Much much love to DripDripDrip for writing the lemon in this for me (I did hardly any of it, she did most so credit to that goes to her :L) and also to her and In-My-Secret-Life for beta-ing the whole thing for me :D (L) (L) Go read their stories okay? :L You need to :) Anways, hope you enjoy this and thanks to everyone that left an idea in their last review--glad you all liked the way I ended it as well. Apologies in advance for the mushiness of this but I hope you forgive me :) Ohh, song in this is Give until there's nothing left by Relient K, link is found here--I suggest you listen while you read :)

http://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/watch?v=LFZ_6DTE828


Bella's POV

"Isabella Marie Swan, today I take you to be my wife. Together we will create a home, becoming a part of one another. I vow to help create a life that we can cherish, inspiring your love for me and mine for you. I vow to be honest, caring and truthful, to love you as you are and not as I want you to be, and to grow old by your side as your love and best friend."

I gulped as I held back the tears that threatened to embarrass me in front of my friends and family. I knew that saying my vows after Edward may not work in my favour but I hadn't realised how much love and firm conviction would ring true in his voice as he declared his love for me. To make the words mean as much as possible, completely personal to us, we decided that we would each write our own vows and not let the other one hear them until our wedding day. The only person who knew both sets of vows was Alice and she was ecstatic, saying that together our words would summarise everything we both felt about each other. Now, as I heard what he said to me, and how he promised to love me forever, I looked forward to telling him the same thing. Smiling widely, letting the happiness that was overflowing through me shine out with my words, I promised myself to him forever, unable to stop two tears escaping.

"Edward Anthony Cullen, today I take you for my husband. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

His eyes shone brilliantly; both pride and love evident as I heard a few sniffles from behind me as members of the congregation also tried to hold back their emotion. There were a few seconds of silence as Edward and I absorbed the words we had said to each other. This was it, no turning back now and this moment just felt so right, I knew this was the start of an amazing life together. As I stared into his emerald eyes, I thought briefly of our somewhat whirlwind of a romance. We fell in love after only a few days, meeting on an aeroplane flight before being separated and kept apart by unexpected circumstances and bad choices. So many months we were apart, living with our relative partners until fate threw us together once again and we couldn't stay apart anymore. Our story was a complicated one with love, betrayal and broken hearts. We were torn apart only to be reunited once again and finally ended up here, on the Altar steps in front of all our friends and family, promising to love each other forever and spend the rest of our lives together. It was an easy promise to make.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the new Mr and Mrs Edward Cullen."

The words sent a shiver down my spine, it was now official. He was mine forever. His arm slid round my waist and I threw mine- and my bouquet- around his neck, pulling him as close to me as I could without appearing indecent in public. It was a sweet kiss, and neither of us fought for dominance, we just enjoyed the feeling of our mouths moving in sync with each others. I closed my eyes and immersed myself fully in the sensation and glorious experience that was kissing Edward Cullen; my husband.

We pulled apart from each other to a loud chorus of cheers and applause from the congregation. Smiling like I never had before, I gasped with surprise as Edward scooped me up into his arms, and made his way back down the aisle. We reached the doors and they opened to reveal even more well-wishers waiting to showers us with confetti. Rather than head straight to the reception, Alice-chief wedding planner- had decided that we needed pictures taken around the church so we trotted off to the garden at the rear, and posed with our loved ones while the photographer took a multitude of pictures. After the pictures, we made our way to the hired limos which would drive everyone back to the Cullen house where Alice had almost singlehandedly organised the reception; the woman deserved a medal. I almost suffocated her with my hug when I saw what she had done. There were two large gazebos set in the grounds; one with a large dance floor and one with tables and chairs where all the food would be served. Every possible item of food was laid out on one of fifteen tables, including two tables of desserts- the centrepiece of one was the extravagant cake. It was 4 tiered, covered in white icing and intricately decorated with tiny red and pink roses. No sooner had we arrived, Alice was ushering everybody to their seats. Unsurprisingly, our table was in the centre and we sat with our parents, Phil, Alice, Jasper and baby Maria. After everybody had eaten all they could, the party moved smoothly onto dancing.

One thing that I had requested to have no part in was the music; this was because I knew that I would not be able to find a song that would sum up our relationship. Because of this, we both decided that we wouldn't have a 'first dance' with a particular song; we would rather dance amongst our friends and family. That was plan, the reality was very different. Still feeling full from the delicious food, I sat at the table playing with Maria and just being with Edward while everyone was up dancing. Suddenly, the music stopped and everybody returned to their seats. Confused, I turned to Edward, only to find that he wasn't there. Panicking, I looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him standing on stage. He saw me looking and smiled his crooked beauty before heading to the microphone.

