A.N: I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean for it to be a few months for this next chapter, I swear.

 Roast in Hell, me. But here it is the next chapter. Read, review, or else. Thanks to my reviewers:

WeasleySweetie: My first review! Thanks!

Mrs. B: You are? Thanks!

Constantine1453: No, he isn't a nice person, and she won't be a Mary sue, I promise.1

I1mhotep Adreth Bey: Wormtail thought everyone thought he was dead, why would he hide?

Eliza: Thanks, even though you were using my computer, so I knew what you would say…

Flying Fire: Yeah, I always forget to make it more descriptive, thanks!!!
Alicia Jennings: Thank you, and write more of Diaspora and Legend of Chasity Lorna.

Willow: Thanks, and I loved "Summer at the Burrow"

aqualaria: thanks, and thanks again.

Hedwig: Here's the chapter…

onewhowrites: thanks, did you change your penname?

Cee: Thankies, thankies, and thankies!


Chapter Two

            "Harry wake up!" Harry was being roughly shaken by Ron, "Boy Who Lived, wake up! We have to get breakfast!" Harry rolled over and got his glasses.

            "What are you doing, being up before me?" He asked. "I was hungry." Ron said simply

            In about five minutes, Harry and Ron were on their way to the Great Hall. "First day back. It's definitely going to be an interesting year." Harry said.

            "Yeah, especially with Sirius and Arlette here." Ron said, smiling, "I still can't believe we got a chaser! It's like she was sent from above!"

            They entered the Great Hall and found Hermione and Arlette chatting away. Hermione looked up at them and said, "Here's your new timetables. You'll never believe what class they've given us first."

            Harry looked down at the schedule and saw what the first class was. "Defense Against The Dark Arts Grade Six. Professor Sirius Black" Ron laughed.

            "Is this odd?" Arlette asked. Harry looked at Arlette. She was staring up at him with big blue eyes. She looked like any other girl in the hall, but she seemed to stand out from the others (I know Mary Sue, I'm sorry!). Of course, this could've been from the fact that she had worn blue robes instead of black.

            "Well, he's my godfather, and we know that it's going to be an interesting class." Harry told her.

            "Oh, well, that clears things up." Arlette said. "By the way, what is the divination class like?" Ron snorted. Hermione decided to answer that question, "It's stupid and pointless."

            "And Hermione's not good at it." Ron added.

            "That is not the reason. Prof. Trelawny has serious problems." Hermione scoffed. They bickered back and forth for minutes, and they started to get off subject.

            "Do they do this often?" Arlette asked, surveying the fight laid out before her.

            "Always." Harry rolled his eyes. Hermione and Ron's fighting was a normal daily event now. "As much as we would love to discuss this matter," Harry commented, "We need to eat breakfast."

            "Okay." Ron said, still glaring at Hermione. "So Arlette, your from France?" He asked, turning to her.

            "Yes, from Balemes. It's near la source de Marne," She said. Then seeing Ron's and Harry's puzzled look, she added. "It's a small town in the Haute Marne." Neither Ron nor Harry still seemed to get it, so she added, "It's a few hours from Paris."

            "Why are you at Hogwarts?" Harry asked. Hermione sighed. She had obviously found all this out the night before.

            "It was an exchange program that school was doing, I was picked to go for this year, maybe next year too." Arlette shrugged. "It is up to me whether or not I stay."

            "And you really play Quidditch?" Ron asked, grinning. "And you're good?"

            Arlette blushed. "I'm not that good. Marie is much better than I am, so is Victoire. But I would be glad to help out the team."

            "Good enough for us." Harry said. He looked at the clock on the wall. "I'd really like to prolong this talk, but we can't miss Sirius's first class- excuse me Professor Black's first class."

            The whole class was standing outside the door of the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom. The door was still locked shut.

"This is great." Dean said, "Our first class of the year is the best one." He then noticed Arlette. "Who's she?"

            "Her name's Arlette. She's a French exchange student." Ron told him

            "Does she speak English?" Dean asked

            "Yes I do. Hello." Arlette said. "I may not know much about the school, but I'm not an invalid." Harry noticed that she pronounced her 'Th.'s' with a 'z'

            Dean smiled, embarrassed, and turned around to talk with Seamus.

            The door to the classroom opened, and all filed in. Harry, Ron, and Hermione got seats up at the front. The class tittered, not sure whether to talk or not. Then a black dog walked in. "What is that huge dog doing here!" Parvati screeched. The dog looked up at her, and kept walking.

