I do not own case closed or any of the characters

Many have asked if you believe in ghosts, and every time you lied. Bed sheets floating in the air, shouting boo; you have to be kidding. A woman who haunts kids because they trespassed on her grave, come on! When they leave, you shake in fear. They have no idea what it's like to feel a ghost.

The room narrows and emotions swirling around like a hurricane. Anger, betrayal, and sadness pound against you. Tears ready to spring forth from sad eyes. Sometimes you catch voices whispering in the wind. " Why did you kill me? I was your sister. I always loved you." The worst ones are those that scream in hatred. " How dare you kill me!! I did nothing but care for you. I gave you food, shelter, and money and because you couldn't pay it back you slit my throat! I will get you back for this even if I have to haunt you for eternity."

They know that you can feel them. Trying to ignore them or leave before the case is closed, causes them to scream and anger floods your senses. Soon all thoughts are drowned in anger, no rational thoughts come, and nightmares come for weeks afterwards if you do escape. They don't just hinder but help you solve these cases that follow you around. Cold hands twist your head showing you things that others would miss. When there's a body nearby, your dragged as if by a leash. You learned to stop fighting it years ago. Once they stop showing you clues, you know it's time for your deductions. Even if you have to use the bow tie, you give it. As the murder is dragged away, your whole body relaxes as if a heavy load has been lifted.

The only good things is that they never forget their debts. Whether it be push to avoid danger, bring help, delaying your death, or many other things to save you. That's what might have kept the poison from killing you. Face it, Ahou, your cursed. I am glad that you trust me enough to confess this to me after I tricked you into telling me the truth. But how you can still deal with it after being shrunk , I will never know. The only certain thing is that I never wish to be you Kudo, no matter how long I live.

I was in a weird mood when I wrote this so tell me what you think and if you can't guess who he is talking about that's just sad. Please review!!! Tantie-neechan