Hello! A new story idea popped into my head and here it is. I hope you like it. This is going to be a Sands/OC story. If you read please review. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. No flames please.

Blind Love

Chapter 1

The sun was already setting and the boy was still not back yet. The wounds on his legs were making his feet feel numb and the pain in his eyes was so sharp that he thought his head was about to explode. He was ready to collapse when he at last heard the small jingle of the bike and felt the kid's hand shaking his good arm.

"Senior?" The voice seemed far away but he heard it.

"What?" He managed to mumble as he turned his head towards the direction of the voice.

The boy mumbled something about help in Spanish and then a much softer and delicate hand touched Sands' arm, causing him to flinch and jump.

"What the hell? Who is this?" He hissed sharply and it was then that he heard shuffling right next to him.

"The little boy told me someone needed help. I was heading to my house so…" The soft voice was quiet, but firm, and Sands was intrigued by the woman's motives.

"You brought a woman? I need a bloody doctor!" He yelled and the kid recoiled from the tone in his voice.

"Please, sir. Calm down I have a car. I can take you to a hospital." She made a weak attempt at trying to calm him down.

"No hospitals." He said in a low voice.

Do not trust her.

"What? Why? Are you a criminal?" She asked lowly as she took a tissue and tried to remove some blood from his neck. He flinched, but the damn woman didn't stop.

Don't trust her.

"No." He said as he suddenly grabbed her hand and pressed a gun to her stomach. The woman tensed up, but did not make a sound.


"I don't like questions, sugar, but I'll answer you this one. I'm fucking CIA. So, no hospitals. Got it?" He said in a low voice and she shakily nodded. He, of course, couldn't see her.

"I didn't hear you, señora." He said as he turned his ear towards her direction.

"Yes, I got it. Can I help now? The streets are hell. We need to move and get out of here." The woman said and he gave a short, firm nod.

"You can hide that. You won't need it with me." She stated slowly when he didn't put away the gun.

Is that so? Do you think me loco, lady? He allowed himself an inner smirk at that.

"I've heard that before….Now, move." He snapped as he leaned into her for support. Her frame was sturdy and he would have cocked an eyebrow if it hadn't been so damn painful for him to even breathe.

"Am I allowed to know your name?" She asked as she carefully maneuvered him into her car.

"Sands." He mumbled as she leaned over to fasten his seatbelt, her hair brushing his jaw as she did so.

Soft… Scratch that. I don't care. My head's on fire.

"Hey! I am not a kid." He hissed pushing her hands away.

"Fine. You don't have to shout in my ear, señor." She snapped back as she moved away and shut his door.

Sands leaned back and winced, his hand wiping blood from his chin and cheeks. She got in the car and started the engine while he continued wiping his face.

"Where's the kid?" he asked as she rolled down his window to relieve some of the heat.

"He went to his house. It's getting really late and things will get even more dangerous out here." She said as she drove away from the alley. The silence was deafening and Sands' thoughts were getting the better of him. He needed to break the silence and fast.

"Do you have a name?" He asked uncomfortably, moving around in his seat.

Fuck, that hurts.

"Yeah, I do. It's Cecilia." She replied and he turned his head towards her.


"Yep… What happened to you?" she asked and he groaned.

"Oh, not much. A train passed over me." He said sarcastically as he fingered the gun in his hand.

"I didn't know trains attack with bullets." Cecilia said with raised eyebrows and he smirked.

"You're smart, sugar."

"Thank you." She said with a roll of her eyes, not really knowing why she had agreed to help a total stranger who was obviously anything but grateful for that.

"Let me tell you something, cariño; just because you help that doesn't mean that I'm about to tell you my life story." He said hoarsely.

"Right, but since you'll be in my house you'll have to at some point. And is the use of Spanish supposed to intimidate me?" She questioned and he sighed, rubbing his temple.


"How did you know, cariño?" He smirked, but she ignored him.

She turned a corner and soon she stopped the car in front of an old house with a large yard.

"We're here." She announced as she helped him out of the car. He groped his way around until he was steady on his feet.


"No, my house." Her answer was short and clipped.

"You live here?"

"Temporarily." She replied as she got out her keys.

"Why?" he asked and she huffed.

"I don't have to answer that. Now, get in." she said as she opened the door and led him inside with a hand on his good arm.

"Feisty." He commented as she shut the door and led him towards the couch.

"Sit." She said as she took off her jacket. He did with a loud groan of pain and then let his fingers brush over the pillows.

