An: Final chappy! Thanks to all my fantabulous readers who've been with me through this journey, I love you all! Mwah! ;D


Ballet Obsessed: **crying hysterically**

Jasper: Why so sad?

Ballet Obsessed: I… don't… own… Twilight…

Jasper: **focuses intensely**

Ballet Obsessed: **starts dancing and laughing** I don't own Twilight!

Jasper: **smiles**

Ballet Obsessed: Hey! Stay away from my feelings, Vamp!

Summary: No matter what the mood, Ballet Obsessed doesn't own Twilight.

Scavenger Hunt



Normally I woke up in his arms, blissful and sweet. Even when he was gone hunting, he found a way to be there when I woke up. Always. So I couldn't help but panic when he wasn't there.

My heart was thudding rapidly as I sat up and scanned the room, wondering if I should be fearful of a dark creature lurking in a corner.


Still nothing. No sound, no movement. Not that it meant nothing was there. I knew vampires too well to expect anything else. Yet surely a crazed vampire would have shown itself by now…

I closed my eyes, trying to get a hold on my frantic heart-beat. I'm sure I was overreacting, and Edward would have a good laugh when he got back. He was probably off preparing something over extravagant for today.

I had finally gotten my heart to slow when I felt a pair of icy lips caress my forehead, and something being slipped into my hand. My eyes flew open, and I jumped to my feet, expecting to see Edward laughing at me from the rocking chair. But he was already gone, whisked away in a whirlwind.

"Curse vampire speed…" I mumbled to myself, than looked down at what was now clenched in my hand.

I was a small slip of paper, and I recognized Edward's perfect handwriting. Eagerly, I smoothed out the paper and soaked in the words.

Good morning love,

I'm sorry for the scare you had this morning, but I promise it's all part of today's plan.

Just follow the trail.


I read the note a few times over, letting it soak in. Then, figuring out what he had planned, I groaned.

"Really, Edward?" I knew he could hear me, whether or not he replied. "A scavenger hunt?"

There was no reply, though I could just imagine Edward sitting on my roof, chuckling silently to himself at my stubbornness. Deciding that he was going to have his way eventually, I grudgingly prepared for what I felt would be a long day, keeping my eyes out for this "trail".

I eventually found the trail outside my front door. And it was a perfectly Edward-esque overly extravagant. The petals were beautiful, but I certainly didn't feel like I was special enough to even walk on these precious pieces of nature.

The trail led to his Volvo, where I found the key already in the ignition. I sighed.

"Stupid, shiny Volvo owner." I muttered to myself, than grudgingly got in.

The smell is what hit me first. A bundle of white freesias were resting gently on the passenger seat, another piece of paper resting on top of them. I gently lifted them to my face, inhaling the beautiful and sweet scent. Smiling despite my slight displeasure at the whole event, I carefully unfolded the piece of paper.

Day 1

You are the joy of my life,

Who can turn any rainy day into one of perfect bliss.

Where were we on Day 2?

I smiled to myself, the memory of that time in the rain still very clear in my memory. The rain had always reminded me of Edward, but now I especially associated it with our spontaneous joy.

Starting to realize his plan, I started up the car and headed for his house; where we had watched the Disney movies.

It was eerie pulling up to the giant Mansion with the knowledge that there wasn't anyone around, even though I had the distinct feeling that Edward was watching my every step. I was almost tempted to trip on purpose to get him to come out, but decided to just play along to make him happy.

I followed the new trail of petals from the driveway to where the couch was. Resting elegantly on a pillow was a bouquet of brilliant red roses and another note. Once again, I smiled at the memory the roses brought. They were exactly like the one Edward had given me after watching the Disney movies.

Day 2

With True Love's Kiss,

My spell did break.

Thank you for being the Beauty who tamed the Beast.

Go out the back for a hint of Day 3.

I didn't have to go far to find the next trail of petals that led to the forest line in their backyard. Leaning against a tree was yet another bouquet, this one of bright sunflowers, and another note. I laughed at his clever choice of flowers, remembering once again the brilliant sunset.

Day 3

As much as I love the warmth of the sun,

I crave no kisses more then the ones from your lips.

Do you remember Day 4?

This note made me blush slightly. I had always loved kissing Edward, obviously. He very well knew that I would never stop if air wasn't such a necessity for my frail human body. Yet it was almost thrilling to find that he felt similar to my almost obsessive need.

I obediently followed the next trail around the house to the front where just a few days ago we had planted those elegant flowers in Esme's garden. I very well remembered our little mud-fight, and the conversations that had accompanied it.

Amidst the budding plants that, I was proud to say, were appearing to grow strongly, was another bouquet. This one was of sweet and simple daisies. I now had quite the handful of bouquets, and was pleased to find that the daisies were also by a small basket. Careful not to crush the elegant flowers, I laid them all in the basket, then opened the next note.

Day 4

The world's definition of pretty,

Is eclipsed by your natural beauty.

Our Favorite place to rest is next on the list.

"Edward sure does have a way with words." I murmured to myself. How he knew to make me feel like I really was beautiful was something beyond me, but I was grateful for his constant love and support.

As for the next clue, it was a good thing he was going in order of the week, or else it would have taken me quite a while to realize he meant his room.

