at his mother's breast.

When the cord stopped pulsing, Eric cut it and presented the cord blood to Pam, to bind her to Sigurd as she had bound herself to Adele and Kirsten. Secure within their space apart, the little group passed moments in absolute happiness.

Adele watched her parents and suppressed a sigh. She hesitated to break the fragile bubble of this moment of happiness and peace. Soon Adele would open the circle, freeing the elementals and other guardians to go as they would, and Midgard and all the worlds that touched their lives would flood them with attention.

She wondered which god, or goddess would become Sigurd's patron and which beings would become his teachers-a great mage would need many wise guides throughout his life. Would one of the few remaining Mages on Midgard reveal himself and guide Sigurd? Certainly Niall and Odin had plans, which they kept close.

But she was also strong. Her only plan for to Sigurd was to protect him where she could, help him grow and teach him to express his magic in ways that would not cause him harm. Mages were targets for many forces, but very few had the supernatural patronage that Sigurd would enjoy. Del hoped it would be enough.

Mages were, overwhelmingly, healers and seekers of knowledge. There would be much to heal in his time on this earth. She was glad the elementals had chosen to bond with him willingly. He would need all of their support to complete his task for this incarnation. He must be motivated, focused, and intuitive, a good listener who could hear beyond words and see beyond outward appearances, and he would need to be flexible and able to confront himself with honesty. It was a tall order to fill. But Sigurd had chosen to be born to the Northman family; she had no doubt that it was his wyrd to fill it. She watched her little brother nursing contentedly as Zeline and Kirsten begged to hold him.

Welcome little voyager. Your coming will inspire so many. I wish you joy and growth—slow and steady—

And the answer came from the shining soul not quite yet merged fully with its infant body: I am because you are. The cycle shifts, fogs settles, people forget old lessons.

His voice became fainter as the soul fused fully with this new incarnation. Though I am frail here in my bunting, there are wonders on my tongue. You must not fear greatly. Someday I will watch over them. We lift the torch that others may see and find a safe path beyond wars and deceit.

The words sent shivers up Del's spine, for they were words out of legend.

She smiled and watched the elementals dance in a nimbus around mother and child. The soul was fully bonded to its new life now, but she spoke to it anyway. Then I will do my best to honor your trust and watch over you until you are strong enough to watch over us.

Pam smirked. "Isn't he big for a newborn?"

Eric beamed and examined his son's equipment, "He takes after his father!"

Dr. Ludwig reached in and pressed on Sookie's stomach to make sure her uterus was contracting. "Nonsense. All newborn boys look a bit …swollen but he is a big newborn. I wouldn't be surprised if he clocks in around ten pounds. And he's a very long baby…"

She clucked at Eric as he expanded with pride. "Not that kind of long! I'm astonished that you pushed him out so easily Sookie."

Sookie winced. "I wouldn't call it easy. There a reason it's called labor!"

Dr. Ludwig patted Sookie's hand. "You did well. He's a beautiful boy and he entered the world peacefully. That's the beauty of water births. Now; I really need you to hand him to his daddy so that we can get his vitals…"

Sigurd protested mightily and issued his first cries.

Eric smiled with joy, pride and elation as he took little Sigurd against his bare chest, "I'm sorry, min son. I feel the same way when I am deprived of móðir's breasts.

After Dr Ludwig confirmed that Sigurd was indeed ten pounds, and had checked his Apgar scores twice, she handed him back to Sookie.

"This is a very healthy and active boy!" she said, smiling as Sigurd made anxious snuffling noises till he found Sookie's breast and latched on. Turning to Adele, she added, "His register's very strong," she waved towards a hovering sprite, "as would be expected after all of this hub-bub."

She checked Sookie one more time. When mother and baby were resting comfortably, Ludwig excused her, leaving instructions to call her if there were any changes in the Sookie or Sigurd's condition.

When Sigurd was full, and drowsy, Sookie handed him back to Eric, had a bit to eat and drink, and drowsed herself, listening to the fire crackle and the soft chatter of the girls.

Kirsten stroked the baby's strong little nose and broad forehead. "No one's ever going to mistake Sigurd for a girl."

Pam snickered, "Or a Brigant Fae: this one's all boy—like his papa."

Zeline scrutinized Sigurd's broad little face. "He's handsome. I think he'll look like you, mon oncle."

Sigurd cracked one eyes open, pursed his little lips, and farted. Kirsten couldn't stop giggling as she changed his diaper. "How could such a little bottom make that much noise…or that much poo?"

