Basically, I was bored today and so wrote-this one shot. Yeah it has a lemon cause the little perve inside me wanted it and Ive noticed that lemony M rated stories tend to get more reviews =D So this is my first, probably failed attempt =P

Bella's POV

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror while Alice finished packing her already bulging case. My hair was perfectly styled and hung in bouncy curls above my shoulders, my lips were a bright cherry red thanks to Alice's new lipstick and my uniform was a size too small (intentionally), my skirt was shorter than it needed to be and emphasised the length of my legs while the buttons on my blouse strained against my chest. I was the perfect combination of sexy and professional- exactly as I liked it. It was nice giving the male passengers something to occupy themselves with and it was fun to see the looks on their wives faces as they spent the duration of the flight trying (and failing) to get my attention in some way. I smiled sweetly and the brunette beauty in the mirror smiled back at me, her face lighting up.

"Bella! I need your help!"

Alice called me from the other room. She had decided that she wanted to come with me on this long-haul from England to Australia, saying that we both needed a holiday. I tried in vain to tell her that it was my job to travel around the world. I may only stay a day or two in various exotic locales but I still went there. But I soon gave up arguing after she plagued me for a week as I realised that I really would like to spend more than one night in a country and have a proper holiday. So, we decided to take full advantage of my employee discount and I booked Alice on a business class seat from Gatwick to Melbourne and we both had one for the return flights. Luckily, I only had to work on the outgoing flights and would be free to enjoy the luxury entertainment and gossip with Alice on the way back. I made my way into her room now, finding her sitting on top of her suitcase (which was almost as big as her) and trying to close the zip. It wasn't really working.

"Alice, do you really need that much?"

She just looked at me with utter disbelief in her eyes. Of course. How could she not overpack? This was Alice after all. She hopped off of the case and the lid flung open, I went over, looks like I would be packing for her. I pulled out a handful of fabric and raised an eyebrow at her

"Nine scarves Alice?"

"Yes! I need one that goes with every outfit and some spares in case I spill something plus what if I buy something out there and it needs a scarf!? At least this way I'm prepared"

She snatched the scarves back and put them back in the case. I sighed and spent the next half an hour trying to make her lose some unnecessary weight. It took much begging, pleading and persuasion but I did eventually make her leave ski's and earmuffs ('What if we go indoor skiing?), one of her 5 large hats ('They each have their own outfit') and 6 pairs of shoes (she wasn't so happy with that- 'How am I supposed to live with 15 pairs of shoes Bella?! I need more than that!').

Finally, 3 hours after we started packing and getting ready we were both standing at the front door and undertaking the final check. We had passports, tickets, money and various other items (blindfolds, ear plugs, neck pillows, slippers and socks) that Alice insisted that she would need for the flight. I was wearing my heels, yes they went against uniform regulations but they looked so damn good and I was so great at my job that my boss just turned a blind eye. The other hostess' kind of hated me for it but I got used to the slut looks and bitchy whispers that Jessica and Lauren always directed at me. Like I cared! They were just jealous.

I helped Alice load her bright pink monstrosity into the boot of her Porsche and it took up so much room my modest case had to make do with the back seat. We arrived at the airport with a lot of time to spare (which turned out to be very lucky) and I waited while Alice checked in- well tried to check in- her case with the rest of the passengers.

"What do you mean it's too big!?"

Alice was getting quite annoyed at the check-in assistant behind the desk who kept telling her that her case weighed too much. I pitied the poor woman; she had the unfortunate task of making Alice unpack her case. A task I myself knew was not easy to do.

"I'm sorry Miss but you will need to lose at least a kilogram before I can accept this"

Alice looked like she would explode. She heaved the case of the conveyer and opened it in the middle of the airport, shouting at me to open my case so she could shove some stuff in. My case ended up being full to the brim and it took a lot of effort to close it. Alice- along with me and a nice man from the long queue- hoisted her case back onto the scales. I tensed as I waited to see if it would be accepted. Thankfully, it was and Alice left the check in desk with a smug smile for the assistant and a sexy smile for the man who helped her with her case. Unfortunately, being an employee meant that I had to bring my case onto the plane with me but the plus side was that I didn't have to wait hours for it at the other end. Alice was begging me to do some duty-free shopping but I gently persuaded her to wait until we got to Australia so we could buy another case for the ridiculous amount of clothes that she would be sure to buy. She reluctantly agreed and we settled for a coffee and good gossip before I had to get to the plane. I had to be on the plane an hour before my best friend and the rest of the passengers to prepare everything. I kissed Alice on the cheek and made my way over to the gate, running into the pilot on the way. I smiled, I knew him well.

