A BIG thank you goes out to ShannonxMoore'sxLoverx, Adriana, Kayla Smiley, lknights91, BourneBetter67, cristinaN, RKOsgirl92, Skillet's Lady Goddess, babymelly, Madison792, KimmieCena, MissCrys, I'mxAxRockstar, Krista Hardy, miles89 and redrose88 for their awesome reviews!

A/N: Unfortauntely this is it...the last chapter of Our Own Legacy. Everyone who has read and reviewed the story is truly awesome, and if you haven't already, go check out my new story, Re-United Love. I think it's going to be good! Well, enjoy the new update!

5 Years Later

As Taylor looked into the mirror, she couldn't help but smile. It was the day of her and Cody's 5th wedding anniversary, and they couldn't think of a better way in celebrating than by renewing their vows. As she adjusted her dress, she couldn't help but think of how perfect it was-a vanilla colored strapless gown with a lace bodice and full skirt. She felt like Cinderella.

Just then, she heard the door open, and Rebecca walked into the little room. "Taylor, you look absolutely beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"Thank you. I can't believe Cody and I are celebrating 5 years! It seems like yesterday Brady was born."

"I know how you feel. My youngest is 9!"

Just then, Ally also walked in the room. "Taylor, are you just about ready?"

"Yep. Where are Dakota, Cheyenne, Maria and Mickie?" she asked, referring to the other bridesmaids.

"They are already in the back of church," Ally replied as Brady bounced in the room.

"Mom, this tie feels like its choking me!" he exclaimed. "Do I have to wear it?"

Taylor couldn't help but giggle at her 4 year old son. "Sorry, buddy but you do. After all, your our ring bearer, and he has to look just as handsome as the groom. Once we get to the reception, I promise you can take it off."

"Alright," he grumbled as two little girls in matching white dresses walked into the room.

"Mommy, do we look pretty?" one asked.

"Daddy said we look butiful," the other said.

Taylor giggled as she watched her 3 year old twins, Addyson and Kendall twirl around in their dresses. "I think you girls look adorable! Very pretty!"

"You definitely picked out some cute dresses," Ally said.

"I want a picture!" Rebecca exclaimed as Taylor pulled her girls close. It still amazed her to this day how all three kids looked like Cody. Kendall has Taylor's eyes, but had no other similarities.

"Boy everyone in this room looks beautiful!" Shawn exclaimed as he walked into the room.

"Awe, thank you daddy," Taylor said as she quickly hugged her father.

"Your welcome. I was told to tell everyone that it's almost time to start, so we need to get lined up. But, Taylor, I want to talk to you for a second."

She watched as everyone filed out of the room and then gave Shawn a curious look. "What's up daddy?"

Shawn shrugged as he handed Taylor a small box. "Nothing serious. I just wanted to give you this."

Taylor pried open the jewelery box, and gasped when she saw the contents. Inside, was a beautiful white gold necklace with a diamond pendant shaped like a snow flake. "Daddy! It's beautiful!" she exclaimed. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. I thought it fit, mainly because you guys got married the day after Christmas. By the way...have I told you lately how proud I am of you?"


"It's true, Taylor. You and Cody have kept your marriage solid for the past 5 years, and have three beautiful kids together. Most women married to a WWE wrestler don't usually last, but I'm glad to see your different."

"Well, that's probably because I was a Diva at one time," Taylor smirked. "But thank you-all of what you just said means alot. Now...I think it's time for us to join everyone in the procession."

Shawn nodded as he offered his arm, and Taylor looped her arm through his. As she watched everyone begin to walk down the aisle in church, Taylor could tell Brady was getting bored-especially when he started jumping around.

"Brady," Taylor called. "It's time. It's your turn to walk down the aisle with your sisters."

Brady, Addyson and Kendall started walking down the aisle, but Kendall stopped somewhere in the middle. She realized everyone was looking at her and began to cry. "Mommy! Daddy!" she squealed.

Cody walked quickly toward his daughter and picked her up in his arms as Brady and Addyson sat with Rebecca. "It's ok, I'm right here," Cody whispered. He then placed a comforting kiss on the toddler's cheek before he ushered her into the same pew as her siblings.

He then heard the trumpets begin to play the Wedding march, and the ushers opened the back church doors open. As Taylor walked toward him, Cody smiled and even wiped away a few tears.

"Grandma, why is daddy crying?" Addyson whispered to Rebecca. "Did he get an owie?"

Rebecca giggled as Cody and Taylor took their places in front of the priest. "No, he doesn't have an owie. Your daddy just thought your mommy looked beautiful, and is happy to see her."

Soon it was time for the vows, and Cody and Taylor had decided to write their own. He took a deep breath when he was told to start. "Taylor, I love you. You are the best thing that has ever come into my life, and you are the one who has given me the three best gifts I could ever receive: Brady, Addyson and Kendall. You are such a support to me. You are my rock, and I know for a fact that I would be lost without you. The past five years have been the best, and I look forward to more anniversaries with you. I love you baby."

Taylor smiled as Cody wiped away a few stray tears with the pads of his thumbs, and took a deep breath. She knew it was her turn. "Cody, when I actually sat down and tried to write what I wanted to say to you, I couldn't. It wasn't because I didn't have anything to say, it was because I didn't know how to say it. I thank God everyday for you, and for our three little miracles," Taylor said as she glanced at her parents pew in church. "I love your kindness, your sense of humor, generosity and your love for your family and work. I feel so lucky to be able to fall asleep and wake up each morning by your side. You are right-the past five years have been great, and I also look forward to many more. I love you too Cody."

Cody and Taylor exchanged smiles as the priest recited a short prayer. "By the power invested in me, and by the state of Georgia, I pronounce you still husband and wife. Cody, you may kiss your wife."

Cody immediately pulled Taylor close, and placed a passionate kiss upon her lips. "EWWW!" the girls exclaimed as Cody and Taylor broke their embrace, laughing. They then motioned the kids to the front of the pew, and Cody and Taylor knelt down to their level as the photographer was able to get a picture.

As the evening went on, Cody and Taylor were by each others sides all night, and held each other close as they danced their first dance. "So, did the day turn out like you wanted it to?" Cody asked as he pressed his forehead to Taylor's.

"It turned out so much better than I could have ever imagined. As I watched the kids today, I can't believe how big they are," Taylor exclaimed. "Time has flown by so fast!"

"You are definitely right on that one," Cody agreed. "Hell, my oldest niece is in college. That makes me feel old!"

Taylor giggled as she wrapped her arms tighter around Cody's neck. "Well, you know what I'm looking forward to?"

"What's that?" Cody asked.

"I'm looking foward to our honeymoon suite! I'm looking forward to spending time together alone, by ourselves with no kids running around!"

Cody laughed out loud as the song ended and he quickly kissed his wife. "Happy anniversary baby."

"Happy anniversary Cody."