Sumiko: Hello everyone! Nice to meet you, ermm, I'm actually new here, and I would appreciate if you would read and review nicely please, I know too many people say I'm new here or pls. review nicely whatsoever, but listen, I really don't like nasty reviews, so if you have something to say, say it nicely! Oh yeah! Just call me Sumi or Sumi-chan, Have a nice time~.

Everyone: Hai!, Nice to meet you, Sumi/Sumi-chan. 'She's kind of scary'

Sumi: I saw that!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice only Higuchi Tachibana does.


Summary: Cheerful, and bubbly little Mikan always wanted to be rock star and her parents supported her. But that all changed, when they got into a car accident, Mikan only survived and blamed herself for her parents' death. Then from that day onwards, Mikan changed from goody-two-shoes to Ms. Punk attitude but when the apartment she's staying at was accidentally burned down by some stupid idiots, she now has nowhere to live and has no money. Fortunately, she applied to go to the famous school for Music, Gakuen Music Academy (GMA), just to live there, chillax, and do whatever she wants since she was pretty good at everything, but noooo,fate just had to be a bitch. She had to meet stupid people there like rivals, stupid fan boys and what? Multiple LOVE interests? Who will become her knight in shining armor to save her from her past ?

Chapter 1 Her Cruel Past

Flashback Mikan's Past

"Mommy, Daddy, Mikan wants to be a rock star when I grow up" said a little innocent and cute Mikan seated right the back seat of the car, to her parents. The Sakura family were out for a drive in a sunny day.

"Yes, yes, sweety, now please stop repeating that, cause it's the 499th time you said that" said her dad who was driving the car,. He was a handsome young man with silvery-white hair and hazel eyes. He has the same personality as Mikan, childish and loud, but he can be very serious sometimes.

"Besides, We already know that you're gonna be one, cause you have the greatest voice that no one could ever have," said her Mom, Yuka Azumi,who was seated beside her husband. She was giggling at her husband and daughter's childish quarrel. 'Kids' she thought as she giggled.

"See, Why can't you be as encouraging as Mama?" Mikan asked with hands on her hips. " Besides Mikan wants to break my record on saying that line for the 500th time, and Mikan almost broke it, now one more time, okay?"

"Fine." a sigh escaped from his father's lips.

"Hehe. Ahem, listen as Mikan breakes her own record, ... (breathes in) Mikan want to be a rock star when - Kyahhhh Mommy Daddy,look out!," Mikan screamed and pointed at the front where a big truck with a person who is clearly not sober driving. He had his eyes closed with a cigarette on his mouth and his face was as red as a tomato. His hand weren't grabbing firmly on the steering wheel. It seemed as if he was already asleep.

Her mom swore loudly "What the f*ck are people getting drunk and driving for these days?"

"Daddy, what does f*ck mean?" Mikan asked innocently. Her father only sweatdropped and did not reply to the question. However, Mikan was a very curious and stubborn child so she continuously pestered him for the meaning.

Yuka tapped on her husband's shoulder several times. "Hello? Knock Knock People. Open up! A car is FREAKING GOING TO CRASH US!"


"I'm already on it." Izumi tried to dodge the incoming truck coming by moving right, but the truck was too fast and both cars clashed and caused an accident.

"Mikan, go! Please live for us, and achieve your dream to make us happy, Good bye Mikan, Remember that we always love you..." was the last thing Mikan heard from her parents' hoarse but sweet and caring voice, she couldn't help but be confused on why they were saying goodbye, "We will live ...,right?" she thought before she blacked out from the tremendous pain that overcame her.

When Mikan woke up, the first thing she expected to saw wasn't her parents smiling at her. It was a white ceiling. She wondered if they ever changed their yellow ceiling to white. She tried to sit up straight but couldn't as she felt pain all over her body. She rested for a moment and tried to sit up again. This time, however, was succesful although her body was still aching all over. As her thoughts were now more clear, she looked left and right and her eyes widened as she realized where she was and what just happened. She was in the hospital all bandaged up from the car accident injuries. There sure was a lot of injuries but they weren't really serious. She carefully placed one feet on the ground then another. Then she gently pushed herself to stand on the ground steadying herself and headed towards the door but stopped halfway when she heard voices from the other side.

"Poor child losing her parents at a young age like this" the nurse murmured as she shook her head in doctor agreed "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. I'm afraid we just have to put her in the orphanage as it seems that none of her relatives wants to take her in." All of a sudden, the door behind the doctor's back burst open, out came a very scared-looking Mikan.

"Ouch! Who the f- oh!" the doctor exclaimed holding his back in pain. He bent down head to head with Mikan and placed a hand gently on her shoulder. "Excuse me, how are you doing little lady? I don't think you should be up and standing yet. Don't you think you should rest a little bit more?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Doctor. But can you tell me who lost her parents?"

"Uhh, don't worry about that.. just get back to your room and get as much rest as you can. Okay?" The nurse seemed to be hiding something as she was constantly fidgeting.

