1They expected to be married. They expected to have awkward dinners. They expected to have sex. They expected that they were expected to have children. She expected that he would sleep with other woman. He expected that she would keep silent.


please excuse my spelling :(

Hinata drew in a deep breath as she pushed herself from the cool, mellow sheets of her bed. It seemed to her like the sun had angled itself through the window so perfectly, that she was not rudely awakened but delightfully summoned to her wake. It was like a perfect picture, she sat there in bed. Her hair was slightly ruffled with a mellow smile gracing her face. The silken sheets, even in their dark violet tone, shimmered beautifully in the coveted rays. It was picture perfect.

This was a normal day. Hinata Uchiha, married to the stone that is the 'prodigy', actually lived a very lavish lifestyle. She was given everything she could ever desire and more. It never even seemed like they were married, he was rarely ever around. He was always busy, out training or saving lives or shuffling through stacks of papers. Hinata sighed deeply, looking at the messy groove where her husband once lay. He had woken up early. He always woke up early. 4 hours early to be exact. The first few years of their lives together, he would wake Hinata everyday at 6am, with his rustling in some rush to escape his own home. At this point, Hinata was no longer distressed by it any longer, it was normal. Everything was normal, always normal.

"Lady Uchiha, you have a visitor." the mousey nurse whispered through the small slit she made with the door. Hinata had no idea why they were always getting visitors at 10am, Sasuke was a very important man. Anbu, politician and entrepreneur. Soon to be Hokage if everything went correctly. If he could manage to get passed Naruto on the public opinion level.

"I'll be out shortly." she whispered in response. With a groan she managed to tear herself from the sheets that she wanted to instantly melt into. It was now time for her to perform her most important-and only job, being Lady Uchiha. She did all of the work Sasuke was too important to do. Often he didn't like to involve her in things of that nature. Only occasionally was she allowed to even greet a business associate, he feared she would ruin all of his investments. To him, the only thing useful about her in the business category was her body. A lonely old man will sign anything to sit next to a beautiful young woman like Hinata. She was often his main asset. If only it was truly like that.

"Should I tell him to wait in the lobby?" a stupid question, of course. Where else should he wait? The bathroom? The staff was so shy, because Sasuke was so mean to them. They had to be very cautious to ask about everything they did, so not to anger him. The constant questioning, in the end, angered him even more.

"No worries, I'm coming right now." Hinata said, finally finding the energy to jump from the 3 foot bed and land with her feet pattering on the wooden floor. She grabbed her silk robe from the side wrack, it belonged to Sasuke's grandmother, it was originally a yukata but you can't expect Sasuke to keep up with anything for more than a month. She'd been wearing it as a robe and he was instantly disgusted by it but eventually got used to it. He didn't see her enough to complain at any rate.

The bottom of her slippers shuffled her trail down the hall, she knew she looked a sight. Her hair was something that couldn't even be described as a mess. She had to smell like a thick barrage of mixed floral scents from the perfumes Ino had sent her. Not to mention Sasuke's smell, which was a thick odor that could only be described as lonely and distant. It wasn't long before they would be sleeping in different beds as well.

"Lord Uchiha, well the other Lord that is." Hinata greeted the man, sitting in their living room but failed sadly. She was so taken aback by his appearance, mostly because he looked stunningly like his brother. If she was frightened by the younger Uchiha, then she may as well drop dead in front of the elder. Often, she couldn't even speak around one of them, if both of them were in the room then she probably was not conscious.

"You look like hell." he turned to her, his voice was not concerned like it should have sounded. It was a statement, he simply glared at her quickly before returning to staring at a few papers in his hands. The two were brothers but they only visited strictly for business reasons, she hated that Sasuke had left her alone to deal with him. He probably knew he was coming. He did expect all visitors to schedule their arrival 3 weeks ahead of time.

Hinata invited herself to sit next to Itachi who had his legs crossed, showing a cold distance that could only be seen in that family. He was so uptight, as if he had a stick in his back to straighten out the wrinkles. Like a baby tree. "So Itachi, how have you been as of late?" she asked sweetly, tilting her head to the side.