"Hey Jake"

"Hi Bella!"

"I didn't realise you were captain on this flight"

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to it though. I hate long haul"

I laughed at the expression on his face.

"Why? I prefer it to be honest"

"Yeah it's okay for you hostess', you can talk to the passengers and with each other, the only person I have for 12 hours is my co-pilot which this time happens to be the wonderful Newton"

I smirked, Newton was well known amongst the staff for not only being the most irritating employee in the airline industry but also for his tendency to babble and verbally fantasize about a certain hostess. Yeah, me.

"Lucky you! I'll come and visit you sometime during my break but I can't stay long, Alice is on the plane as well"

"Oh joy. I didn't realise the airline now allowed pixies to fly"

I laughed again at the sarcasm in his voice. We had reached the plane and it was time for us to go our separate ways. In other words, he went to the cockpit while I went to check that everything was ready for the passengers. I was pleased to find that I would be working with Angela but not so pleased to see bitch 1 and bitch 2 (aka Lauren and Jess) sorting out the trolleys of food and tacky merchandise.

I sat down with Angela who was setting up the films. We sat and talked for a while before Jake made the announcement that Angela and I would be serving business and first class while Jess and Lauren would be with economy. I smiled in his general direction, knowing he did that for me. Bitches gave me a dirty look as I made my way past them to get the tray of complementary champagne for the business classers as Angela did the same for the snobs (aka, first class). I gave them a sickly sweet smile before going to the business entrance and replacing the sweet smile with a welcoming one. Passengers slowly started to dwindle in, some acknowledged me and some didn't. Alice was one of the first in, taking a glass of champagne and smiling at me

"Have fun Bella. I know I will"

She winked at me and I went to ask her what she was talking about when I saw who was following behind her, her bright pink carry on case in his hand. It was sexy man from the queue. I rolled my eyes at her before he reached the door and put his arm around her waist, kissing her on the cheek. She whispered something in his ear (and from the sudden look of eagerness which appeared on his face I was glad I didn't hear). I held out the tray of champagne to him

"Complementary drink Sir?"

He smiled at me and took a glass.

"Enjoy your flight"

He smiled again and almost ran to his seat, winking at Alice who giggled like a little girl. Once he was out of earshot, I turned to my hyper best friend


"His name's Major Jasper Whitlock and he's being transferred to Melbourne by his General. He says I'm the most charming and wonderful person he has ever met"

She blushed as she said that. Alice! Blushed! Bloody hell, he must be something to make her blush! I just hugged her one armed and told her not to keep him waiting. She hugged me back and hurried almost as quickly as he did to her seat. I rolled my eyes after them and turned back to welcome the rest of the passengers. It seemed as though there was quite a nice combination. It was half an hour later and I was about to close the door when I spotted someone running towards the plane at full speed, in fact he almost ran straight into me. I helped him onto the plane and went to offer him a glass of champagne when I looked at him for the first time. Bloody hell! He was...stunning. If perfection had a face, his would be it. I looked at his face and couldn't see a single flaw. It wasn't fair. His lips looked soft and smooth, his nose was high and angular and his They were the deepest and most beautiful shade of emerald that I had ever seen. My eyes started to run down his body, undressing him with my eyes. Niceee.

"Can I offer you a glass of champagne sir?"

I stepped a little closer to him and tossed my hair back as I pushed the tray towards him. He looked as if he was doing pretty much the same thing to me as I was to him as his eyes snapped up from my chest to my face as I spoke to him. He stepped even closer to me, I glanced over my shoulder. No matter how damn hot he was, if anyone saw...

