Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Stargate Atlantis or it's wonderful characters.

Spoilers: Through Midway in Season 4

A/N: A final Thank You to Vana1970 for the wonderful Beta job -- thanks for all your help and encouragement. And a big Thanks to Bailey1ak for nagging me into writing something!!

Chapter 20

Jennifer woke slowly dragging herself out of a drug-induced stupor. Rolling over she tried to place where she was but her brain just wouldn't cooperate. Every muscle in her body ached and burned but she couldn't remember why. And then it all came rushing back like a flood.

With a heavy groan she buried her face in Ronon's pillow and began to recount the last 24 hours. Overload … there was just too much to think about. She pushed it all to the back of her mind and climbed out of bed.

Jen could hear the water running in the shower and knew Ronon would be out soon. It all felt rather awkward so she decided go back to her quarters and get cleaned up for the day. She knew sometime during the next 24 hours there would be a rather long debriefing with Mr. Wolsey and the team.

Grabbing a card off Ronon's desk, Jennifer left him a note and put her shoes on. She made herself look as presentable as possible and left for her own room.

She took a long, slow shower letting the hot water work the aches out of her screaming muscles. Jen put on a clean uniform and took a few minutes to try and center herself.

She felt so full of contradictions. Jennifer had never been happier than she was right now and yet she was so full of sadness at everything she'd been through yesterday.

She was grateful for these new friends who'd drawn her into their inner circle and yet at this moment felt so terribly alone.

She was completely content but could feel the tension creeping back into her body causing this overwhelming anxiety.

Ronon quickly dressed and walked out of his bathroom looking for Jennifer. Seeing the card on his pillow he realized she'd already gone.

'Thank you for always being here for me'

Jennifer, this dear friend, had become such a part of his life he wanted to always be the one to comfort her. He couldn't imagine his life without her.

She heard her door open and there was no need to turn around. It would be Ronon … she knew he would come.

Ronon walked into the room and found Jennifer looking out the window with her arms wrapped around her body – protecting herself.

"Hey, Little Girl, you okay?" Ronon asked.

"I will be. Thanks so much for last night. Once again you came to my rescue! You always seem to know what I need." Jennifer could feel the tears beginning to fall and felt such a need.

Ronon gently took hold of her shoulders turning her to face him. "I think it's time for one of those bear hugs you keep talking about." Ronon wrapped his arms around Jennifer and pulled her close.

It amazed him how well her body fit against his. She felt like the missing piece of a puzzle. He rested his cheek on the top of her head and felt something tear through his body with such force he had to hold on to Jennifer for fear of falling.

All those years of fighting the Wraith, of running for his life from world to world, of losing everything he'd ever known – it all came crashing down. He had his life mapped out … fight the Wraith; protect his new family, die with honor. He never expected anything else. Never dreamt he'd ever care about another woman – never allowed for it.

But holding this beautiful woman in his arms he knew he wanted more than this friendship they'd forged these past months. He needed her. He wanted to consume her, to feel her in every fiber of his being.

Ronon could hardly breathe as the realization hit him like a ton a bricks. He was in love with Jennifer Keller. This shy, quiet woman who was gentle and kind yet could hold her own under fire and bring him to his knees with a stern look.

He wanted to laugh and shout to the heavens. He needed to claim her as his own. His desire was so strong he could taste it in his mouth and feel it rush through his body.

Jennifer sank into his arms and let the tears flow. It'd been such a long time since someone had offered her a hug. As a doctor she understood how a person needs to feel the touch of another person – to feel connected to the human race. But it'd been so long since she'd wrapped her arms around anything other than her self.

This felt so good, so right. He'd become such a close friend without ever needing to talk. The mutual respect and trust they had for each other was precious and something they protected from everyone – their own special bond they'd forged through their letters and cards.

The greetings they'd exchanged without saying a word, the silent conversations during meals, the concerns they conveyed when one of them was hurt all added to enrich this dance they were doing without any music. She cared about him. Wait – she CARED about him.

Suddenly Jennifer realized she couldn't do without him. She was linked to him in a way that couldn't be broken – permanent. She never wanted to leave his arms. Doubt and reasoning gave way to a total surrender of her heart and mind. All she'd been through just fell away and was replaced with hunger.

Jen felt a wildfire sweep through her body and settle in her heart burning away any pretenses she had leaving her with nothing but desire. She felt an urgency she couldn't control – she didn't know how to fulfill her need or keep herself from bursting.

Ronon gently took her arms and leaned her back enough to look into her eyes. He waited for a silent sign of permission before softly taking her lips with his own. The kiss was warm and tender and hard to control. It took every ounce of strength he possessed to keep from totally consuming her.

He gently pulled back, hoping he hadn't scared her. But he couldn't stay away and began planting small kisses along her neck and throat and back to her mouth - dancing over her face, barely holding back the floodgates. He worried that she didn't return his feelings but he couldn't stop himself.

