Title: The Princess

Rating: K

Genre: Humor/General~ Pure Crack

Warning: Not yet Beta-Readed.

Author's Note: A short idea I got after…first, seeing 'a certain' picture, second chatting with 'tinjhi10' :D Hope you enjoy this.


Sanada sat calmly on his seat, arms crossing. Today, the Rikkai regulars were invited to Seigaku's festival by the Seigaku's tensai, Fuji Syuusuke. He of course, had no interest in that; however no one dared to refuse Yukimura Seiichi, and that somehow implanted on Rikkai Regulars' mind.

So here they are, sitting nicely on their audiences' seats, waiting for the curtain on the stage to be rose which indicated the start of the play.

Yeah, they still wondered why they were invited to the school play.

Yukimura waved friendly when he noticed Hyotei Regulars. Those rich students took the row in front of them as some waved back at him.

"It's a surprise to see Rikkai Dai here." Oohtori said smiling taking a seat beside his partner.

"Hm. We got the invitation from Fuji-kun." Yukimura replied.

"Oh, we did too. Right, Shishido-san?" Shishido only grumbled trying to sit comfortably.

The groups spent their time chatting together, save for the noisy-and-big-bragging Atobe and stoic Sanada.

Soon, the light went off and a voice was heard.

"Sorry for the long waiting. Let's start a play from our famous Seishun Male Tennis Club. Uhm…Those guys are going to present you 'Sleeping Beauty'!" As soon as the announcer said that, the curtain rose and the narrator's voice sounded.

"Once upon a time, in a far away land…there were a King and a Queen who had a trouble of having a child. After few years, their pray was granted and finally a child was born. A grand party was held and everyone was invited."

The stage suddenly filled with people as the Oishi-King and Eiji-Queen were surrounding the baby's crib.

Oshitari jabbed his snickering partner to silent him.

The drama went on, on and on, and finally…

"…Today is the Princess' 16th Birthday…"

Rikkai and Hyotei Regulars' (except for Yukimura and the-closed-eyed-Yanagi) eyes widened when the teenage-Princess entered the stage.

"Oh, my…" Yukimura said softly as Sanada blinked twice, thrice…dude, he didn't count it anymore.

Yanagi was smiling, taking a note of the silence which suddenly filled the entire room.

And Rikkai's certainly a nice team…they kindly broke the silence with a trickster, a tensai and a devil's laughters.

Seriously, Yukimura and Yanagi don't mind with the fact that…their teammates were rolling in the floor, some of the regulars already fainted and how the so-called-Seigaku-stoic-buchou glared dangerously at their rows.

And Fuji Syuusuke smiled evilly at the backstage waiting for his Princely-debut.



A/N: I did this in...10 minutes o.O? lolz record for me :D. Up to you to review or not ^___^, but I'll be glad if you do :)