Disclaimer: All characters from the Twilight saga belong to Stephenie Meyer who is definitely not me. I'm just playing with them.

Summary: The day that Bella Swan discovered she was pregnant she caught her fiancé Edward cheating on her with Tanya. Edward practically wrote off her and their baby. Now that Masen is 3 years old, Edward and Tanya have discovered she can't have children and have decided to sue for custody of Masen. Can she beat them with help from her lawyer Emmett, a widower struggling to raise twin 2 year old girls? All Human, Some Non Canon Couples.

A/N: Family trees.

Charles (50) and Renee Swan (49) have three daughters Vanessa (30), Alice (28), and Bella (27).

Renee and Charlie divorced when Bella was 10, Renee has since married Phil Dwyer (39)

Vanessa is married to Jacob Black (31), they have a daughter Sarah (5) and a baby on the way

Jacob is the son of Billy and the late Sarah. He has two older sisters Rebecca and Rachel (both 33).

Rachel married Paul (35) and Rebecca married Luke (37). Rebecca has two children Will (7) and Stacey (4)

Edward, (31), is the sole surviving child of Elizabeth (55) and Edward Masen Snr (56). They also had a daughter Eleanor who died when she was 10 from heart failure.

Edward and Bella have a child together – Masen Charles Swan (3)

Tanya (31), Irina (32), and Kate (30) are the daughters of James (56) and Victoria Hunter (55).

Irina is married to Laurent Dupois (40) and they have a son Hugo (1)

Kate is married to Garrett King (35) and they have a daughter Natasha (6mths)

Peter (36), Rosalie (30), and Jasper (30) Whitlock are the children of Lillian (56) and Grady (58).

Peter is married to Charlotte (34) they have two boys, Seth (6) and Joe (3)

Rosalie passed away from cancer 18 months earlier.

Rosalie was married to Emmett McCarty (33). They have twin daughter Lily Charlotte and Carlie Emily (both 2).

Emmett's parents Sam and Emily died when he was 12. He was taken in by his mother's sister Esme (41) and her husband Carlisle Cullen (45).

Esme and Carlisle have a daughter Amelia (14).

Prologue – Another typical day


"That's it I'm done with men." Bella said as she walked through the front door of the house she shared with her older sister Alice, and threw her bag down on the sideboard.

"Date didn't go so well then I take it." Her sister said with a laugh from her position on the couch as she started to pour a glass of wine for Bella.

"He was a lecherous git, who practically ran a mile as soon as I mentioned Masen." Bella said with a smile at her sister as she took the glass of wine from her. "Why did I agree to go on that blind date Nessa set up for me?"

"Because your a nice person, and I'd already refused." Alice replied with a smile.

"Anyway, how's Masen?" Bella asked with a smile as she sipped at her wine.

"We had a bath and three stories before he finally drifted off. Though what a fuss he kicked up when I went to put him in that new sleep suit I bought for him. I swear he gets more and more like you every day." Alice complained.

Bella couldn't help but smile at that comment. Although her son acted more and more like her, he looked more and more like his father every day. "Well hopefully, we can train him how to treat women when he's older then." Bella said with a smile as she placed her glass on the table. "I'll just pop up and check on him."

With that Bella made her way upstairs to look at her baby sleeping soundly in his bed. He was so big now. To look at him everything about him looked like Edward. His face his eyes, even his smile and unruly hair. Although he'd inherited her hair colour. Bella smoothed down the unruly mess of dark brown hair on his head before kissing him lightly on the forehead. "Night night baby." She whispered to him as she made her way down stairs again to rejoin her older sister.


Emmett looked down on the photo in his hands. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought of the two sleeping angels upstairs who looked identical to the blonde woman in the photo, although their hair was brown ringlets which matched his own. He would never give them up, but his heart broke every day they did something new that she would never see.

He still couldn't believe that she hadn't told him about the cancer when she'd first found out. She'd been too focused on having their perfect little girls. Although it wasn't the case he couldn't help but feel that he could have done something to save her if only he'd known a little earlier.

He was so thankful for his aunt Esme, and uncle Carlisle, as well as his Rosie's family. He had no idea how he could have coped without them around to support him and the girls. Especially Charlotte Rosie's sister in law. With her having little Joe at home as well she'd been an absolute god send, but now she was champing at the bit to get back to work, even part time so the girls and Joe were all going to be attending the same nursery. He knew it'd be good for the girls getting to play with a lot of other kids their age, but it was yet another milestone Rose would never get to see them experience.

Sometimes he wished it had been him that died and not her. She would have made a much better job of raising the girls than he ever would. With a sigh he lowered the photo back into position on the mantelpiece before finishing off the whiskey in his hand and heading up to bed himself. He had a long day ahead of him tomorrow, from putting the twins to nursery, to the new cases he was starting tomorrow. Luckily Charlotte was picking the girls up from nursery at 3 and taking them home with her and Joe, until he could collect them from there at 5.30.

Slowly Emmett peeled off his clothes until he was clad in only his boxers before he laid down on his cold lonely king size bed, and waited for sleep to consume him once again.

A/N – Anything you're confused about please let me know, and please review so I can find out what you think.