Mikan had a bad feeling inside but she ignored it and trudged back to her room. Before stepping a foot back inside the room, she stopped in her tracks, turned around and asked, " Umm, I forgot to ask but do you know where my mommy and daddy are?"

'Shit. We're dead!' Just as the nurse was finally going to blurt out the truth; the doctor interrupted. "Your Mommy and Daddy are just fine. Don't worry. We take good care of them."

Just as Mikan got back to her room, the nurse smacked the doctor's arm lightly, "Why did you lie to her?"

"I couldn't help it, it'll make her hysterical, and you know that I can't handle tears very well."

"Fine, but don't blame me if she knows the truth. You are sooo going to be busted for this."

After 2 months, she was finally released. She was so happy to be finally free from that suffocating room. She pranced happily around and twirled and twirled and twirled until she was so dizzy she fell. The other patients stared at her thinking she was insane and just sweatdropped. Mikan stood up, dusted imaginary dust on her dress, skipped towards the counter and asked a nurse about how her parents' condition were. "Your Last Name is Sakura, right? Hrmm, let me see, Oh! Don't you know they died 2 months ago from a car crash; didn't they tell you..." the nurse trailed off recognizing Mikan's face that contained surprise, lonliness and horror.

Poor Mikan was still standing letting every word the nurse said sink in with her eyes widening each second and her mouth agaped. After a while, she forced a laugh. " Ahahaha, very funny nurse, nice joke.. now where's my mommy and daddy?"

The nurse only kept quiet and shook her head.

"NO! NO! That's not true! The doctor said that they were fine! I want MY MOMMY AND DADDY! Give me back my Daddy and Mommy! I promise I won't be naughty anymore. I'll give back the chocolate I stole from Daddy! Just give me back my Mommy and Daddy!" cried the little Mikan making such a ruckus that the other patients looked at her and pity her.

'Oh, that stupid doctor, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!' The nurse consoled her by patting her back. "There, there, don't worry Your Mommy and Daddy will be always by your side and in your heart. They just became a star in heaven. Every night just look outside and think of your parents. I'm sure they'll be watching over you." And even though Mikan knew that, she blamed herself for it. 'It's my fault interrupting them, I shouldn't have talked to them or got their attention. It's all my fault, why do these things keep happening to me? Why can't I stop being a burden for everybody' Her thoughts were in a mess as she recalled yesterday's events.

Flashback WITHIN the Flashback, Just Yesterday

The sun was shining, the birds were whining. (Oops, I meant chirping) It was such a good day to surprise her friends. Today had been their 1st friend anniversary and Mikan had been planning to surprise them and give them the gifts she prepared. She was so excited she couldn't conceal it on her face as she walked swiftly towards the classroom. But just before she turned the knob of the door, she heard voices. She was giggling silently taking a peek inside when what she heard shocked her.

"You know that Sakura is such a slut, she knew that I liked Kei, but she still seduced him!" Kana, one of her friends blabbed. All of her friends were there excluding her. They were seated around Mikan's vandalized desk that was surrounded with trash and harsh words written on it.

She gasped. What the- Who the heck is Kei? She was shocked that she doesn't remember who Kei is. Maybe another one of his fan boys? Yes, dear readers, you read it correctly, there is nothing wrong with your eyes, you don't need to go the doctor to get a check up. Mikan is the most popular girl in their school. Not only because of her beauty, it is also because of her cheerfulness and her special ability to make people smile, too bad though she's stupid. But that's not really important, the more important thing that shocked her was that Kana thought she was a slut? Besides, what is a slut anyway? She didn't knew that they were the ones recently vandalizing her desk and putting threatening words on it.

"Yeah, I feel your pain, she can be a bitch sometimes, acting like we're really her friends, but we're not." Sayumi, also one of her friends, dramatically said as she rested the back of her hand on her head, pretending to be hurt.

She gasped again. What? So they were only pretending to be her friends? She was so shocked that she gripped the gifts she made so tightly it was all crumpled.

But wait, her best friend, Shasha, won't betray her, right? A sparkle of hope shone inside her, but it quickly faded when she heard the next person speak.

"She's really stupid, thinking that we're really her friends, I just befriended her because she's popular AND rich!, and now look at me! I'm popular too! Hahaha " Shasha, her most precious best friend laughed as she spat out more hurtful words that made Mikan much more terrible hurt than she already was as they all just cackled and agreed.

