Disclaimer: I do not own Spyro or any of the characters within the story. Also unlike the games, this story may have content not suitable for people under 18. Do not read further if you don't like the kind of thing that is in this story.

Chapter nine: Tranquility

It has been another twelve long years. Spyro, Cynder, and Gera are almost fully grown and their children are now their size when they beat the dark lord long ago. Cynder had broken the tradition of having a purple dragon every year of the dragon and had a baby purple dragon of her own, named Cirus. Gera on the other hand made a new breed of dragon with Hunter making a creature they like to call Cheegons. They were dragons with cheetah looking fur all over their bodies. Gera had three baby girls, Mia, Joan, and the tom boy Sam. Cirus of coarse had all the same powers as his father, Spyro. Mia had ice, Joan had fire, and Sam had lightning. Sam being the Tom boy had dyed a lightning bolt along the side of her brownish golden hair on her side, reaching from her head to her tail. Since dragons aged extremely slow but matured very fast, the guardians were well young enough to train the young dragons in combat just as they did Spyro, Cynder, and Gera. Hunter on the other hand taught his three girls in sneakily hunting for prey.

Today he thought he would also take Cirus so he could teach him a thing or two too.

"Cirus its so cool that you came with us." Mia said smiling to him.

"Yea so cool." Joan said also giving a grin.

Sam just sighed not giving too much of a care about her sisters giggling fits over Cirus. She too had a crush on Cirus but she didn't show it as much as her sisters, which this made Cirus want her more since she wasn't cross eyed from trying to get him to like her all the time. (not really cross eyed, just a saying.)

"Cirus you will go first, see that horse over their?" Hunter said pointing and whispering.

"Yes." Cirus replied.

"Attack him." Cirus commanded.

Cirus knelt down on his front legs and aimed cautiously at the horse. He licked his lips and roared as he pounced, only to be knocked down by a large menacing dragon.

"THE DARK LORD." Hunter yelled with a growl.

Hunter pulled an arrow and shot making the dark lord laugh as it bounced off.

"You think an arrow can harm me?" the dark lord roared.

"Girls go get Spyro and the others." Hunter demanded.

Mia and Joan left without hesitation and Sam growled at the dark dragon. Sam tackled the dark master and sent him to his side and the dark master slung her into a tree. Cirus growled seeing Sam snap a tree with her body as she fell, at least he hoped it was the tree that snapped. Cirus shot a mouth full of fire at the dark lord as the dark lord matched the shot with his own. Then Cirus shot lightning along with his fire, sending a bolt twirling around the flamethrower spewing from his mouth. The dark master did the same with his attack and followed every attack as Cirus kept adding elements. Once Cirus had added all four elements the dark lord easily matched it. Their attacks colliding in the middle and making the earth roar. Spyro landed next to his only son and added all four elements to his attack making the dark master just add more power with ease. Cynder came next and added her fire. It still wasn't enough. Gera came next and added ice. Then Mia and Joan added ice and fire.

Sam groaned in pain as she saw all her beloved friends and family trying to kill the attacker. She limped as she walked over to Cirus. Cirus looked at her out of the corner of his eye and gave a reassuring smile as he kept up the elemental barrage. The Dark master laughed hysterically as he knew he was easily matching all the dragons at once. Sam lifted her head and opened her mouth but gagged as she tried her lightning. She had been far more wounded than she had thought. She began to shed a tear after knowing she couldn't help. She jumped slightly as she felt Cirus's tail wrap around hers giving her an once of his hope. She smiled at the caring dragon that she wanted so much and took in the biggest breath she had ever taken and added her lighting with ease this time. Without even thinking the attack was forced back devouring the Dark Master's body and sending him into death.

The whole area in a fifty mile radius was blinded in a white light as all was destroyed. As the light dissipated, all that stood was the good dragons and Hunter. All the trees were gone and the land looked like a scorched wasteland. Everyone was panting as they saw that they had won. Sam met Cirus's glare with a smile but Cirus returned the glare with a kiss, extremely surprising Sam.

"Get a room." Mia joked even though she was disappointed that Cirus chose Sam over her.

"We might just do that." Sam said grinning as she broke the kiss.


I terribly sorry about where I stopped but I thought this would be a good ending for Spyro and the others and give a good prediction of Spyro, Cynder, Hunter, and Gera's future with their children or whatever. I hope everyone loved reading,


By: dairu123