"Live alone?" he asked as she kneeled in front of him and looked at his wounded legs.


"What do you do?" he asked with his face fully turned towards her.

Curious, Sheldon? Sure you are. You need a distraction against the pain in your eyes…No, correction. You have no eyes.

It's Jeffrey.

"You know, I don't like questions either, Mr. Sands." She said as she stood up and started looking for bandages and alcohol for his legs.

"Just Sands." He called as he leaned back on the couch.

"Don't you have a first name?" She called back as she returned with a sheet, alcohol and bandages.

"I do. I don't use it though." He replied with a strained smirk and she chuckled.

"Take off your pants." She commanded as she handed him the sheet. He curled his fingers around it in order to ground himself.

Good. You can hold onto stuff. Bravo.

"Just don't peek." He said with a suggestive curl of the mouth, ignoring his inner voice and she turned around. She stood there, hearing him struggling with his pants for a while until he spoke breathlessly.

"It's stuck on my boots." She heard him mumble and she turned around to help him.

"Here…" she said as she removed the pants slowly and carefully, "Now…"

"Just clean them and bandage them. I got the bullets out my self." He said as he groaned in pain.

Nice way not to make her think you're loco.

Who said I wasn't, amigo?

"You what?" she asked gaping at him, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"While you take your time to chat I'm losing tones of blood gallons." He commented dryly.

"Right…" she muttered in wonder as she started cleaning his legs.

"What about your arm?" she asked and he shrugged.

"It's just a scratch. Just get on with it." He said wearily as she finished with his legs.

"What really happened back there?" Her voice was too serious.

"The mission didn't go as expected, sugar." He got out and she sighed heavily.

"Am I in danger here?" she whispered with wide eyes as she covered his legs.

"Maybe…Those people are quite vicious…" he muttered.

"Maybe? Vicious? Who shot you?" she asked in a high pitched voice.

Calm her down or she'll throw you out.

"Ah, ah! I'm gonna need more information first. Your full name, where do you live, permanently, and what do you do?" he asked and she could tell he was being serious.

"Okay…My last name is Wilkinson, I'm from Washington and I teach history at the university. Satisfied? I still need some ID though." she said with her arms crossed.

"What are you doing here?" he pressed on, ignoring her demand and she wished she could see his eyes while speaking to him. This was making her pretty nervous.

"What do you think? Research." She said and he nodded once.

"Cartel." He said and she frowned.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Cartel. Drug cartel did this." He said pointing at himself.

"Oh…I-I see…Your… um…your face has blood…Is-I mean…"

"They drilled out my eyes, sugar. There's nothing under these." He said as he quickly removed the glasses, causing her to gasp.

Congratulations. What's next? Flail an arm at her?

"Jesus." She whispered and he covered them again quickly.

"No more ladies for me then, eh?" he said sarcastically with a bitter smirk on his pale face.

"No…that's not true…"

Wait…What? Is the lady nuts?

"Cut the crap, sugar. Just clean the arm and give me some painkillers." He snapped and she bit her lip.

"But your eyes-…"

"I'll clean them myself…Alone." He said lowly.

"Okay…I have a shirt you can wear. I'll get it for you." She said as she walked away.

"Women…" He spat as he whimpered in pain.

You're not thinking that when you're rutting away-…

Cecilia returned shortly and helped him with his arm and shirt as carefully as she could.

"Take these…I think they'll help." She said as she handed him a couple of pills and a glass of cool water.

"I brought you some cotton and antiseptic for um…"

"Right." He mumbled.

"I also brought you a pillow."

"I don't think I'll be getting much sleep with a couple of holes in my skull." He muttered and she bit her lip.

"My room is just a few feet away. Just call if you need anything." She said softly and he groaned

Jeez, thanks, lady.

"I won't."

"Anything else?"

"Yes. I need a phone." He stated.

"I have-…"

"A cell phone. A new one, with a new number. You think you can handle it?" he asked as he placed his gun under the pillow she gave him.

"I'll get you a new one in the morning." She said shortly before she walked away and disappeared in her bedroom.

Sands grimaced and nodded to himself before he picked up the antiseptic and cotton. He took off his sunglasses and groaned as he set to work. It was going to be a long night…and a painful one.

End of chapter 1

Author's note: Thank you for reading. Please leave me a review. It will be greatly appreciated. The next chapter will be up as soon as I have a couple of reviews. :)

Edited: 8/2013