"Don't worry, nobody's looking"

His voice was a sexy purr in my ear and his hand had somehow placed itself under my skirt and on my thigh and I gasped with pleasurable shock at his touch. He rubbed it gently while he kissed me on the neck, his hand got higher and higher up my leg until he reached my underwear. He started to slowly take them off... I pushed him away although I wanted nothing more than to shove him to the floor and do him right here and now. I sighed though, it wouldn't be professional, not matter how much my body was begging for him.

"I'm sorry but I can't"

It was a pitiful thing to say to him but I didn't know what else I could say. Hey, sorry for stopping you fucking me with your hand but I'm at work right now and screwing a passenger wouldn't go down well with my boss. Yes. That would have been so muchbetter. He just winked at me and whispered in my ear again

"I understand. But I will tell you something"- he glanced at my name badge-"Bella. I don't wait forever and you should try and make sure I don't...lose interest in you during the flight"

He squeezed my ass as he moved past me to take his seat, grabbing a glass of champagne as he went, leaving me standing there, completely speechless as I took in his words. He wanted me to...tempt him? Flirt with him? Tease him? Well if that's what a passenger wanted then how could I refuse? I smiled to myself as I closed the plane door, more eager for this flight to begin that I had ever been before.

2 hours later

I made my way down the aisles with the snack trolley in tow, offering the already bored passengers some refreshment. I soon reached Jasper and Alice who looked like they were pretty close to moving onto second base and so I swiftly moved on, giving them as much privacy as they could really get on a plane with hundreds of passengers. 5 rows in front of them, with nobody sitting beside him, I found the sex god. He was watching the in-flight movie very intently. I cleared my throat and he glanced up at me, removing his earplugs. I moved myself and the trolley closer to him.

"Is there anything I can tempt you with Sir?"

My voice was thick with invitations and I put one hand on my hip, thrusting my chest forward as I waited for his reply. He looked away from me, seemingly uninterested

"No I'm good"

I was taken aback. Isn't that what he wanted? Had I misunderstood him? Just as I started to think I completely misread the situation he pulled me down to his level.

"You'll have to do better than that"

My confidence was completely restored in that instant

"Oh believe me, I can"

I turned away from him and continued offering snacks and drinks to the other passengers while focusing on how to tempt him more. Obviously he wanted more than for me to ask him what he wanted. Maybe I should show him what he was missing out on...

3 hours later

It was time for us to serve the first meal. Before I went back out into the cabin to serve the food, I adjusted the two top buttons of my blouse so that if I moved a certain way, they would pop open. Perfect! I loaded the last of the meals onto the trolley and made my way to the passengers. I served people exactly what they asked for and got some nice looks from the men and some not so nice looks from their partners. I didn't care though, they could daydream all they wanted. I got to his seat again and realised that I didn't know his name.

"Here's your food Mr..."

"Cullen. Edward Cullen"

He didn't take his eyes from the magazine in front of him. He was starting to irritate me slightly. He could at least look at me! I put his dinner on the tray and 'accidentally' dropped his cutlery on the floor. I bent down to pick it up at the exact same time he did. As soon as I bent forward, I felt the button pop open and hit him on the head

"What the hell?"

He looked up, expecting to see me standing above him but instead finding his face inches from my now exposed cleavage. He stared at it for a long moment before looking back up at me, lust in his eyes. I didn't give him a chance to say anything; I just stood up and made my way back down the cabin, to Alice and a new blouse. She didn't ask as she handed me a deep blue V-neck and I almost sprinted to the back to get changed. Once I was sufficiently dressed, I went back out and to the trolley where I left it with Edward. My wardrobe change seemed to have pleased him and I winked as I continued down the plane. 3 rows down I heard him call


I turned around

"Yes Sir?"

"That appetiser was very pleasant indeed but I would prefer something...hotter for my main"

I stared at him. Everyone in the rows between him and me heard his words and they shared puzzled glances with each other. I couldn't let that faze me though.

"Oh of course Sir. I'll see what I can do"

I smiled politely at him and began plotting how I could grab his attention again. It didn't take me long to think of an idea but I would need to wait until he was...thirsty.

2 hours later

The children at the front of the plane kept me sufficiently occupied while I waited for him. Sure enough, I heard him call a little after 2 hours.


"Yes Sir?"

"I'm thirsty. What can you offer me?"

