A/N: This is the last chapter! Whoo! I think it came out a little funny and I know that most people won't enjoy that I skipped out the night, but if I remember right then this thing is rated T so sorry. Have fun reading.

Without further ado,

Sasuke was amazingly comfortable. He knew the scent that was wrapped around him. Gaara's title wasn't Gaara of The Desert for no reason. The desert seemed to follow him everywhere, that little piece of home no matter where in the world he was. And shortly Sasuke would be going far away to handle a problem in the Rock country.

He ran one hand through his hair so he could see - even if it was blurred by sleep. Immediately on instinct he did a sweep of the room and deemed it empty. Upon his decision he flopped back down onto the bed. He slid his hand under the pillow and his fingertips touched the blade that any shinobi worth his headband would have.

Damn this bed is comfy.

Sasuke felt movement and tensed. He could sense something coming closer and jolted straight up pulling the knife out from under the pillow. Then he paused. He was holding a knife to Gaara's throat and he'd already made a small cut. "Jesus Gaara. Say something before I cut next time please." Sasuke put the knife back under the pillow.

Then he realized his situation. He was not waking up clothed, he was not waking up in his apartment.

Holy crap. I slept with Gaara.

"I blame you entirely for this." They both shot out the sentence and Gaara looked appalled but amused. Sasuke knew his expression would be startled and that the smile on his face was dangerous close to genuine.

"How is this my fault?" They both quizzed. Gaara put one finger on Sasuke's lips.

"This is your fault because you seduced me." Gaara moved his hand and raised one eyebrow. Sasuke could see that the Kazekage was almost eager to shoot down any potential argument Sasuke might have. So Sasuke nodded indulgently then sat up and kissed the red head. Gaara smiled and without breaking away from him, lowered Sasuke back onto the bed.

"Good morning?" Sasuke greeted as soon as he could breath again. In the back of his head he noted that most people would be uncomfortable with the position they just woke up in, but Sasuke chalked the reaction up to his usual excuses.

1) He was used to waking up next to people.

2) He was a shinobi. They dealt in unusual situations.

3) It was Gaara. How the hell are you uncomfortable around him? He seemed to just exude comfort and stability.

"Very." Gaara damn near purred. "Come on you've got to get up because you present a far too tempting picture for my sanity." Gaara bent down and picked up a pair of pants. "These are mine you can borrow them, yours had...something on them."

"Pop. I think. A waiter spilled drinks on me last night."

"Is that why you tasted so good?" Gaara tossed the comment over his shoulder as he walked out. Sasuke chuckled and lay back down for a second then got up and quickly grabbed a shower. He walked over to the kitchen doorway and saw Gaara's hand extend towards the fridge and it open when the Kazekage flicked his wrist.

The sand? Sasuke looked closer. Sure enough the sand opened the fridge and brought out cream. Sasuke's eyes brightened. Coffee?

"Can't you do anything normally?" He asked and easily caught the cream when Gaara dropped it.

"I can. It's just boring." Gaara established with a too-serious face. "By the way why did you come here last night?"

Sasuke frowned. "You wanted to see me."

"No I didn't. I thought you were at the dinner, or that if you did sleep with someone last night if was going to be Dorian. She seemed to like you."

"I was going to sleep with her, I was on the verge of going to a hotel room when Temari showed up and told me that you wanted to see me." Sasuke exclaimed. What the hell was going on? Gaara wanted to see him but didn't want to see him?

"Temari? She told me she was going to talk to Kankuro." Gaara turned the stove off and faced his new found lover. "She came to get you?"

"More then 'get' me. She practically cussed me out. She,very politely, called Dorian a slut and barked at me that you were summoning me to your apartment. I thought she was just PMSing and didn't feel like being your errand girl at that particular moment. I thought I was just-"

"-On the bad end of a hurricane?" Gaara supplied.

"I think we need to talk to your sister."

"Later. I'm in far too good a mood for my sister right now." Gaara graced the last Uchiha with a warm smile before turning the stove back on and continuing with his less-then-normal cooking methods. Sasuke jumped up to sit on the counter and grabbed two coffee mugs.

"Oh by the way Hideki told me that you two and I quote, 'need to go into further detail about the issue he mentioned earlier.'" Sasuke quirked an eyebrow. "Anything I should be concerned about?"

Gaara shook his head with a small chuckle. "No, nothing. He's just very interested in a business venture I happen to already be involved in." Gaara shrugged.

