Chapter 15: Epilogue

A month later, Emily Anne Morgan and Lily Eva McCall were released from the hospital. They would have to continue to come back to GH for outpatient care, but it was much better than staying in a hospital bed.

Sam and Jason easily fell back into their old routine. It only took a week after their girls were home for them to start dating again.

The first 100 days after bone marrow transplants were the hardest, and the only setback they had was a minor infection Lily got after 63 days. She had to spend a week in the hospital, but she recovered quickly. After that, it was a smooth ride and both of the girls were happy with their lives together.

A little over a year after they were first reunited, Sam and Jason got married in Lila Quartermaine's rose garden with all of their friends and family around to watch. At the same time Sam's last name was changed to Morgan, they changed Lily's too.

They never imagined that they could be happier, until Sam started feeling sick on the honeymoon and they found out that she was pregnant. No one was more excited than Jason, who had been waiting for this since the day they started dating. Nine months later, they had a little boy, Daniel Edward, who they call Danny.

Sam and Jason never had to deal with Elizabeth again. She was sent to prison and custody of her two boys, Cameron and Jake, was given to their father, Lucky Spencer. Even after her release, she didn't come back to Port Charles, instead choosing to move to Los Angeles.

Ric was tracked down too and went to jail for a couple of years. Molly never forgave her father, and that pain was too much for him, so he committed suicide. Sam and Jason weren't sad to see him go, but they did hate the guilt that Molly felt for that.

When the twins were 10 and Danny was a year and a half old, Sam had another baby. It was another boy and they chose the name Dominic Alan Morgan. Lily and Emily were excited, but they begged for a little sister.

Sam told everyone that the baby making factory was closed and that four children was enough. That is, until Emily and Lily were 15, Danny was 6, and Dominic was 4. She had another set of twins, a little boy named Jason Jr. (they called him Jace) and a little girl named Riley Taylor (after the two doctors who had fixed her older sisters).

Jason and Sam never imagined that they would have such a big family, or that they would even end up together. But they knew that everything happened for a reason and they were glad that things had happened the way they did.

I feel like the ending was a bit rushed, but this is how I had always imagined it, maybe just spread out a couple more chapters. I didn't really want to get into the whole story of after Emily and Lily got out of the hospital, considering that this was only supposed to be about their illness.

Please review and let me know what you thought, whether you liked it or hated it! Thank you for everyone who has stuck with this story, and I'm sorry it took so long to complete!

If you haven't yet, go readmy newest story, When it isn't Like it Should Be. I'm thinking about starting the sequel to Secrets, called Lies Untold, pretty soon, so watch for that!