A/N: Hey everyone! So today I watched A Very Potter Musical! It was incredible! If you've never seen it, you really should! It is this nonprofit fan-made musical that these college friends put together, and it's really great. To watch it, you can go to youtube [dot] com [slash] StarKidPotter. I highly recommend you do! Anyway, while watching it, I realized that Hermione did not have a solo song. I found that very disappointing, so, with the help of my cousin, I decided to write one! It's not quite done yet, but here it is:

What the bloody hell is going on?

Great! Now I even sound like him

I never thought I could feel this way

But now I'm finally starting to see…

What if there's more?

What if there's more?

Behind his stupid jokes

Behind his lazy ass

Behind that foul mouth

Maybe he's not just an annoying little prat

Because I know he can be sweet

And I know he can be brave

Oh I know that he can make me laugh

Better than anyone else….

It's always bicker bicker

Kiss and make up

Oh f*ck it

(*Gasp* Did I just say that?)

I think I love you

I think I love you

I think I love you

Oh no… could it really be?

I'm falling for Ron Weasley!

No Hermione! Stop it!

Just snap out of this trance…

You're being so silly

Ron is just your friend

Your friend that drives you mad

Oh, I don't have time to be in love!

Between Voldemort and finals

I have enough to worry about!

And then I think about him

And it all seems to melt…

Cause what if there's more?

What if there's more?

Behind his scaredy-catness

Behind his over-eating

Behind his maddening rudeness

Maybe he's more than just a friend to me

Because I know he can be kind

And I know he can be noble

Oh I know that he brings out

The absolute best in me

(That is, when we're not at each other's throats!)

It's always bicker bicker

Kiss and make up

Oh f*ck it

(*Gasp* I said it again!)

I think I love you

I think I love you

I think I love you

Oh no… could it really be?

I'm falling for Ron Weasley!

But wait a minute, silly girl

Don't go getting carried away now

Don't go fantasizing

Don't get your hopes up

But could he ever feel the same way about me?

About plain old Hermione?

Oh what am I saying… just look at me.

Look at my hair

Look at these teeth!

And to hell with it, I'm flat-chested too!

I'm just he old… know-it-all

I'm just the old… bookworm

And no matter what I do

And no matter what I say

I'll always be…

Just plain old Hermione

Plain old Hermione!

Could he ever love… me?

I wonder…

I wonder…

It's always bicker bicker

Kiss and make up

Oh f*ck it

(Yeah I said it!)

I think I love you

I think I love you

I think I love you

Oh no… could it really be?

I've fallen for Ron Weasley!

A/N: So that is what I have so far. It's still a work in progress, and I'm still figuring out the melody. After we wrote it, I realized that it isn't quite silly enough for AVPM. And then I thought, as great as AVMP is, wouldn't it be great if they bought the rights and made it into an actual, serious Broadway musical? I think that would be great! Although, I think the sillyness is a lot of what makes it work. I'm not sure it would work it they were completely serious and singing. So, on that note, if you have ANY suggestions on how to make it better, how to make it funnier or anything, please write a review and let me know! It would mean the world to me! Oh, and when we finish figuring out the melody and the arrangement, I will post a link to it!