"Firstly, I just want to thank everybody for coming today, you have made Bella and I's day more special and memorable then we could have ever imagined. I also want to give an even greater thanks to Alice, who went above and beyond everything in organising this day. I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast; to Alice!"

Everyone mimicked my actions as Alice went a shade of pink and turned into Jasper, wanting the ground to swallow her up. I knew the feeling. Thinking that Edward was done, I smiled and sat back, what a nice surprise for Alice. I was wrong, he was not finished.

"There was a reason you were all asked to clear the dance floor and I think it's only fair that I explain. Bella, could you come up here please?" he requested, a beatific smile gracing his lips

Suddenly, I felt all eyes in the room turn on me and I wanted to die, I hated having all the attention. Walking slowly to ensure I did not fall over in my heels, I joined Edward on the stage.

"Isabella, I love you so much and I would gladly shout share this fact with the world. You make me so happy and there is nothing that I would not do for you, I am a complete novice to this being wholeheartedly in love situation and I have no idea what I'm doing. But one thing I do know, is that tradition is sometimes the best way so, Mrs Cullen, will you join me for a dance?"

Soft chords began tinkling over the sound system and Edward led us to the middle of the dance floor.

"Listen to the words"

He whispered into my ear as we began twirling and turning.

No one told me
The right way
The right way to go about this
So I'll figure it out for myself
Cause how much
Is too much
To give you
Well I may never know
So I'll just give until there's nothing else

"There is nothing I wouldn't give to you my Bella, anything you want my love, you can have it. You already own my heart, my body and my soul. There is not a thing in this world that I wouldn't do for you"

He spoke the words over the chorus of the song and the intensity and love in his voice overwhelmed me. If for any unfathomable reason, I doubted his love; his tone alone would disprove me.

No one told me
How bad I'd need you
But I somehow arrived
To that conclusion all by myself
And I want
All you have to offer
So I offer myself and I'll just give until there's nothing else

And I'll give give give, until there's nothing else
Give my all, until it all runs out

Give give and I'll have no regrets
I'll give until there's nothing left to
Give give give until there's nothing else
Give my all until it all runs out
Give give(and I'll have no regrets
I'll give until there's nothing left

As the song progressed I felt the overwhelming emotion build within me, the combination of the lyrics and the sweet things Edward whispered into my ear proving too much for my body to handle. By the time the song ended, the tears were running in full force down my face.

"I love you, Edward"

I said the words as clearly as I could through my tears but he seemed to understand as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss. My surroundings disappeared as I melted in Edward's arms. All that mattered was that he was here, with me, and I was never going to let him go. Unable to stop myself, I moaned quietly into his mouth but I quickly felt the strain in his trousers against my stomach. He moved his lips up to my ear,

"Don't do that to me now, Bella. There will be plenty of time for that later"

His words sent a small shiver down my spine and suddenly, the whole event and reception seemed pointless. All I wanted to do was find the nearest bed and throw Edward down on it, and have my wicked way with him the whole night. Unfortunately for me, Alice had made other plans before that. We danced several more times, heard the speeches from various people and had another unimaginable amount of photos taken. Although I knew that somewhere down the line, I would be grateful for all this effort and the fact my wedding day was more than just long, sweet love-making, but right now I just wanted the latter. After what seemed like days but was only in fact a couple of hours, it was time for us to leave. We were going on our honeymoon in three days and would be away for two weeks but until then, Alice had arranged for us to stay in a hotel in the next town over and be pampered and spoilt. We got into the hired limo and arrived in less than 30 minutes.

From the outside, the hotel looked magnificent. It was a relatively modest size, but was made entirely of smooth white bricks and just screamed expensive. Walking into the lobby, we got several smiles from the guests as they saw our outfits; offering us congratulations as we passed. We checked in under the name of Cullen and discovered that we had the President Suite booked for three days, which was a surprise for both of us. After being asked if we needed anything sent up, the friendly but flirtatious receptionist handed us the door swipe card and showed us to the lift- which was a dark panelled wood inside. We went all the way up to the top and found our room, holding hands as Edward swiped the card in the reader next to the room.

