Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter

What's up readers? You might wonder why I post so fast. The reason is I've wrote all of these stories you're reading ahead of time. I just never posted them. New story right here. One of my funniest and best I think. This type of lettering is a flashback. I've read and reread it at least five times. I really hope you all like this one. Welcome to:

Forbidden Love

Rose Weasley stood in Flourish and Blotts bookstore of Diagon Alley. She had just finished work at the Ministry of Magic. She worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. As interesting as her job was, she was faintly glad work was over for the day.

She heard the 'tinkle' of the shop bell as someone walked in. Her mind was entranced at the things she was reading. Her head was far too off in space to notice anything or anyone one around her.

"Rose Weasley," said a deep voice.

She looked up. There in front of her stood a young man with blondish white hair.

Rose looked at him trying to remember if she had ever met him. When she didn't reply he said, "It's me, Scorpius Malfoy."

"Really," Rose said. "I haven't seen you since we graduated Hogwarts." That had been four years ago.

"I left for a while to get family affairs straightened out. I just got back a couple months ago. How have you been?"

"Me," she said, closing the book. "I've been working in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. And---" she held out her left hand so he could see it. "I'm engaged to Elijah Brown," she added with a grin.

His smile slowly left his face. "Oh, um... Congratulations. That's great," he said with a small laugh.

"Where do you work now?" Rose asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm a Healer over at St. Mungo's," Scorpius replied.

"That must be an interesting job. With all of the strange magical cases coming in."

"It's a pretty hard working job." He kept glancing down at the diamond ring on her finger.

Rose looked down at her watch. "Merlin's look at the time! I must be off. It told Elijah I'd meet him a half an hour ago." Rose looked back up at him. "It was nice seeing you again Scorpius," she said with a bright smile. Then she hurried out of the store to find Elijah.

That night, in her flat above one of the stores in Diagon Alley, Rose lay in her bed, and twirled the engagement ring. Their wedding was in one month.

To her she didn't just want to walk down the aisle and say 'I do'. She wanted to believe in her heart she was doing the right thing.

After meeting Scorpius in the bookstore today, memories that she wanted erased came to fill her head

Rose remembered on in particular that made her want to laugh and cry at the same time. She put the ring on her bedside table and fell asleep.

A little red headed girl ran into her backyard garden. She flattened the flowered sundress she was wearing.

"Rosie? Rosie where are you?" a voice called between the large hedges.

Rose ran to find the source of the calling. Suddenly she ran into a small boy with pale, pointed features and blondish white hair.

"There you are!" he exclaimed. "Come on, Al is waiting."

He held out a hand and she took it. The two children ran farther back in the garden where the wild flowers grew.

Little Albus Potter stood in front of one of the bushes holding a bouquet of roses and a blank piece of parchment.

"There you two are," Albus called. "Here, these are for you Rose." He handed her the roses. "Turn to face each other," he said after a minute.

Rose turned and looked into the gray eyes of Scorpius Malfoy. He smiled and Rose smiled back.

"Now take her hands Scorp," Albus said, obviously getting irritated. Scorpius took her hands in his. "You're the boy and girl getting married and I'm the priest who declares it."

The three six year olds were playing 'wedding'.

"Repeat after me Scorp. Trust me, I've been to a wedding." Albus cleared his throat. "I Scorpius Malfoy, love you, Rose Weasley."

"I Scorpius Malfoy, love you, Rose Weasley," Scorpius repeated.

Albus tried to keep a straight face. He looked back at the blank parchment, as if words were on it.

"Rosie repeat after me. I Rose Weasley, love you, Scorpius Malfoy," Albus said again in his most official tone.

"I Rose Weasley, love you, Scorpius Malfoy," Rose said with a giggle.

"Then in the power invested in me you may kiss your bride." Albus swished a fake wand in the air around them.

Rose and Scorpius leaned in. He kissed her quickly and they backed apart. They all burst into a fit of giggles. Then Scorpius ran off.

"Wait for your bride Scorp!" Rose yelled laughing, and she chased after him.

"Don't forget about the priest!" Albus added, running after them.

The next morning Rose tried to put that memory aside. You're twenty-one Rose. You kissed him when you were six.

Rose went to work that day and after met up with Elijah for dinner. Her eyes darted in every which way, checking to make sure she wouldn't meet Scorpius again.

"Are you okay Rose?" Elijah asked, noticing her strange behavior, on the way back to her flat.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she pecked him on the cheek and went up the stairs.

There's the end of chapter 1. Elijah Brown is Lavendar Brown's son. She got divorced so her son took her maiden name.I'd love to here what you think.