"Let's not beat around the bush Lady Uchiha." he said, turning to her with his mouth completely straightened, in all her life she'd only seen one man angrier than Itachi and that was Hiashi. "I'm buying 5000 square feet of the Uchiha main flat to add onto the 8000 I already have."

"Y-you...could always just ask Sasuke for the extra space...he is your brother after all." Hinata suggested, the looked directly down-deciding that it was the dumbest thing she'd ever thought of. She mentally prepared herself to be lectured on how idiotic she was.

"Oh Hinata." Itachi chuckled lightly, shaking his head just ever so gently that his ebony locks tousled in the waves of heated hair. Hinata blushed, not that she was interested in Itachi, you'd be surprised by the things you notice when you really pay attention. "You are so sweet. So innocent. That is why my father chose you." Hinata smiled, she hadn't expected compliments from Itachi that morning. "You're so stupid. So easily distracted, so easily persuaded, so easily fooled."

Hinata's smile turned cross as she watched the first Uchiha gaze at her menacingly, she'd set herself up for this one though. Like any other man that ever walked through those two doors, his gaze eventually dropped down to her chest-followed by the secondary eyebrow raise and steadying of the breath. "Itachi, you didn't come here just to insult me did you?" Hinata sighed again.

"To admit, I came here for more than that proposal, however-I feel this is a bad time. If you'll just sign these few contacts we can have the area annexed by tomorrow." Itachi said, finally showing Hinats the use of the few sheets of paper in his hands. The Uchihas were always official, she couldn't help but think that it wasn't their family. The boys were so distant and as the only 2 left alive, they don't have much of a connection to pull them together.

"I'm not sure if I should sign this. Sasuke may be upset with me if I do. You should really wait until he returns from work." Hinata took the sheets from Itachi, just to glance at them for a moment before pushing them back into his palms.

"If I come back when he's home, I won't be able to do what I came here for. You are his wife, you own half of everything he owns, you can rightfully sign these." he spoke without even blinking. He persistently pushed the sheets back into her face, she still resisted.

"Sasuke will be angry with me. I'm very sorry. If you want I can hold them for you until he returns." Hinata spoke, withdrawing into her seat in a desperate need to put some distance between the two. Itachi had always been friendly to her, in a way that Sasuke would never be. Still, she felt as though she was defiling his trust by even subjecting herself to that sort of treatment.

"I thought you were his wife, not is secretary." Itachi smirked, almost tearing the paper from her hands and stomping away slowly. Uchiha's didn't like to be denied, it was on the list of Sasuke's set offs. Hinata had to be aware of those as well, he was emotionally cold but not beyond hitting her and she knew it well enough.

She didn't want to be used like a tool but what choice did she have, Sasuke was her husband, her everything. She could have no life beyond the one he had provided for her, it was unethical for her people. She didn't resent him, she could almost say that she loved him, in fact she knew it. He would always state claims of eternal love and adoration but only when it seemed necessary. When he upset her, when she was disappointed by something, when she was annoying him and he wanted her to leave him, often before bed or aloud or at village ceremonies. She remembered the night that their engagement was announced, it took her by surprise. They were at the moonlight festival for which she was making special chocolate. That night, when the stars shun through their eyes and reflected memories and dreams, they stood around a pillar wearing their kimonos. Sasuke stood tall among the rest and announced it to everyone, she knew it was only a ploy for his campaign. There was no official campaign but people had to like you if you were going to be Hokage. Hinata was stunned, she didn't even know they were engaged but when her father heard of it-he immediately forced her into it.

At their wedding, she was reluctant to kiss him. So he forced his tongue down her throat, their friends and family squirmed with discomfort but that's what he wanted. He wanted to humiliate her, to knock her down a notch. To make their relationship look normal, if anything she was the depressed one.

Hinata exhaled the breath she had been holding and looked down at the floor, this lifestyle was a lifestyle-one she'd have to live with forever unless Sasuke died. If Sasuke had died anyway, she would not be remarried. Marriage is sacred to Hyuugas, to remarry would be the biggest sin. Hinata was trapped, although she'd expected that.