I fought back a smile. This couldn't have gone better if I planned it!

"Well give me a moment sir and I shall go and get the drink's trolley"

I almost sprinted down the plane, eager for my next method to begin. I put on a random selection of drinks and grabbed a handful of napkins. Accidents happen. I went back down to him and he asked for a coke. I poured it for him, but just as I went to put it down, my hand 'slipped' and the drink went all over his trousers. He shivered at the temperature.

"I'm so sorry sir, how clumsy of me! Here, let me help you"

I grabbed the napkins and started dabbing on his trousers, making my way from his knees upwards. Once I reached his lap, I lingered and took my time, rubbing him in a place I knew would get his attention. His arms were gripped so tightly to the armrests I thought he might break them. I continued my rubbing and padding until he was almost dry. It was my turn to whisper in his ear.

"Was that better Mr Cullen?"

He looked at me and we were inches from each other, inches from what we both wanted.

"Call me Edward and yes. Much better"

I put my hand in his lap again and let it wander for a few seconds, enjoying the look on his face as I touched him in a place I could feel wanted me. I stopped when I felt it through his trousers. He was definitely ready, but was I? This tormenting was fun and I knew that we would have sex eventually and this touching before would just make it better. I pulled my hand away and bent down to whisper again

"Not right now...I'll be back later. Once people are sleeping. I suggest you rest now Edward, you'll need all your energy later on"

I moved on without waiting for his response, this was fun!

6 hours later

It was gone midnight and most of the passengers were all asleep. And by most I meant everyone but Alice and Jasper who were taking full advantage of the darkness. I walked past them swiftly and made my way to Edward's seat. He was sleeping, just like he had been for the past 6 hours. He had missed his next meal but I didn't want to wake him. I slid into the seat beside him and put my arm around his shoulder as I whispered in his ear

"Edward, its time"

He woke up almost instantly and was immediately alert.

I moved closer to him but he pulled me onto his lap. Neither of us wasted any time, our tongues plunged into each other's mouths and we both fought for control, nobody giving in. I was right about his lips; they were soft and moulded exactly to mine. He tasted amazing and I craved more of him. His hands started to undo my new blouse and I put it on the seat next to us. He had my bra undone in one swift movement and spent a moment staring at my breasts before cupping one in his hands. I held in a gasp. He started to play, teasing me, licking me and I had to use all my strength to stop myself from moaning with pleasure. It was time to get even. I took off his jacket and shirt and marvelled at his perfection before running my tongue down his chest and letting my fingers wander around his back. He slid one hand up my skirt, like he did when we first met, and he moved slowly up my thigh again. I was already wet and it didn't take long for him to realise that. He once again reached my underwear but I didn't stop him this time. He ripped my thong off and plunged one finger deep inside me. I couldn't hold in a moan this time. He started to massage and play with me and I moaned his name again and again while I kissed him deeper and with more passion than I ever had before. The hand that wasn't getting me excited was still playing with my breasts and I moved mine down to his trousers, undoing his belt and pulling his jeans down to his knees. I could see and feel his hardness through his boxers and fuck did I want it! He took his finger out and I took of the only garment separating him from me. He didn't wait for an invitation (not that he needed one) and he pushed himself into me. He set up a rhythm as he came inside me again and again. Each time brought a new level of happiness and pleasure and I told him so with my kisses. He was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. His hands were all over my body but I still wanted him to touch me more, it would never be enough. I couldn't see how we would stop. We kept on in that manner until I reached a complete and utter high and screamed his name into his shoulder, using all my energy to stop myself from waking up everyone on the plane. We both stopped and just panted, gasping for air in between our desperate and amazing kisses. I was hot, sweaty and still had 4 more hours of hostessing to do but I didn't care. I had just had the most amazing experience of my life and with the most perfect person I had ever met. I kissed him deeply once more before climbing off of him and putting my clothes back on. He did the same and the whole time we were whispering things into each other's ears that would have got me fired. I kissed him once more before calmly standing up, leaving him and going back to my job.

It was 5 minutes later and I was just drifting off for half an hour or so, planning to do him again in my dreams. After just having the best sex of my life 40,000 feet above the ground, I realised something. Love really is in the air.

Did you like it? Reviews please =)