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One Year Later.

May 8th

Ruthie's POV

Today is Kylie's first birthday. We are having a B.B.Q, pool party. I can't believe this year went by so fast. Aaron has been staying with us a lot more lately. Dylan and Lindsay are still together, I really like her. Peyton has been doing a lot better since I stay home all the time now.

Martin: What time is everybody suppose to be here?

Ruthie: 1:00.

Martin: Oh, okay. Is everything ready?

Ruthie: Yeah you just have to grill the hotdogs and hamburgers.

Aaron: I'm hungry.

Ruthie: We are going to eat when everybody gets here. Where is Dylan?

Martin: He went to pick up Lindsay.

Ruthie: That reminds me you need to have a talk with him.

Martin: Why?

Ruthie: I walked in on them making out on the couch last night. They where pretty into it. His hand was up her shirt.

Martin: I will later. Are you okay? You don't look like you feel to good.

Ruthie: Yeah I'm just tired. I was up late last night trying to get the cake and everything finished.

Everybody started to show up. The kids swam and played. Peyton helped Kylie open her presents. She dove head first in to the cake before I could move it away. We had a very good time. Mac and Margret and Lucy and Kevin stayed behind to help me clean up. The kids where still swimming with Dylan, Lindsay, Sam, Kelly, and David. We got done cleaning up and Martin brought out some wine for the us and beer for the guys. He handed me a glass.

Ruthie: No thank you.

Lucy: Are you okay, you never turn down a glass of wine unless your pregnant.

Lucy: Are you pregnant?

I look at Martin him, Mac and Kevin are talking. He wasn't paying any attention to us. I nod yes. Before I could say not to say anything yet. She screamed and hugged me. Martin and the guys walked over to see what was going on.

Martin: What's going on?

Ruthie: Well I was going to tell you later tonight we where a lone. I'm pregnant.

Martin: Your what?

Ruthie: I found out yesterday. Surprise.

Lucy: We will be leaving now.

Everybody left. Dylan took Lindsay home and I put the girls in the tub. Martin came into the bathroom.

Martin: Let me do this you should go rest, I know you don't feel good.

Ruthie: Thank you.

He finished up with the girls and I help him get them ready for bed.

Peyton: I love you mommy.

Ruthie: I love you to. Goodnight.

I kiss her and tuck her in. I turn off the light and close the door. I walk into our room.

Ruthie: You have been pretty quite are you mad?

Martin: I'm not mad at all. A little shocked, but not mad.

Ruthie: You and me both.

Martin: I thought we where being safe. Are you okay with it? You don't seem to happy about it.

Ruthie: To be completely honest, not really. Kylie is only a year old. It's not that I'm unhappy about it. I don't know.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

Martin: I'm sorry.

Ruthie: It's not your fault.

Martin: How far along are you and when are you do?

Ruthie: Seven weeks, I'm due January 6th.

Martin: We like January don't we.

I nod. There was a nock on our door.

Martin: Come in.

It was Peyton.

Martin: What's a matter pumpkin?

Peyton: I had a bad dream can I sleep with you and mommy.

Ruthie: Come on.

She gets in between me and Martin.

Martin's POV

Ruthie and Peyton fell a sleep. I couldn't sleep. I went down the kitchen. I was making me a sandwich when Dylan came in the back door. He walked over to the table and sat down. I noticed the hickey on his neck.

Martin: What's wrong?

Dylan: Nothing.

Martin: Yeah right.

Dylan: It's getting really hard to stop before things go to far.

Martin: I see. So how far are we talking?

Dylan: Dad, I'm not telling you that.

Martin: Mom told me about last night.

Dylan: Nothing happened.

Martin: She said your hand was up her shirt.

Dylan: We where just making out and we decided that would be better then sex.

Martin: As you are probably figuring out that touching and feeling other things leave you wanting more.

Dylan: I know that now.

Martin: I'm just looking out for you. You have a gift and I don't want you to ruin your life.

Dylan: I know. I already promised mom that I wouldn't make you grandparents anytime soon. So when is she due?

