*Author's Note: The chapters will alternate between third and first person, and it will be said before the beginning of the chapter if it will be third or first person.

This chapter is in third person.


[At the Mansion]

"Hey proffessor what's up?" Scott said.

"Not much, why do you ask Scott?" replyed Proffessor Xavier.

"Well it's just that you seem to spend alot of time searching with Cerebro lately. Everyone is wondering if a new mutant is going to be joining the X-men." replyed Scott.

"There might be. Cerebro keeps picking up a strong mutant trace but then it just seems to vanish, then appear again." replyed Proffessor Xavier.

"Could it be a teleporter? Like Kurt?" Scott asked.

"No, the signal doesn't appear again for a while. Too long to be a teleporter. Almost like they're switching their mutant powers on and off." replyed Professor Xavier.

"I never heard of anything like that before. I didn't even know it could be done." said Scott.

"It most likely can't be done." said Proffessor Xavier.

"Then why did you say they're turning their powers on and off?" asked Scott.

"Because that's what I would like to believe. What most likely is happening is that they are being chased by someone who has the technology to block mutant powers." replyed Professor Xavier.

"Who has the technology to do that?" asked Scott.

"Only the military would. And that concerns me the most." replyed Proffessor Xavier. "What most likely is happening," continued Proffessor Xavier, "is that this mutant was a test subject that escaped a research facility, and the researchers are trying to get them back. But, what's troubling me is the fact they're actually trying to them back. Usually they would just let them be, but they're trying to get them back which means one of two things, one, the experiment will expose them or two, and most troubling, the experiment is extremely dangerous."

"So were gonna have to get them first huh?" asked Scott.

"I'm afraid so." replyed Proffessor Xavier.

"When should we leave to get them?" asked Scott.

"Right now would be best." said Proffessor Xavier.


[Location Unknown]

Somewhere where the x-men are heading to there is a person in a torn cloak walking around afraid of what could pop out at any corner. She knows the military is after her, she knows she escaped from somewhere, she knows her name is Kristin, but that's all she knows. How she escaped is a blur, why the military are after her is a blur, why she can't remember anything else, it's a blur. All she knows is she has to keep running.


[Pittsburgh PA]

"So who are we looking for?" Kurt asked Scott.

"Ya," said Kitty, "Who ARE we looking for?"

"Just look for a mutant, we have no idea what they look like so this could take a while." said Scott.

"Well ain't this gonna be the funnest spring break ever? Wandering aimlessly in a town we don't even know." Spyke said with heavy sarcasm.

"Everyone's sacrificing their spring break so don't complain." said Scott.

"Fine, but I better get-" Spyke started to say.

"Shh, look." Scott interupted.

"In other news, the military are looking for a B.O.W. that may be hiding in the Pittsburgh area. If you see anything strange, hide, then call the police. The B.O.W. is extremely dangerous and should not be startled or it will attack." the TV in the shop said.

"What's a B.O.W.?" asked Spyke.

"Well if you actually watch EDUCATIONAL channels you would know it's a Bio-Organic-Weapon. People create them to attack other countries but it's illegal to make them for two reasons, one, they are extremely dangerous, and two, they're living creatures, it's unfair to force them to kill other people against their will." replyed Kitty.

"But if it's illegal why is there one loose in the city?" asked Spyke.

"There isn't one loose in the city. It's a mutant not a monster." said Scott.

"Well if it's dangerous we should try to find it before someone gets hurt." Jean said.

"Good idea. X-men, go in groups of two, Rogue you're with Kitty, Kurt, Spyke, and Jean you're with me. X-men, move out!" Scott said


Kitty and Rogue

"I doubt we'll be able to find it, I mean, this city is just too huge!" Kitty complained.

"Well we can just look around or something. I don't know, may-" Rogue started to say.

*Sounds of garbage can being bumped*

"Hello, is there somebody there?" Kitty yelled.

They see slight movement near the garbage cans so they cautiously walk towards them. When they can see over the garbage can they see someone covered with some kind of cloth, almost like a torn cloak.

"Do you think it's the mutant?" Rogue whispered to Kitty.

"I don't know, give me a sec." Kitty replied

"Umm, hi there are you okay?" Kitty asked the person.

The person just lies there but starts breathing heavily, then makes a slight cough.

"Maybe we should take them to the ship, they don't look to good." Kitty said to Rogue.

"For once, I agree with you." Rogue says to Kitty.

They try to help the person up, but when they try to touch the person, she hisses.

"Hey, we're just trying to help you, you got a problem with that?" Rogue said angrily.

The person struggles to her feet, but just as she stands up, she passes out. Rogue and Kitty catch her.

"Whoa! Are you okay?" Kitty trys asking the person.

"She's unconciuss, let's take her to the ship, she probably needs help." Rogue said.

"We should contact Scott and let him know were taking someone to the ship." Kitty said.

"Kay, you do that." Rogue said carrying the person.


At the ship.

"Do you think it could be the mutant?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. Maybe Rogue could do a quick tap and find out." Kitty suggested.

"No way, if it is the mutant, who knows what powers Rogue could get." Jean said.

"Uhhh..." groaned the unconscious person.

"I think she's waking up." Kitty said.

"Ya think?" Rogue said sarcasticially.

"Huh? Where am I?" said the person.

"You're among friends." Jean said. "What's your name?"

The person hesitated. "Kristin..." she said.

"No last name?" Scott asked.

"I don't remember my last name." she said coldly.

"You don't have to get angry. He was just asking." Jean said.

"Umm... I know this is kinda rude to ask but, are you a mutant?" Kitty asked hesitantly.


Read the next chapter to find out.