The words were stuck in Mikan's head like a broken tape recorder playing over and over again. No matter how she didn't want to erase it from her mind She couldn't, she just couldn't! It was the truth anyways and why bother hide it? Huh? The tears she was holding back flowed down her cheeks endlessly as she dropped the gifts she was holding on to tightly. It made a 'thud' sound and Mikan's friends sure heard it. They turned their head to the source of the sound but found no one instead they found crumpled and destroyed gifts with their names written on it by Mikan. (A/N: May I suggest that you open youtube and play the song Airplanes by B.O.B feat. Hayley William of Paramore)

Sasha slowly walked towards it and picked it up. Her eyes widened when she read it was from Mikan. In a blink of an eye, she was out of the room chasing after Mikan. She tried every place the Mikan would surely be there but couldn't find her. When she reached the place where a large Sakura tree was planted, it was the last place she could think of, she searched around breathing and panting heavily, drenched in called out, "Mikan? Mikan, are you there?" She stopped to listen for a reply. Silence. She called out again, "Mikan, I know you're here somewhere, just let me explain! Mikan, I'm sorry! I truly am sorry! I wasn't saying the truth! Mikan, please come out! LISTEN TO ME!"

Finally, Mikan came out. With tears still flowing down her cheeks, she uttered a hoarse cry "What's there to explain? Sasha, it's alright. I won't bother with you anymore. Why didn't you just tell me? Why did you have to hide it from me? WHY? TELL ME, SASHA, WHY? Are you happy now? Are you happy that you're popular now? Does it feel good to hurt me? (chuckle) This is the end of our friendship. I HATE YOU SASHA! I HATE YOU AND I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!" With that, she ran away towards the other side crossing the road when she didn't notice that there was a truck coming right at her.




Moments later...

WHEE WHOO WHEE WHOO (sound of an ambulance)


"What happened here?"

"She got into a car accident!"


"Doctor, will she die? Please don't let her die, she's my best friend! PLEASE SAVE HER! I'M BEGGING YOU!"

"Don't worry, we will do everything in our power to save her. Just stay outside here and be calm. We'll report the results later." And with that the doctor entered the emergency room with the nurses and did the operation.

Outside the door, Mikan kept waiting and waiting, praying for Sasha's safety as she was circling around restlessly growing more impatient by the second. When Sasha's parents finally arrived heaving heavily, they asked Mikan if the operation was done. Mikan could only shake her head in sorrow. Several moments pass by and for god knows how long they were waiting, the doctor finally came out of the emergency room with a grave look on his face. Uh-oh, this is definitely not a good sign. Come on! Don't give me that face... Turn that frown upside down! Ok, this is not the time to be joking. Gather up the courage to go and ask him.

"So doctor how is she?"

"...I'm sorry to say that she dead. She has lost far too amount of blood and we were too late. I'm sorry but we have done the best we could. I apologize."


Few days later...

The news about Sasha's death spread to the whole school like wild fire and in no time almost the whole school knows about it. The principal even offered to have a funeral service at school which Sasha's parents accepted. What happened to Mikan? Well, Mikan was still attending school although she was only constantly being ignored or being talked about. But that didn't matter to her at all, her eyes which were once filled with happiness were now dull and lifeless as she kept thinking 'It's my fault.' Her ex-friends were always whispering behind her back. Mikan still remembered the time she returned to school they were always blaming her for Sasha's death. "It's your fault Sasha died!" "How could you do this to her?" "You're heartless! You should just go and die! You're a murderer! A MURDERER!"

At the funeral, Mikan even wrote a poem by herself for Sasha. Mikan took a big breath and walked in front of everyone and recited.

She is gone

You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived.

You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.

Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her and only that she's gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she'd want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

Mikan's voice cracked near the end. Although she was not showing any signs of weakness, a tear slid down her cheeks. After she recited, she bowed down and immediately ran somewhere where she could hide and cry her heart out.

End of Flashback WITHIN the Flashback

"No, Mommy, Daddy, come back... come back" Mikan cried and cried until she finally drifted off to sleep. She didn't care if she disturbed the other patients or not she just wanted her parents back. Losing Sasha was one horrible thing and she couldn't get over it until her parents took her away to another country for 3 months. Time passed and she slowly forgot about it, she was now the same old Mikan happy and bubbly until the car crash happened.

"Poor child, she has really suffered a lot. May Kami-sama grant you great happiness in the near future." The nurse prayed for Mikan's sake and she carried her home.

End of Flashback

Mikan woke up drenched in sweat, breathing and panting heavily. She leaned her head on her palm and wiped the sweat off her forehead. She was still in her bed looking dazed. Minutes passed, she finally snapped out of her reverie and looked at the clock.

'Shit! It's time for work.' Mikan cursed 'Stupid nightmare.'

Tell me why you have to go and make thigs so complicated, I see the way your acting like your somebody else, gets me frustrated, life's like this and you fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into, Honestly promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it, No No No!

When will this never-ending nightmare stop?

Sumi: Well that's it for the first chapter, I'm sorry if it's too short or something, I'm still an amateur, and if your wondering what song I wrote, it's Complicated by Avril Lavigne, you gotta love her. Yeah! About the muliple love interest, pls. vote for whoever couple you would like to be with Mikan, of course in the end it's still NxM. Pls. review even if it's only five reviews.I'll be very happy. Thank you!

Everbody: Bye!