When Stan woke up he was rested, warm and had his arms wrapped tightly around someone. He took stock of what he knew. The guys had come over the night before and it had been a Bad Horror Movie marathon complete with popcorn, fake girlie screaming and the usual insults traded amongst them. Kenny and Fatass had left after Sleepaway Camp Reunion 3D, Stan and Kyle had endured Cartman's fag comments as they walked out the door. The best friends didn't really care about being sixteen and still having sleepovers. Fatass just hated that he wasn't still invited to stay the night.

He opened his eyes and found Kyle's green ones watching him, "dude?" he asked.

"Don't ask me," Kyle shrugged his shoulders and pushed Stan off him. "I was waiting for you to wake up, do you have any idea how long I've had to piss?" The ginger jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom.

Stan flopped on his back and stared at the ceiling. He'd snuggled up with Kyle in his sleep, something that had never happen before and they'd shared beds hundreds of times. The bed sunk back down and Kyle rested against the headboard.

"What do you wanna do today?" Kyle asked picking at his pajama pants.

"Sorry about that," Stan mumbled.

"What?" Kyle looked down at him and his upside-down face was confused.

Stan felt the tips of his ears heat up, "the whole.. snuggling.. thing. I'm sorry about that."

Kyle shrugged his shoulders and Stan saw that his face tinted red, "it's not a big deal."

"Dude I-"

"I didn't mind," Kyle mumbled effectively cutting Stan off.

"Oh," Stan looked away and thought about that for a moment. Kyle didn't mind waking up with Stan wrapped around him, did that mean Kyle liked waking up to Stan wrapped around him? Did Kyle like him... "Dude," Stan started and was going to say something about it being weird, but weird in a good way. Because he really hoped that Kyle had liked it, because he was sure that he had liked it and wouldn't mind if maybe it happen again.

"This is kinda gay," Kyle blurted out and Stan felt his face fall and he sat up so Kyle couldn't see how hurt he was. "God," he heard the other boy rub his hand down his face, "Cartman he'd-"

Stan turned and damn his teenage hormones, damn them, he planted a kiss on Kyle's lips. Except it was more like his top lip and the skin between it and his nose; Kyle had jerked a bit from Stan's sudden movements and the whole thing was misjudged. The raven haired boy pulled back and stared at his best friend, "that didn't go as plan.." he said softly, staring right at Kyle determined to keep his eye-contact.

"Wanna try again?" he asked shyly and Stan found himself grinning stupidly. This time it was better judged and Kyle responded to the kiss. When they finally pulled away from each other with the needed to breath Stan laughed and Kyle glared. "What's so funny?" he snapped.

Stan actually giggled, "it's just really gay now." Kyle joined in with his own laughter punching Stan in the arm. Cartman was going to tear them apart and Stan could have cared less as he laughed uncontrollable with his super best friend.

Disclaimer: I do not own South Park

This was written for comment_fic. I hope I didn't bugger too badly; it's been a minute since I've watched or read SP fic.