Martin: How did you know?

Dylan: I heard you guys talking.

Martin: January 6th. Just remember one time without a condom even when your married can change your life.

Dylan: You guys aren't happy about it?

Martin: It was just very big surprise.

Dylan: Well I'm going to go take a very cold shower.

Martin: Get used to those. Goodnight.

Dylan: Goodnight.

I got done and went back up stairs. I noticed Ruthie wasn't in bed. I heard her in the bathroom. I walk in and see her on the floor next to the toilet. I get a wet wash cloth and hand it to her.

Ruthie: Thank you.

Martin: It's the least I could do. Since I got you into this mess.

Ruthie: If this is a boy it's our last one.

Martin: That's completely up to you.

She bushes her teeth and we go to bed.

Three Months later

Martin's POV

Tonight me and Ruthie are going out for dinner. This pregnancy has been really hard on Ruthie, so now that she is feeling better I want to take her out to dinner tonight. Dylan is going to baby sit. We get to find out the sex of the baby today too. I'm watching the game waiting for Ruthie to get ready. Kylie climbs up in my lap. She usually likes Ruthie better but the last week she has really become a daddy's girl. Peyton is a little on the jealous side and she really isn't happy that we are having another baby. Ruthie comes down the stairs.

Martin: Are you ready babe?

Peyton: I want to go with you.

Ruthie: You, Aaron and Kylie are staying here with Dylan. We wont be long.

Peyton: Okay.

We left. As we where driving back to town.

Martin: I'm glad your feeling better.

Ruthie: Me too.

Martin: So if this is a boy is it still the last one?

Ruthie: Unless you're the one that has the next one.

Martin: You know I would if I could.

Ruthie's POV

We finally get to the Doctor's office. They weren't very busy so they took us back right away. Dr. Smith came in.

Dr. Smith: Hi Ruthie, how are you feeling?

Ruthie: Not to bad lately.

Dr. Smith: That's good. I know this has hasn't been a easy pregnancy so far. Let's take a look at the baby.

I lay back lift my shirt up. Martin walks over and hold my hand. I know this is my third one but I still hold my breath until I can hear the heartbeat.

Martin: Is everything okay?

Dr. Smith: Everything looks really good. You guys do want to know what this one is right?

Ruthie: Yes, please.

Dr. Smith: Well it looks like you guys are going to have a boy.

I looked up at Martin he had the biggest smile on his face. He kissed my forehead. She whipped of my stomach and printed some pictures for us.

Dr. Smith: Do you have any questions for me?

Ruthie: I don't so. Thank you.

Dr. Smith: your welcome.

She left and Martin kissed me.

Martin: I love you.

Ruthie: I love you too. But you get to tell Peyton she is getting another brother.

Martin: Why do I have to be the one?

Ruthie: Because, I said so.

We made our next appointment. And was walking out when Matt stopped us.

Matt: Hey guys. How did it go?

Ruthie: Good. It's a boy.

Matt: Congratulations. Who is going to tell Peyton.

Martin: That would be me.

Matt: I'm sorry.

Martin: She's not that bad.

Matt: No she just her mother times two.

I just glared at him.

Ruthie: I wasn't that bad.

Matt: Need I remind you that none of us wanted to baby sit after our first time.

Ruthie: That wasn't all me. I had help with Lucy and Simon asked for it.

Sarah walked over.

Sarah: How are you feeling?

Ruthie: Better.

Sarah: Are you still getting sick?

Ruthie: Not as bad. Now it's just mostly smells that get me.

Sarah: So did you find out the sex?

Ruthie: Yeah it's a boy.

Sarah: Congratulations. Are you guys don't after this?

Ruthie: Yes.

Martin: We haven't decided yet.

I looked at Martin. I just rolled my eyes. I wasn't happy about being pregnant again so fast, but I'm happy about it now. It's not like I can change it.

Ruthie: We better get back Dylan is babysitting.

Matt: All three?

Ruthie: Yep, but I'm pretty sure that Lindsay will be there when we get back.

Sarah: Are you guys coming to mom's on Sunday?

