CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: Roses Are Red, And Violets Aren't Blue, They're VIOLET

This Chapter (the very last one!) is, as always, for Midnight SkyAurora. But also for Belle001 – who when she hears 'Australia', she thinks 'Koala's and Kangaroo's'. Um, yes. No, actually, not really. (For anyone who cares, America means to me: 'NEW YORK and Obama'. Does that sound as cliché to you as our native animals sound to me?)

A pigeon hopped closer to her on the sidewalk, hoping for some breakfast. Schuyler was wishing for he same thing. Also, for someone to open the door and let her in. It was cold outside, and sitting there in a very short, messed up party dress was earning her a lot of stares from passers by. It was tribute to how fast vampires could move that no-one had seen Jack climbing the buildings. To the redbloods, it would have just looked like Schuyler had appeared out of nowhere. Was Jack finished talking to Mimi now? Surely, it couldn't take all that long. What if Mimi got the truth out of him? Her stomach clenched in fear. But no, she was still alive. That had to count for something.


Momentous, life changing ceremony night-before-last or no, it was still Monday. This meant that Duchesne was still expecting all of its students to show up for assembly. Mimi had told their father she needed to get away for a while, to escape Manhattan – so she had left for Paris, or Milan, or wherever it was she went. No-one was all that concerned about it really. Charles was away in Chicago, on business for FNN. Trinity Force was organizing a benefit, and she hadn't been home in almost a week. They didn't even know that anything was wrong. Truly, Jack and Schuyler were worried about her, but it's hard to be concerned whilst you're blissfully happy.

It was half past seven, and the staff in the house had been up for hours, polishing the many shiny surfaces in the Force mansion. Tactful as they were, they wouldn't think of asking why it was that Miss van Alen had taken to sleeping in Master Force's room. It simply wasn't done. But today was, after all, a Monday, and Mr. Force had told them - on no uncertain terms - that both the children were to go to school. Claudia (Mimi's brand new maid, Irma presently taking a well deserved holiday) raised her hand to knock at the door. She bit her lip. Hopefully, she wasn't interrupting… It was only her third day, and she couldn't afford to be fired in a fit of pique. She knocked.


Schuyler heard a few tentative raps on Jack's bedroom door. She wondered what it was they wanted. Perhaps she had better go and check. As soon as Jack let her up. Schuyler pushed lightly on his chest, hoping he would get the message. Apparently not.

"Jack. There's someone outside.' He shrugged, unconcerned. The movement made his shoulders brush hers – shocks of heat sparked where their skin touched.

'So what?' he whispered. And suddenly Schuyler couldn't remember anymore, because they were kissing, and it felt like heaven. It felt even sweeter than it did when it had too be in secret. Of course, it still was a secret, but now she was perfectly entitled to make out with Jack in his bedroom all morning, if that's what she wanted to do. Jack was no virgin, and she knew that. But no matter how he pleaded and tried to reason with her, she refused to give in. It meant the world to her that they were bonded, but she still didn't feel ready to give herself to him completely. She was, after all, only almost-sixteen. Cordelia had given her a 'talk' (highly embarrassing, but there all the same), and had offered her opinions on chastity and responsibility. They had been very strong opinions, as Schuyler could remember. So no matter how muck Jack wanted it, it wasn't going to happen until she felt that it was the right thing to do. He had accepted that with poor grace, and she knew that he thought he would get his way sooner or later. Which he probably would – when it came to Jack, she was ludicrously bad at holding with her decisions.

Jack's kisses were making even her thoughts mostly incoherent. She could feel the heat of his body, molded on hers, but the way he held himself prevented her from feeling any of his weight. As they lay there, entwined on the bed, she was reminded again of just how well they complemented each other. He was tanned, and she was pale. He was platinum blond, she was raven black. Her softness was the exact balance to his lean muscles. Well, you know what they say: opposites attract!

Claudia knocked again, even more quietly this time. She could hear the sounds of kissing, and of rustling fabric behind the door. What was the right thing to do here? Should she just leave them to it, and face Mr. Force's wrath later? Or was she supposed to barge in and insist that both of them go to school at once?

'Um. Mr Jack? Miss Schuyler? It is almost half past eight. Should the two of you not be leaving for you school? I'm very sorry, but your father did insist…' She trailed off, almost in tears. She had heard awful stories about how Miss Mimi got when she was angry. Surely her twin would be just as fearsome?

Come on, Schuyler insisted. We should go.

No, he complained. I love you. I want to stay here. We have the house all to ourselves…

Schuyler smiled at him indulgently, but she was going to school anyway. We have exams in a week. I, at least, need to study.

Very well then, my sweet. To school and exams it is. I'm telling you though; it won't be nearly as much fun as staying home would be. He reached over and kissed her again; blazing, open-mouthed kisses from her ear to her mouth. Schuyler twirled her fingers into his hair, as if that would be enough to keep him close to her forever. Eventually, she remembered Duchesne again. She slid to the edge of the mattress, ignoring Jacks reluctance to let go of her. Her black Vans were hidden underneath the sheets, pooled up on the floor. As soon as she had retrieved them and laced them up, she was ready to go.

Jack was mock-pouting in her direction. No matter what face he pulled, he was still perfect. An angel. And then his face brightened.

Don't worry, he sent her seductively. We still have the whole car ride.

And now, that really is The End. The sequel will most likely have the word 'Force' in the title, so look out for it. Early next week probably. Xoxo, RosieRose

(p.s. My sincere apologies to . Yes, I missed you out of my dedications. So here you are: THANK-YOU TO for reading and reviewing this story!)