Author's Note: SOOOOOOOOO sorry I haven't posted since September (whoa) but things do come up (namely, forgetting about the story). I probably could have written this over winter break, but like I said, I forgot (whoops.) So here it is: Chapter Six of Roses Are Red, Violets Are Green! w00t!

P.S. I said in my last post I'd put this story on hiatus if I didn't get any reviews by a certain date. I actually had no intention of doing that…oh well. But maybe someone could remind me every…so…often…?...No?

Luigi slept. And slept. And slept some more. He had a myriad of dreams that passed without number that passed in a second and infinity. Suddenly, he woke. He had the strange and painful sensation of growing instantly, and suddenly it passed. He looked around, realizing that he was standing on something angry. "Get. Off. Now." It was Mario's voice.


"I said GET OFF."

"Oh…sorry…" Luigi mumbled. He blushed. "Where are we?"

"We're in World 1-1. Duh. Actually, we're in Toad Town Caves."

"Toad Town…Caves?"

"Yeah. You know, you've been missing for two years. Let me catch you up: pretty much everyone is under Dimentio's control, except for us and a few renegade Toads. We can't leave here, otherwise we'll be instantly destroyed. And Frank left Stephanie for Marcia."


"THAT'S what you got from that? Not the whole dominated world thing?"

"Well, then how come the Void didn't engulf the entire universe?"

"Because it hasn't gotten all that big yet. And the few Pure Hearts the Toads and I have found are keeping it at bay-speaking of which, hand it over."

"Mario, you seem a little off…you're not usually so demanding…and you don't usually lie. Last time we were threatened by the Void, it kept growing. And I've heard the Void growing. It's kind of weird…"

"Oh? Weird like…THIS?" As Mario uttered his sentence, he transformed into Dimentio.


"Ahahahaha! He's sleeping like a baby on too big a dose of anesthetics. And I must say…kudos for surviving my little trap for two years! Now that I have no further use for you…Ciao!" And with that, he snapped his fingers. A transparent box appeared around Luigi and filled up with huge explosions…

The car horn shrieked, and Luigi woke up with a start. A slice of cheese pizza fell out of his hair. Where was he? Oh yes, he was about to break up with Daisy…

"And then again, who needs to disappoint their brother and/or girlfriend?" Luigi said to himself. He turned the car around to head to the jeweler's to buy an engagement ring.

Even if dreams don't come true, why repeat something that doesn't need to be?

The End

Author's Note: And so ends this story. It's short, I know, but hopefully people liked it. This'll probably be my last and only fanfiction, but I might do more in the future, IDK. Meanwhile, I'll be on with the same name I have here. Plus, I might make a website, so I'll post the address to my profile here and on Fictionpress. In the words of Dimentio: "Ciao!" *snaps fingers and smiles*