Jennifer melted into his kiss and lost all sense of her self. She felt the world slip away while an electric current coursed through every inch of her body igniting her passion. She knew if he stopped it would physically kill her. Soft moans escaped from her mouth as Ronon explored her neck with soft kisses.

They were caught in a circle of desire … neither of them wanting to stop.

Slowly Ronon pulled back and looked deep into Jennifer's eyes just barely keeping himself under control. He needed to know if this is what she wanted, to know if she felt the same way he did. He yearned for her to tell him she wanted him.

Jennifer feared this moment would end before she was totally satisfied. She couldn't control her desire and if this was the only kiss they'd ever share then she wanted more.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as she rose up on her tiptoes and found his mouth once again. It was all Ronon needed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her in as their lips met and the world exploded for both of them. The moment was filled with passion and desire, their lungs pleading for air.

As they broke apart, Ronon lifted Jen up and swung her around the room with a smile that lit up his whole face. They pressed their foreheads together and listened to their heartbeats as they caught their breath. As always, nothing needed to be said. They both knew – knew completely, this was forever.

"Ronon, this is Sheppard, come in." John thought it was time do a little ribbing with the big guy.

"Ronon, please respond." John was beginning to wonder if he had his com on.

"WHAT," Ronon growled a little too loudly.

"Hey, big guy, why don't you come down and join us for lunch. Bring the Doc with you." John would love to see the blush on Jennifer's face right now.

"We'll be right down," he grumbled. Ronon wondered what the team would think when they showed up hand in hand.

Jennifer and Ronon took a seat at the team table next to each other. The couple quietly ate their lunch noticing the occasional stare. Sheppard finally made eye contact with Ronon and raised his eyebrow.

"What?" Ronon growled.

"Just wondering how you two are doing?" Sheppard asked trying to sound innocent.

"What do you mean "you two", don't you mean Jennifer? She's the one who just went through an awful ordeal," Rodney said correcting Sheppard.

Colonel Sheppard rolled his eyes, "I know Rodney."

"I think the Colonel is wondering if the Doc needs any additional comforting?" Major Lorne added smirking.

"She's doing just fine," Ronon snapped.

Rodney looked up from his data pad somewhat confused. He glanced at the couple sitting across from him and noticed Jennifer was turning seven shades of red.

"Oh!" Rodney stammered as he realized what they must have been hinting at. "Is it really necessary talking about this while I'm trying to eat lunch," he grumbled.

"What time is the debriefing?" Ronon asked changing the subject.

"Ten minutes. Is everyone ready?" Sheppard asked his team.

"I'm so thankful Mr. Woolsey asked all of you to be at the meeting. I wasn't looking forward to doing this alone," Jennifer smiled gratefully.

"He didn't ask us," John admitted. "But we're going anyway … we've got your back," Sheppard stated firmly.

The debriefing took most of the afternoon. Jennifer explained in detail the events as they happened. She had a hard time stopping the tears once they started but Ronon was there holding her hand through all of it.

Ronon and Jennifer grabbed a quick dinner after the meeting and then took a long walk along the east pier. Afterwards, Jennifer took Ronon to her special balcony and they cuddled together as they watched the sun set.

Evening gave way to night as the two shared passionate kisses and unspoken promises. Jennifer couldn't believe how lucky she was to find this wonderful man, her soul mate, in such an unlikely place. She wanted this moment to last forever.

Ronon realized that his young doctor was fading fast. She was having a hard time masking the yawns and kept nuzzling into his chest. He knew from his experience with her the next step was sleep. They had a lifetime to enjoy each other so he picked her up; setting her on her feet they started the long walk back.

Jennifer was exhausted as she walked into her room. She found the card sitting on her pillow.


Draped over the card was a beautiful silver necklace. Jennifer reached down and picked it up. She ran her hands along the tiny delicate links and over the ring that it held. Jen had seen the ring a hundred times in Ronon's hair but she hadn't realized how lovely it was.

She didn't hear the door open as she ran her fingers over the surface of the ring admiring its beauty.

"I will always be here for you," Ronon whispered as he put his arms around her waist and drew her to him.

Jennifer leaned back into his arms resting the back of her head on his chest. She couldn't take her eyes off the ring in her hands.

Ronon reached down and took the necklace fastening it around her neck. He would do this the Satedan way. He gently turned her around to face him.

"I know this isn't your way … but it's mine," Ronon softly spoke looking into her eyes. "You are mine, Little Girl."

Ronon searched for the right words so she would understand he was giving himself to her completely.

"I have bound myself to you … you hold my heart, Jennifer Keller," Ronon spoke with such conviction it caused her tears to flow again.

Jennifer reached up and took his face with her hands needing his complete attention.

"I love you, Ronon Dex," Jennifer whispered searching his eyes for his response. "I will always be yours."

Ronon leaned down, capturing her lips he gently whispered 'always'.

The End

A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed. I appreciate all your input.