This bouquet was noticeably smaller then the others, but just as beautiful. It was a cluster of blue and white periwinkles; the type of flowers young children tended to gather in their eager hands. I remembered a story he had told me when we were last here, about how his Mother had loved to receive any flower he could pick for her.

Day 5

Listening to my every word,

I feel like the luckiest man alive.

Are you feeling hungry, love?

Hungry? Here I was, following along with his silly game, and he randomly asks if I'm hungry? I sighed, always amazed by his overly protective ways.

However, I was starting to feel a little hungry, so I clamored downstairs to his kitchen, wondering where the trail would continue.

Apparently I had misunderstood the note, because hunger was the next clue. Next to one of his very delicious sandwiches lay another bouquet of sweet-smelling tulips. This bunching had two notes, which I admit made me curious.


Eat first.

I laughed out-loud at Edward's worry, but decided I could yell at him for worrying too much when I was yelling at him over this silly scavenger-hunt. I couldn't let him know I actually thought it was fun; he might decide to do this again!

Adding the last bouquet to my basket, I opened the last note.

Day 6

A sandwich is like our love,

Simple but (according to you) simply delicious.

Your journey ends where

The Lion fell in love with the Lamb.

I smiled eagerly, ready to get back to Edward, who I was already aching for. I quickly rushed out to the Volvo and drove to the well-known location of our first shared kiss.

It wasn't until I got there that I remembered I didn't know exactly how to get to the meadow by myself. Sure, I had done so once during those terrible months without Edward, but that had taken weeks to figure out.

Of course, I shouldn't have worried. Edward had laid a very thick path of various petals that began at the edge of the forest and wove through the dark trees.

Confident Edward wouldn't let me get hurt, I started my trek to the meadow. I could tell Edward had been especially careful, making sure the "path" was clear of any rocks or branches that could trip me.

It was just when I was beginning to worry that the line of trees finally broke, revealing the brightly lit meadow.

In the center, waiting patiently, was Edward.

I smiled, rushing into his arms. He swooped me up, pressing me tightly to him.

"Hello Bella." He laughed, smoothing my hair with one of his hands.

"I missed you." I admitted quickly, glancing up at him.

He smiled gently, and leaned down to kiss me gently.

"I missed you too."

"Am I done with the scavenger hunt now?" I partially wined, hoping I could just spend the rest of the day in Edward's arms.

"Let me see if you found everything." I scoffed at his over seriousness, which he replied to with a crooked smile. Then he gently took my basket and pretended to seriously examine the contents.

"You're missing one." He announced once his 'evaluation' was through.

"What? No I'm not! I found them all!"

Edward smiled, ignoring my outburst, and slyly handed me a last slip of paper.

Though it no longer beats, I still have a heart.

Confused, I looked up at him. He just smiled, and pulled a small envelope out of his shirt pocket. I gave him a skeptic look before opening the last part of his little game.


Today may be Day 7 of this week,

But it's only one day of Eternity with you.


PS – before you ask, I didn't spend a dime.

It's a hand-me-down.

Tears pricked my eyes at his overly sweet words. How could I have ever asked for a better man? I had always had a feeling Edward was the one, and soon we would be able to spend all of eternity together.

Realizing the envelope wasn't empty, I poured the contents into my hand and let out a small gasp. It was a delicate golden chain, on which was a small pendant of a bouquet of flowers. I squinted at the exquisite detail, stunned by the glittering jewels and bright hue.

"It was my Mother's." I was tugged out of my fascinated starting by his smooth voice, and looked up into his soft eyes. "She had always loved flowers."

He carefully placed it around my neck, where I felt it's gentle weight just below my collarbone. I turned to my true love, tears still pricking the corners of my eyes.

"I love you, Edward."

"I love you too, Bella." He kissed me again. Blissful, soft, and sweet.



Aawww, it's over! **tear** Thanks again to everyone for reading this!

Work has already begun on my next story! It's a Seth imprint story, so it'll have more of a plotline than actual fluff.

In fact, because I love you so much, here's a teaser of "Once Upon a Dream":

I squinted at my surroundings, thoroughly confused. I had just been tap-dancing with a bunch of penguins, and here I was in the middle of a forest. Sighing, I slumped down, only to realize I was on a freaking horse.

"Why do my dreams never make any sense?" I mumbled to myself. That's when I heard it: a gentle music wafting through the air. The tune was somewhat familiar, so I spurred the horse so as to follow the sound.

I dismounted, and realized what I was wearing. It was some sort of old-fashioned get-up, with a weird sort of jacket and pants that were way too tight for my comfort.

"Could I at least dress comfortably in my dreams?"

The music rose in a grand crescendo, and my curiosity took over my irritation. Peeking through the trees, I saw a beautiful girl. She had long, golden hair that hung down her back in soft curls, swirling and moving as she moved. She was wearing a soft, flowing dress, and was dancing cheerfully through the grass. I stood still, mesmerized by her beauty.

Continually pulled by her, I moved out into the clearing and joined her dance. For a minute, we moved together in harmony, and I felt happy, peaceful. Her face seemed to be blurred, but I could tell enough that she was beautiful.

Then my vision cleared, and for a snap-second, her eyes met mine. Her eyes were a light brown with a sky-blue ring on the outside. They sparkled, a dimple appearing in each cheek as she smiled.

And just like that, she was gone.

There you go! Keep your eyes open for my story! ;D

*~*Ballet Obsessed*~*