            When it was level with Harry, he looked at the dog and said "Hello Snuffles."

            The dog got up to the front of the room and stood there for a minute. Then it changed into Sirius. There was a gasp from the class, then some applause. "Thank you. But seeing as this isn't Transfiguration, we won't discuss that any further. Well, the last time I was in this classroom, I was the student. Who here has the desk that says 'J.P. Loves L.F.'?"

            Lavender raised her hand. "Congratulations, you have my desk. I filled that in for James. We can only hope that there are no more dung bombs in the secret compartment." Lavender looked worried, and tried to see if Parvati would trade desks with her (Parvati refused quickly).

            "I would also like to announce, for those who do not already know, we have a new student in our midst. Arlette Pilliot, who just got here last night from Beauxbatons on a student exchange program. So please say 'hullo' to her or something." Sirius smiled at Arlette, who, embarrassed, smiled back in return.

            "So, what do you think you are going to learn this year?" Sirius asked them. No one knew. "Well, you will be learning intermediate curses. Not any of that stuff Moody taught you. This will be a bit more low-key." He passed around textbooks, and then took out his wand, and instructed the class to do the same.

            "Say 'Allicarte'"

            "Allicarte" The class said. Bright red sparks shot out of their wands, and the ceiling above Neville caught fire.
            Sirius ran over, dousing the flames in water from his wand. "I should have warned you, you have to point your wand a certain way. Now, does anyone know what the point of this spell is?"

            Inevitably, Hermione's hand shot up. Sirius nodded at her and she said (in a rather rushed voice) "It's a spell used to defend you from fire or fire-like substances, using fire to fight fire."

            "Very good Hermione, I can tell you've been studying." Hermione smiled her usual smile after getting praised, and the rest of the class tried to hide their resentment. "Now, we are going to pair up the class, and you may use the simple fire spell you learned last year."

            Harry and Ron teamed up, and after the first try, Harry got rather singed. "Um, excuse me, Professor Black, we have a problem." Ron said, trying not to laugh at the sight of Harry's now powder black face.

            Sirius, who was having trouble stifling his laughs, said "Er- bring down the fire power and you should have no problems."

            A few more minutes were spent with their practicing, and Sirius asked them to go back to their desks. " I hate to tell you this, but you have a homework assignment." The class groaned. "But, I'm letting you do it in class, so you can finish it here." Some people still groaned, but not as many. "Your assignment is to write a paper on the fire reversal spell and give seven reasons why you would use it." The only people who didn't groan this time were Hermione and Arlette.

            Harry and Ron started their reports, thinking of funny excuses to use the spell. But forty-five minutes later, they were still three short. Harry looked over at Arlette's paper. Hers, like Hermione's, was filled with informational things that Harry or Ron would never write.

            Ron was tapping his pencil on the side of his desk when he thought of another idea. "Hey, Harry" he whispered. "I've got another one, If Hagrid decides to get another Norwegian Ridgeback."

            "Oh, I hadn't thought of that one!" Harry whispered back. Hermione looked over at Ron's paper and sighed. "Aren't you going to put something useful on there?"

            "Well, these are useful. I'd definitely use the charm if I ever came upon a volcano." Harry said. "Or one of those rare fire-breathing daisies Sprout told us about last year."

            Arlette tapped Hermione's shoulder. "Um, excuse me, Hermione, I need a little help with some of the words in the book. I didn't get a study in English Defense terms." She said. Hermione turned to help her, and Harry tried to think of more reasons to use a fire defense spell.

            Fifteen minutes later, they were released from class, Harry had promised to see Sirius before dinner; the Gryffindors set off to the dungeons. "Arlette, you are about to enter the bottom floor of the abyss, the devil's lair, Kankredin's main meeting room (A.N. It's from Dalemark Quartet, Kankredin was the stealer of souls,)" Ron said. "But it's also known as," Harry said,

            "Snape's Potions classroom." The two said together. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Is he that bad?" Arlette asked. She took Harry and Ron's laughs for a 'yes'.

            They walked into the classroom, and found a table that seated four. Snape was at his desk, wearing a look that was icy. "Well, I might as well go introduce myself." Arlette said. Before any of them could advise her against it, she had walked to the front of the room. "Excuse me, Monsieur Snape, my name is Arlette Pilliot, I am here on an exchange program from Beauxbatons."