Ruthie: Yeah we haven't been in a while.

Martin: We better go.

We said bye and left.

Ruthie: So do you have any names picked out for our son?

Martin: Your going to let me name him?

Ruthie: You let me pick out the girl's names.

Martin: Okay that was easy.

Ruthie: No Martin junior.

Martin: I know I was kidding.

We get home and see that Lindsay's car is in the drive way.

Ruthie: Do you think their getting to serious?

Martin: He is seventeen we can't really tell him what to do, and besides we like her. You should see the girls that hit on him at school.

We walk in and they are making out on the couch. Martin clears his throat. They come up for air.

Lindsay: Hi.

Martin/Ruthie: Hi.

Ruthie: Where are the kids?

Dylan: Peyton and Kylie are taking their naps and Aaron's playing video games in my room.

Ruthie: You guys got them got them both down at the same time?

Lindsay: Actually I got Kylie down while Dylan was working on Peyton.

Martin: You guys are good. We can't even do that.

Ruthie: Thank you.

Dylan: Your Welcome. So how did it go? Brother or another sister?

Ruthie: It's a boy.

Lindsay: Congratulations.

Ruthie: Thank you.

I heard Kylie wake up.

Martin: I will get her.

Ruthie: How long did she sleep for?

Lindsay: Not very long just about a hour.

Ruthie: She is going to be cranky tonight. I can't wait until she sleeps through the night soon.

Peyton comes down with Martin and Kylie. She comes and sits in my lap and cuddles with me. She likes to cuddle when she's waking up.

Martin: Aaron is coming down in a minute.

Peyton: Is it a boy or girl?

Ruthie: We are going to wait until Aaron comes down.

Just as I finished saying that Aaron came down the stairs.

Aaron: So brother or sister?

Martin: You guys are getting a baby brother.

Dylan: Cool.

Aaron: It's about time.

Peyton just looked at me.

Ruthie: What's wrong honey?

Peyton: I don't want a baby brother.

Ruthie: Why not?

Ruthie: Why not?

Peyton: I just don't. she got up and ran to her room.

Martin: I will go talk to her.

He hands me Kylie and heads up stairs.

Lindsay: I have to go to work.

Dylan: Your going to leave me hear with all three of them tonight?

Lindsay: not I will be back when I get off of work if it's okay with Mrs. Brewer.

Dylan is really good at the sad puppy face.

Ruthie: Okay but don't make me regret it.

Dylan: Thanks mom.

Ruthie: Your welcome. See you later Lindsay.

Lindsay: Bye and thank you.

Ruthie: Your welcome, you know your welcome over here all the time.

He walks her to the door and kisses her. Which lasted longer then I thought it would. Martin came back down.

Ruthie: How is she?

Martin: She's okay, she actually likes having a brother to play with it's the whole baby thing she's not happy about. She thinks since Kylie is still a baby and with another one coming we are going to forget about her.

Ruthie: I figured as much. Since she is more of a tomboy, she wouldn't mind having a another brother.

Martin: Don't worry she's okay now. She wants to ride later.

Ruthie: I will have Dylan take her.

Martin: She wants you.

Ruthie: I will let her walk round with Dylan and will watch.

Martin: Okay. I don't want you on them.

Ruthie: I know.

Dylan came back in with a grin on his face.

Ruthie: Dylan would you mind taking Peyton riding?

Dylan: Not at all I was going to ride later anyway.

I will go change. I went up to get Peyton ready to ride.

Peyton: Are you going to ride too?

Ruthie: No honey I can't, daddy would get really mad at me. But I'm going to watch you and Dylan ride.

Peyton: Why would dad get mad?

Ruthie: He thinks I would get hurt.

We walked out to barn with Dylan. He got the horse ready. Walked into the tack room to get a brush to help Dylan when I found something I wasn't expecting. I put it in my pocket and walked back out. Martin and Kylie were walking over to the barn. Dylan put Peyton on and walked the horse out of the barn to the arena. I pulled Martin over to me.

Martin: What's going on?

A/N: Thanks for reading. Please review.