The door opened and we both stepped inside, our breath taken away by the sight before us. Alice had really outdone herself. The bed in the centre of the room was large, king-size and the covers were white satin. A deep blue soft carpet lay beneath our feet and the walls were painted a calming shade of blue, with the shimmering chandelier hanging from the ceiling blending in effortlessly. The lighting was perfect; bright enough to see yet dim enough to add a sense of mystery to the heated atmosphere. The warm light radiating from the matching lamps created a romantic ambience; dark desire lingered heavily in the surrounding air as our eyes met – we both knew what was to come; both figuratively and hopefully literally.

Before a word was uttered through my trembling lips they were crushed as they met Edwards in a passionate, fiery kiss; our lips melding happily as love seeped through the more prominent lust. We spent thousands on our respective outfits (declining Alice's offer of custom clothes as she had taken too much upon herself already) but that didn't matter. His tuxedo jacket was soon on the floor by my veil as I found myself caught in his iron like grip, his body pushed forcefully against mine, as he mumbled something about too many clothes. His glorious mouth left mine then and began a slow assault on my neck; his ministrations elicited an involuntary moan – the sound obviously wondering south as his hips pushed more forcefully into my own, his already prominent erection causing delicious friction. I felt my eyes flutter closed as I released another breathy moan, this one joined by his own guttural groan. My eyes unwillingly opened once more in protest as I felt the absence of his mouth at my neck, the indignation immediately replaced with longing as I met his gaze and saw the desire that flamed within. His accompanying words came out feral, animalistic;

"Bed. Now"

It was a fucking sexy growl and I willingly complied; almost running to the freshly made bed as I felt my own juices begin to seep through the freshly bought blue lingerie I wore; just for this occasion. I fell back onto the bed, the lace of my dress settling as I propped myself on my elbows, waiting. He sat at the end of the bed, placing my foot in his lap, as he undid the strap of my shoe, his fingertips ghosting softly across the skin there; the motion immediately causing goose bumps to erupt in their wake. He traced slow, sensual circles around my ankle as he began an agonizingly slow ascension north;

"Not so long ago my love, a wife was considered the property of her husband. He owned her, could do with her what he wanted. This"- he placed a small kiss on the inside of my ankle-"would have been mine. All of this"- his kisses continued up to the top of my thigh and his head was now completely under my dress. Everywhere his fingers touched made me yearn for his touch all the more. He placed a delicate kiss at the top of my thigh, mere inches from the aforementioned lace panties I wore; I shivered minutely. I waited in tense expectation as his fingers ran over my underwear. He released a short moan as his heavenly fingers bore witness to my evident arousal;

"Ahh fuck...You're so wet for me, baby. Can I taste you...Please, Mrs. Cullen, let me taste you..."

His voice remained low and sexy, effortlessly leaving me in a more dire situation and yearning all the more for what he offered;

"God yes, Edward"

I couldn't see of course, but I could imagine the beautiful crooked smile stretching across his face as he slid down my soaking panties, leaving me bare and exposed before him. Though at the time I had cursed Alice vehemently for insisting I wax before the big day, I now concluded it was 110% worth it as I heard Edward release a longing sigh, the whooshing air hitting my engorged clit unhindered; my breath hitched at the heightened sensation. I suddenly felt his warm tongue take a tentative stroke of my bare pussy, before he dived back in ravenously. Any previous semblance of self-control I harboured before immediately flew willingly out the window. I heard a series of unrecognisable groans as his tongue worked me into a divine frenzy. He simultaneously introduced two fingers and his teeth into the equation, two long fingers pumping relentlessly as his teeth grazed delectably across my sensitive nub. I knew I wouldn't last much longer as the pleasure reached a plateau, my unrecognisable moans once again permeating the otherwise silent room. Sensing my imminent climax Edward withdrew, leaving me panting in frustration and need; my juices no longer lapped up by his attentive tongue began to ooze uncontrollably into the satin sheets I lay across. I pouted at him as his head re-emerged from under my dress; his now dormant lips shining tauntingly in the subdued light, coated in my essence. He merely laughed huskily at my expression,

"Patience Mrs. Cullen; you will get your orgasm tonight and trust me baby- it will blow your mind..."

Growing tired of his games, I reached for his crisp collar, pulling him down and crushing myself with his weight as my hands travelled to the buttons of his shirt, popping them open quickly and enthusiastically. Although he appeared hesitant at first, he instantly stopped resisting when I angled my hips just so – my sopping heat rubbing delightfully with his ridiculously prominent member. His shirt was off first, followed shortly by his dress trousers and boxers; his smart black shoes abandoned long ago. It was utterly unfair to hide such a perfectly sculpted body; if sex had a male personification- Edward would be it to a tee. I would never cease to marvel at how good he looked without clothes. I looked him up and down, nodding and biting down on my bottom lip as I took in the perfection that was all mine, to do with whatever I pleased. He whispered in my ear, stroking the other lobe while he spoke

"It's not fair to do that to me, love, when you still have so many clothes on yourself."