            Snape looked startled for a minute, then recovered himself and smirked. "Would you like it if I announced it to the entire class that we have such an important person in our class now?" Snape had seemed a bit offset at Arlette's boldness (no student had ever introduce themselves before, it just wasn't done) and decided to use his best defense, sarcasm. "Only is you find it appropriate. And I just want to add that Hermione will be helping me if I can't translate some of the words, we will talk quietly."

            Most students were either so scared by Snape's cruel sarcasm and were rendered speechless, or the were afraid to open their mouth for what they might say. Snape was so surprised that he wasn't getting the standard reaction, that he didn't reply, and Arlette went back to her seat. Ron tried very hard not to clap. "Where did you learn how to stand up to Snape?"

            "I have a relative like him, I got used to it." Just then, Malfoy came in followed by his group of Slytherins. He stopped laughing when he saw Arlette. "Hello, I'm Draco Malfoy, and you are?"

            "Arlette Pilliot." Arlette said. "I'm an exchange student from France."  She gave him a curious smile.

            "Well, it is nice to meet you. If you ever need anything, anyone to show you around, just call upon me." He smiled again at her, then returned to his seat near the front of the room.

            "He seems nice." Arlette said. Then she saw the look on Hermione's face. "What, did I say something wrong, did I use the wrong word?"

            "No, your words were clear, it's just the content that's upsetting us." Harry said. "That guy is evil. Pure evil."

            "Well, we don't know that for sure. But he's not a very nice person." Hermione added. "And he's from a different house, Slytherin, that's You-Know-Who's house when he was here."

            "Well, he was nice to me. Maybe he's not all that bad." Arlette said. Harry decided that Potions class was not the place to discuss how horrible Slytherins were, so the subject was dropped.

            "Today, we will be making the Draught of Living Death (A.N. I don't think I spelled that right, forgive me.) "You should have all the ingredients for it. I'll write them up on the board. The directions are on page forty-two of your new Potions book, which I trust that you have too." Snape went up to the board to write the directions.

            Hermione helped Arlette translate the ingredients. Snape heard the whispering and turned around to see who it was, but when he saw that it was Arlette, he didn't do anything.

            Malfoy noticed this and started talking to Crabbe. Snape turned around again. "Malfoy, stop talking now or I'll take points."

            Malfoy was enraged. He started to protest when Snape said "Mr. Malfoy, I have already warned you once, one more time and I will take five points from Slytherin."

            Harry was astounded; this was the first time he had ever gotten made at Malfoy, and all because of Arlette. "Beside the basic ingredients, there are others to be added later. We will be preparing some of these now. Take out all the ingredients with an 'x' next to them and prepare them the way the book tells you to. I need to step out for a minute. If you make any loud noises, you'll all have detention."

            The moment the door closed, the class broke into an excited murmur. "Snape, leaving us alone!" Ron said.

            "Well, we better go ahead and start doing what he said." Hermione said as she grabbed her supplies. "It would be horrible for him to come back and we haven't done anything."

            "Hermione, only you could ruin such a moment as this." Harry said. "And anyway, where is he going?"

            "Maybe it has something to do with what Dumbledore had him do over the summer." Ron suggested. "Hermione's right though, we should get started." So they set to work on their potion ingredients, Hermione translating every once in a while for Arlette. Thirty minutes later, Snape had come back into the dungeon. The class had been surprisingly quiet, for Snape did have that nasty habit of coming in very quietly and catching you when you don't want to be caught. But when he came in, the class went even quieter.

            Snape banged the door on the way in, went to his desk, grabbed a bunch of papers, and left again. "I say he's up to something." Harry whispered.

            "You think?" Hermione whispered back. It was another fifteen minutes before Snape was back again.

            "Have you finished your ingredients?" He asked. The class told him yes, they had finished. "You may use the rest of your time to read pages one fifty to one seventy seven and take notes on the potion."

            The reading was difficult. The pages had been derived from a very old spell-book, and it was full of words that no one used anymore. Harry was wondering how much trouble Arlette must be having if he couldn't understand it. She did look lost; Harry noticed when he looked over at her.

            But quicker than he thought possible, Snape was dismissing them for lunch. "Miss Pilliot." He said as Arlette walked past his desk. "It would be in your favor to wear your Hogwarts robes tomorrow."

            "Thank you, monsieur" Arlette said, her voice syrupy sweet. She tried to walk out the door, but it was blocked by Malfoy, who was looking right at her.

A.N: Please don't ask me if that's a cliffie. Because if it is, it's a sad one. My next chapter will hopefully not take five months this time! Read Review, Check Back Impatiently For New Chapters.

                        ~lightning bug~