Sookie grinned sleepily and held out her arms, "At least we know the plumbing works."

Eric shook his head, "I had forgotten how much work newborns are."

Sookie smiled and stroked the perfect curve of Sigurd's cheek, "So had I, but I wouldn't change a thing." She smiled at her niece, at Pam, and her girls. "And I have had some experience raising extraordinary children."

When Sookie was ready, Adele helped her take a shower, while Kirsten and Eric cleaned, diapered, and dressed Sigurd in a Minnesota Vikings sleeper, slipped a team cap with Northman #1 over his head, and sheathed him in booties sporting the Viking's Nordic Man logo.

Pam beamed and took a few photos on her phone. "The paparazzi have been very wary since that damned imp Ifreat. Word's gotten out that we fight back with action they'll never be able to litigate. I'll send these to the sheriffs, and start fielding calls. When would you like to do an official portrait for the press?"

Eric readjusted Sigurd, who was rooting against his chest. "In four days. Allow only one Supe photographer—Mercy Wardwell—the photographer for American Vamp and the official photographer for the Vikings—it's my team and I wish to show them my favor. Perhaps I'll name the new stadium after my son."

When Sookie and Sigurd were settled into the nursery suite's big bed, Pam poured sparkling champagne and Royalty into Waterford crystal toasting flutes and the family raised their glasses. Del offered the toast, while Sigurd focused single-mindedly on getting as much as he could out of Sookie's breasts.

"I offer the first toast in the name of the Northmans and in the name of your Brigant kin. May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies, and fast to make friends.? And may you know nothing but happiness from this day forward"

When everyone had left, Eric climbed in next to mother and child. The birth had been glorious, miraculous, filled with passion, joy and pain. He kissed Sigurd, warm and sleeping in his mother's arms. "Välkomnar min son! I am so very glad that you chose us to be your parents…and that you are here with us. I will do my best to guide and protect you—to help you become the man you are meant to be."

) 0(

Prince Niall visited the next day while Eric was tending to the business of running the kingdom of Minnesota. As far as any but his kinfolk knew, he was at his rest—a necessary deceit for the time being. Sookie and Sigurd had moved to the nursery suite, a place where bright winter sunlight streamed into an airy set of rooms.

A little fountain tinkled in the spa—a temporary home for the undines who had chosen to stay and watch over Sigurd. Soon they would return to the lakes that were their home, but they had come to bond with him.

Sookie embraced her great-great grandfather and felt the warmth of his love flow through her. She relaxed, letting all of her cares dissolve in the the absolute comfort of his presence, and handed the newborn to him.

Niall cradled Sigurd, and spoke to him silently. You have returned from so many journeys Shining One. When you were Taliesin, I heard you singing in Welsh valleys. You were the greatest mage and the bard of your age.

So many will love you, yet your sister Del could tell you that there is danger in love…in complete love…and if this love brings you to danger… it will also bring you to joy…and to necessary knowledge. Your eyes are like the sea on a sunny day…but there are depths beneath the bright surface.

He kissed his forehead and spoke aloud. "I give you my blessing and the blessing and protection of the Fae who are your people. Well may they guide and guard you."

Then, a thoughtful smile curving his mouth, he placed Sigurd back in Sookie's arms. There was a pensive shimmer in the shadow of Niall's eyes.

She looked up at him sharply. "What is it?"

His voice was carefully neutral as if guarding a secret. "He is beautiful and very special." He touched her cheek. "Just as his mother is beautiful and very special. You must understand, dearest, that he is not as your girls. He will be strong, yes. Stronger than any but the strongest human…strong as his father was in human life…and as handsome."

"But his strength is not in his physical prowess; many supernaturals will have more physical strength. Sigurd's strength lies in the power of his magick, the power of his mind, and the strength of his soul. He will be a great healer and teacher"

He smiled reassuringly, but hid his thoughts. This physical life can be like licking honey off a thorn. Will he summon what he has been and what he will become in time to turn the hearts and minds of the supernaturals before it is too late? Will he be able to help their spirits evolve, even as their physical bodies are evolving?

To that Niall had no answer and there was no point in worrying Sookie as she cradled her darling little son. Instead he kissed them both and presented Sookie with a perfect rose "Like my love for you and darling Sigurd, this rose will never wither." His eyes twinkled, "And remind Eric that his son has to do his own growing—no matter how tall his father is."


Hope you enjoyed…