As he said the words, I felt his cool arm worm around my back and unzip the dress before he pulled it off and threw it with careless ease into the surrounding area, it's destination unimportant as the moment of unity drew ever closer. I was left in nothing but my bra, a matching lacy blue creation that enhanced my natural assets; the chest area was one in which I was greatly blessed. His hand slid up to caress me softly through the fine fabric, a wistful sigh escaping his delicious lips as I arched into his touch. His fingers traced my erect nipple, before travelling slowly to the clasp situated in the valley of my breast, a crooked smirk gracing his handsome face; I completely understood – God bless front clasps. He deftly unhooked the bra, my ample bust spilling forth and finding residence in his eager palms. He lovingly removed the bra from my shoulders as his mouth descended upon my elongated nipple, teasing me relentlessly as I once again climbed the mountain towards sexual gratification. Abandoning my breast his lips returned with vigour to my waiting lips, the residue of my arousal tainting his delicious taste. He thrust his tongue in and out of my mouth suggestively as I moaned into his. My fingers tangled in the copper hair at the nape of his neck, my free hand wondering lazily down his hard Pecs, gracing his washboard abs and feeling them tense up beneath my soft caress. My hand plundered on; weaving through the coppery hair of his happy trail before reaching its destination. I grasped his solid length in a firm grip, stroking him once, twice, thrice before his head situated itself in my neck, his hand wondering down to catch mine as my thumb traced his head, swiping up the pre-cum that had accumulated.

He lifted his head to face me, our eyes meeting as our mouth twisted into similar smirks, mutual understanding and love shared through a simple stare.

He grasped me by my hips, rolling over quickly and positioned me above him, straddling his waist as he propped himself up on his elbows, grasped the hair at the nape of my neck and pulling me down for a long, languid kiss as I felt the head of his cock teasing my entrance, barely in yet already magnificently present.

"I love you, Edward... So much," I gasped as I began my slow descent, filling myself with the man I loved.

"Love... you... ahh... too, Bella... with... all my... heart... ah," he gasped as I set a slow pace, lifting myself almost completely off him before dropping down heavily.

His name fell from my lips in a breathy sigh as his hands ran up my legs, halting at my hips. He guided my movements as sweat slowly began to accumulate across my brow.

I sped up, our skin making delicious slapping noises as we connected over and over, our moans harmonising with the frantic movement of sheets and skin as my pace grew erratic. I glanced down to his face to see him watching me in awe as I used his body for my pleasure, his eyes rolling back slightly when I rotated my hips about him.

"S... So... close, Edward..."

I began to lose strength as my legs trembled with pleasure, my climax imminent yet unattainable as I began to lose my control. Sensing this, Edward held my left leg to his side whilst he pulled himself up to lean on his right arm. He then rolled us over to the right in one fluid movement, keeping himself lodged deeply within me as he once again took control.

His hands clasped mine and rested beside my head on the bed; his lips attacked my neck once again, his hips thrusting in the most primal way.

Our declarations of love, lust and need morphed once more into a symphony of breathy groans and short exclamations of names.

His pace increased as my hips struggled to keep up, our sweaty palms clasped hopelessly as we tiptoed across the edge of pleasure, our bodies ready, yet our hearts unwilling to lose this moment.

Our eyes met mine in a fiery gaze, his undeniable love shining through as we prepared to leap together into the abyss. His lips met mine in a chaste kiss as he thrust one last time, hard and final, both our bodies exploding in wild pleasure as he collapsed above me.

I lost myself in the moment, my body quivering uncontrollably as I returned from my high to find a sweaty Edward panting heavily into my neck.

He finally rolled over to lay beside me, his arm snaking around me to pull me flush against his side. I lay silent by his side as the residual pleasure flared at my most minimal moments, though my body remained spent.

Once our breathing slowed he leant down and placed a light kiss upon my still sweaty brow,

"I must be the luckiest man that lived to have ended up with a woman like you. I love you so much Bella, truly."

I met his gaze, shocked by the sincerity that shone through both his eyes and voice. He waggled his eyebrows suggestively,

"And a lifetime of nights like that will just never be enough...