Sasuke nodded and studied the Kazekage. Oddly enough he was ignoring the swell of pride that screamed that he slept with the way-more-passionate-then-he-looks Kazekage. He was a lot more focused on the way Gaara seemed to be totally at ease. Gaara always seemed like he had his guard up. For once Sasuke noticed that all walls were down.

No wonder he doesn't go out much.

Sasuke took a sip of his coffee and passed Gaara his own mug. He scowled slightly and it didn't go unnoticed by the red head.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

"I just hooked up with you and now I'm going to be gone for minimum 3 weeks." Sasuke growled slightly and he gave a Cheshire cat smile when Gaara snickered softly. "Are you laughing Gaara?"

"Absolutely not. I would never." Gaara gave his best poker face and Sasuke scoffed. Typical Gaara. Gaara's arm extended towards a shelf across the kitchen and Sasuke stood.

"Christ. I'm sitting here. Put me to work." Sasuke stood in front of the shelf and raised an eyebrow. "What am I getting?"

"Cinnamon." Gaara dropped his arm and the sand.

It didn't take long for the two to make some form of food. They were both morning people after all. Sasuke wasn't quite what the name was and didn't care anyway. Both were eating on the run anyway. Gaara needed to get to the office and Sasuke was supposed to be giving a genin class a lesson. Their teacher said that she was having problems controlling them. They all thought they were ready to take on anyone. Sasuke intended on teaching them otherwise.

"Don't go too hard on them." Gaara laughed and backed into the building. Sasuke walked to the academy and jumped into the back of the class and waved to the teacher. She smiled and Sasuke jumped up onto the ceiling to avoid being seen. Simple avoidance measures and no one had noticed him yet.

Oh look, it's me. Sasuke stared at a kid who bore a striking resemblance to him as a child. The former ANBU slid around the classroom ceiling flicking kids heads and avoiding being caught and set up a small genjutsu so he could walk out of the classroom.

"Class, we have a visitor today. Sasuke Uchiha is here." Sasuke strolled in and threw a kunai into 6 different kids desks without looking.

"All of you raised hell yesterday. Saying you were ready to take on the world. This is wrong." Sasuke stepped in front of one kid and picked up his knife. "I tapped your shoulder 8 times and trapped you in a genjutsu 4 times. You did not realize." He took his knife from another child. "I shook out your hair, balanced on your head. You figured it was just your overactive imagination."

He walked around the classroom taking his knives and stopped in front of the mini-him. "My knife." He held out his hand. The kid glared slightly but passed over the knife. Blade first. Sasuke took it. Then whacked the kid upside the head.

"You call yourself shinobi. But you don't even know how to give me a knife back properly. Handle first. None of you know how to recognize a genjutsu." Sasuke ranted for a minute or two then leaned casually against the teacher's desk.

"This woman? Her name is Kaori. To you it's Kaori-sensai. She's been on 436 A rank missions and has failed twice. She's taken on 13 S rank missions and never failed." Sasuke sighed. "If I tried to hurt anyone, you'd die. I am going to be one of your teachers for your graduating exam. If you guys don't shut up and pay attention I'll have no problem failing all of you."

"Kaori-chan," Sasuke turned and hugged the sensai, "if you have anymore problems with them, call me and I'll teach them what it means to fight an ex-Akatsuki member." Sasuke made sure the threat was just loud enough for the class to hear.

"You wouldn't dare." The little him spoke up and Sasuke looked at Kaori.

"Who is this kid?"

"Dioxys Serin. He's Vienna's kid."

"Dioxys, tell you what, if you want to see a real fight. The Kazekage and I are sparring today out in the desert. If it's alright with your teacher. She can bring the class for a learning experience." Sasuke tossed the offer then checked his watch. "Speaking of the Kazekage, I've got to go love." He smiled and kissed Kaori's cheek. She's come to him, her ex-lover, because she knew just how effective he was against bratty kids who thought they knew everything. Sasuke wondered what she would say if she knew he was with the Kage nowadays.

"Have fun Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke flash-stepped to Gaara's office and walked in when he was sure Gaara was alone.

"Hey Gaara." Sasuke smirked. "I just realized something."

Gaara didn't look from his paperwork but made a noise to acknowledge the raven.

Sasuke leaned down and tilted his lover's head up. "We had a discussion this morning, about whose fault this was?"

"Yours. Where are you going with this?"

Sasuke spoke against Gaara's lips. "You started this by encouraging my...studies."

Sasuke kissed the red head just as he opened his mouth to protest.

Then again...maybe going to dinner with a bunch of old people isn't that bad. As long as Gaara's there afterwards.

"Gaara...what's your opinion on office sex?"