Science only deals in Absolutes

Fandom's - Fullmetal Alchemist/Transformer's.

Pairing - none

Rating - PG13

Warnings - Ed's short rants.

Disclaimer - Do not own.

Notes - Sequel to 'Alchemical Lane'.

Summary - Edward get pulled from one universe into the next. Whatever will he find here and what evil force of nature does he have to defeat this time?

- Pulled through the Gate - aka - Prologue -


He was surrounded by white, and light so bright that he had to squint till his golden eyes could see properly. He'd been here before. How many times now? Had he died this time? Was he going to join the Shadow Beings in the Gate? He hoped not. He wanted to go home. Home to Alphonse. That where he wanted to be.

Suddenly, a mass of darkness materialized in front of him. He stared at it for long moments till it finally became that 'Thing'. The Thing that stood in his way and of which he had no idea how to pound out of his way. Suddenly, someone else appeared before him. The boy was tall (well, everyone was taller than Edward). He wore dirtied clothes and he held a cube in his hands.

"Where are we?" the boy asked.

"No where, really," Edward shrugged. He couldn't explain it.

The gate opened, the stranger turned and gasped in horror. Edward knew the feeling. It was scary, this Gate.

"What does it want?" the boy asked.

"I don't know," Edward shrugged again. All empathy, feeling even, had gone straight out of him. The boy looked slightly scared, but wasn't going to show it. Edward could see the signs though. As the Shadow Beings looked out at them - the cube-like thing in the boy's arms began to glow red.

The reaction, it was strange, almost as if that thing was from another world. The Shadow Beings liked it, wanted it. Edward surged forward and clamped his metal arm onto the boy's shoulder, pulling him away from the gate.

"Equivalent Exchange!" Edward yelled. The boy suddenly went limp and the cube fell away. The shadows became greater, darker, scarier.

Edward Screamed.