A/N: This is just a short little oneshot I wrote. Enjoy!


He was always there. Watching her. He never said anything, just stood there.

He would wear a veiled expression on his face, never let any emotion seep through.

Sometimes, if she would wave to him, he would nod to acknowledge her presence. Watching her.

One day, though, he finally spoke.


When Zelda entered the training room one day, she saw that Ike had taken his usual place in the corner of the room. She took out her arrows to start practicing her archery again, as she did every morning.


She sighed as she missed her target again, but only by a bit. Her arms were starting to hurt from holding them up so long. She aimed again and missed. Glancing up at the clock, she realized she only had an hour left before the other Smashers started coming in. She started again, and didn't noticed the silent mercenary had left his place in the corner of the room and was making his way towards her.

Just before she was about to shoot again, she felt the arrow being lifted up a bit by someone behind her. Two strong, gloved hands repositioned her fingers on the bow into a more comfortable position. Her index finger was placed into a relaxed pose on the front of the arrow.

"One swift move," said the voice from behind her. "No hesitation."

She slowly pulled back on the arrow and let go. It landed perfectly in the center of the target.

"Thanks," she said after turning around. The mercenary nodded and stepped silently back to the corner, not making a sound.


When she saw Ike again the next day, he greeted her with a soft hello, and she took her place in front of the target again. She followed what he showed her the day before, and got all the arrows on target. She smiled gratefully after she was done, but he was already gone. She decided she would talk to him the next day.


When she came again the day after, she could tell that Ike was surprised when she went straight over to his isolated figure and hugged him. He stared at her blankly, ad his expression softened as he wrapped his arms around her. She breathed in his warm, musky scent and smiled. She wanted to stay that way forever.


A/N: What do you think? By the way, credit goes to Intelliget Systems, Ike's only line in thewhole story was featured in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Hope you liked my story! Please read and review!