I am SOSOSOSOSOSO SORRY i havent updated in so long!!! PLEASE PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I was really busy with sports and homework and my messed up life. I am really sorry again. From now on i will update regularly. AND THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING THIS STORY AND REVIEWING AND ADDING ME TO YOUR FAVORITES AND EVERYTHING... THANK YOU! I own no characters...

Anyways...heres the next chapter

Bella POV:

This morning, I wasn't able to wake up from my alarm clock. No, I got woken up at 5:00 A.M. Because apparently Alice needs time to pick my outfit out, and Alice needs to make me pretty. Not, prettier, no she had to say pretty. Gee, that sure makes a girl feel good.

So 1 hour 30 minutes later, I've been showered, shaved, plucked, had my haired pulled numerous times, and feel like a clown with all this makeup on. It's been a great day! (Note the sarcasm) Now, Alice is looking for the "perfect" outfit for me.

So, she decided that she would use the outfit she secretly picked out for me: a gray and black layered dress, a pink scarf, an antique linked necklace, black boots, and a coach purse. I tried telling Alice that I couldn't walk in any type of heels but she just ignored me. Of course I couldn't just sneak out my other shoes because she just had to go and hide them somewhere; or maybe she just threw them out. I really don't know, nor do I want to know.

"You know, if you keep fighting everything that I tell you to do, I will just tell Emmett to embarrass you in front of Edward" Alice told me smirking.

"Why would I care, it's not like I like Edward or something." I told her trying to not blush. I guess it didn't work because Alice had to go and say that I looked like a tomato. It was so embarrassing.

"Come on Bella, we have to go early so we can see your name on the top of the list for basketball. I just know you're going to be on it. You are amazing." Alice told me, which got me blushing again. Why would God make me blush so much, what did I ever do to deserve such a horrible thing?

As we were driving to school (in my super awesome car of course) we turned the music on really loud to Nickelback's Burn it to the Ground (really awesome song, link is on profile). Alice and I belted it out so loud. When we turned into the parking lot, everyone that was there turned and stared at us.

"Well, that's one way to make an entrance." Alice told me while checking herself in the mirror. She then told me that we "had" to get out at the same time or it would ruin it. I didn't exactly know what "it" was that she was talking about but I decided to just go with it. Who knows what Alice is thinking in that head of hers. So after Alice counted to three, we both stepped out of the car. My face was probably so red from everyone staring at me.

Some guys even whistled at Alice. But Alice told me that they were whistling at my "hotness". I didn't believe her but why argue with Alice? What do I know anyways. She started walking to the gym so I followed her. When we got up to the coach's office door, we stopped to read the sign on the door.

It read: Basketball Varsity Players:

Edward Cullen,

Emmett Swan,

Jasper Hale,

Mike Newton,

Bella Swan,

Erik Yorkie,

James Conrad,

Jacob Black

Alice of course had to start screaming. "OH MY GOD! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I knew you would make the team. Your are so good at basketball. I told you! Ha, Edward will be so happy. You just wait and see. And it will be so awesome, I can come to all your games. I know, I can make posters. This will be so much FUN! God, I'm so excited. It's like I just won the lottery. Oh, that would be so cool if I won the lottery. I could buy so much clothes. Not that I can't now. I could just buy more when I get the lottery." Alice started rambling on and on.

"Oh my gosh Alice, will you shut-up. What did you take this morning? And can I have some? Lol, just kidding. But I know this is exciting, but you are more excited than me, and I'm the one who got on the team. Jeez. Stop with the mountain dew, it will give you a heart attack."

So, since Alice just had to get her so damn early, we walked around the highschool for awhile. When we were walking Emmett came up and gave me a hug.

"Bella! This year is genna be so much fun. We are going to be on the same basketball team, and I can tease you all the time. My goal this year is to see how embarrassed you can get." He told me excitedly.

"Oh come on, why can't your goal be trying to make Alice stop shopping or something. That would be so much for fun." I told him, trying to get him to change his little goal.

"Nope, not genna happen. You just wait till practice tonight. It's going to be so much fun!" He yelled and then walked away.

"Well, Alice, I gotta go to class. See you at lunch." I told her and walked off towards my English class.

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