I laughed softly as he shattered the romantic bubble that had surrounded us, before I cocked my own eyebrow,

"Just say the word and I'll be willing to try to satisfy your demands; your unrelenting desires are becoming rather apparent, my love."

He chuckled darkly, his hand tracing my spine softly as we relaxed against the bed spread, making no move to cover ourselves.

"You may regret saying that Mrs. Cullen..."

"Doubtful" I quipped, my eyes fluttering closed, surrounded in his warmth.

I must have dozed off, as what felt like mere seconds later I felt insistent lips trailing trails across my shoulder and heard the deep cadence of my husband's voice as he uttered a single word,


3 months later

Unpacking the last of our boxes, I felt a great sense of achievement. The house was now officially ours. It had taken us months to agree to the sale but the realtor accepted our offer upon the realisation that he wasn't going to get any better offers; we moved in as soon as we could, not being able to wait starting our new life together.. We had it all planned out, we would both work part time for the next few years and have an active social life at weekends. After that, Edward would take a full time job and I would be a stay at home mum to our single child- we both agreed to this and were thrilled at the prospect of being parents in a few short years.

Edward came into the kitchen as I was flattening the box and surprised me with a box of takeaway pizza and a bottle of champagne. When I asked him why, he just laughed

"To celebrate our official moving in"

"With take out and champagne? You really know how to show a girl a good time..."

He laughed at my tone, pouring me a drink and wafting the pizza scent my way. It worked like a charm and I was by his side in a second, planting a chaste kiss of thanks on his willing lips as I snatched the food from him ravenously.

We spent the evening on the sofa, eating pizza and watching comedy; I loved every second of it. Just as I finished the last slice, I stretched and leant over to snuggle into Edward when I was suddenly overpowered by a wave of sickness. Leaping to my feet, I sprinted to the bathroom just in time to be violently sick while Edward stood behind me, with a terrified look on his face.

"Bella, do you need to go the hospital?"

"No, no. It must just be the pizza, obviously didn't agree with my stomach. I'll sleep on it, don't worry"

Once he was sure I wasn't going to die, he carried me to bed and even tucked me under the covers, leaving a glass of water on the table and telling me that I would be in the next room if I needed him. Knowing that I didn't like falling asleep without him, he sat next to me on the bed, stroking my hair until I drifted off into sleep.

When I woke up, the first thing that hit me was the sickness again and I barely made it to the toilet in time. Edward came running in after, and once he saw me nearly passed out on the floor, grabbed me some comfy clothes and drove us both to the hospital.

We didn't have to wait very long and I was soon sitting in the doctor's office, having needles poked into me and a long stream of questions asked. He left us alone for a few minutes while he went to run the tests. When he came back, he looked shocked.

"Well Mrs Cullen I have great news!" he exclaimed with a radiant smile, "You're three months pregnant. Congratulations!"

His happy proclamation was greeted by shocked faces and a stagnant silence.

You could have heard a pin drop. For one sickening moment, my heart froze and my blood ran cold- what about our plans? Almost as soon as I asked it, I regretted it. My body became flooded with warmth and my hands instinctively fell to my stomach, almost as if expecting a bump to appear instantly. I looked up at Edward and found him with an almost childlike expression of awe and wonder on his face.

"There's more"

More? What more could he possibly have to say?

"It's not just one baby, you're having twins."

Twins?... Two babies?! We only planned to have one! Panic rushed through me, we wouldn't be able to cope, we didn't have the space, we didn't have the money and we were still so young. It all seemed too much, until I looked up at Edward and found that he still had the same expression on his face, only this time his smile was wider. As I felt the sheer happiness radiating from him, I realised that no matter what happened, we would go through it together. It wasn't an ideal situation but I of all people should know that you have to take whatever life throws at you and I vowed to do the same in this situation. Besides, we had overcome a lot worse than this. Almost as if Edward could read my thoughts, he turned to me, his smile breathtaking

"We will take this head on Bella, we've been through enough to get this point and I don't see why we can't get through this like we have with everything else. I love you Bella... Twins..." he whispered, his tone filled with the same reverence I heard when he spoke of me.

As I looked into his eyes, I knew that he was right. Whatever was thrown at us, we would be able to get through it....together.

I did warn you the non-lemony parts were mushy :L Hope you liked it though :) Ohh, and also, Im hosting the 'Forbidden Lemon' contest so head on over to my page for my info on that--Id love it if you entered :D xx