Well now, i want to say gomenasai i planned to have had this chapter out last weak but somethings came up, plus the chapter was longer and much more discriptive (in my part) than the others. (actually it would have been much longer but i thought that this should be enough for the chapter, 14 pages on word, when from what i was planning it would have been at least 25 pages. And i didn't want you all to wait any longer XD)

Anywho on the plus side, i finally finished my AMV (that was one of the things that came up) along with another AMV... Both Shugo Chara, go to youtube and search for 'I will not bow- Ikuto' and it will be the first to show up by 'ilovmisstori'. Also for the second video search 'Stupid girl- Shugo Chara (Amuto)' and it will be the first to show up also :3 by 'ilovmisstori' I hope you guys enjoy it if you choose to watch it :3

Now moving on! I would like to thank you all for reviewing!!! XD Wow 11 reviews with only 2 chapters up.. (and more added alerts too... comeon guys please review XD) I want at least 100 by the time im done with this 'book' (yes i am planning on having a sequel.. it might turn into a trilogy idk). But i might be aiming to high lol idk :/

To my solitary lazy (lolz i couldn't resist) reviewer (in which i hope i still keep even though she/he doesn't have an account i don't think lol 3) I would like to say np with the last chapter, and i believe you will like this one as well ;D

Well this chapter is to give you all more a little bit more information XD, and maybe even add a little bit more of a twist to it idk you'll have to read to find out! RnR!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Any of the Shugo Chara characters...

"Sayonara Hotori-san!" A fourteen year old petite golden eyed girl waved goodbye to her blonde friend on their routine walk home from school. With one final smile which was graciously returned by her companion, she sharply turned the corner and made her way down the empty alley ways; a short cut to her humble home. Mud caked the thick black soles of her school shoes, and sprinkled all over her red plaid leg warmers making her daily hike to her house much more tiring than any other day.

Looking down through cotton candied strands of bangs, she mentally cursed at her misfortune. The mere realization that she really couldn't do much about it, had her ignore the situation and look forwards to the 'brighter' up coming future of her lazing around on her oh so heavenly bed and throw away all worry of the present when she finally seeks rest of those aurelian orbs and drift off into a dreamless sleep. What a perfect, yet uneventful evening this would be, the simple life of Hinamori Amu. She sighed, kicking a rock duly in boredom, thinking of how pathetic she sounded when actually looking forward to an easy going life. A dry, un-amused chuckle escaped her lips; silently laughing of the mediocre she called life, while thoughts of emprise dispositions ran through her head.

A blatant fulmination, along with the sight from some flash of light from the corner of her eye, tore her out of her thoughts. Her gaze shifted up to the horizon, catching the dark clouds still looming over the city even after their recent rain. Pausing in her walk she studied the sky closely, one roseate eye brow rose ever so slightly. Was it her, or did the sky seemed to turn into a deeper shade of crimson since yesterday? That dark frightening color shone through the cracks and holes of them dark grey almost pitch black clouds. Jumping as another thunderous crack ripped through the sky, she resumed her walk, quickening her pace to reach her destination sooner and prevent from being stuck in the storm.

Threading through more aggravating mud, she looked on down the alley, a few more of these mind torturous walkways she would be home free. Mind torturous? When such a small yet narrow place becomes widely known as a home of nefarious doings, it's kind of hard not to jump at every shadow that bounces off the wall and reaches the boundaries of your comfort zone. Every slight movement, every sound that assaults your hearing, even the tracking of your feet, the thumping of your own heart pounding in your head from the anxiety you feel; the mind always seems allude you to assume the worst when thoughts of death, molestation, and even rape cross it as possible agendas for your 'attacker'. A foolish game the mind would always enjoy playing on us, forcing the unfortunate to over react on the simplest scare, mind torturous indeed.

Amu fortunately had taken this route too many times to count that she rarely ever fell for her own mind games, and today wasn't any different either. Reaching the half ways point, she felt a drop of cool liquid knick the tip of her nose, freezing her in her steps and shooting a glance up to the culprit. Another drop hit her cheek, a few blinks later it finally settled in her brain that it was starting to rain. Groaning in frustration she took off in a sprint to reach her home. As expected on her way to her destination, the rain seemed to like her too much for it started to pour.

Amu proved to have a foul mouth as she ran through the maze of alley ways, using that very colorful vocabulary every couple strides she took. Making a sharp turn to her street she slid on a slick slate of mud, sending her into a painful tumble into the street. Shakily she picked her self up, avoiding on placing pressure on her left wrist; she seemed to have sprained it in her fall. Her whole body shook from the shock of pain, adorning a helping of scrapes and bruises, but she kept strong, refusing to let her self cry, she was not a baby! Half way up she looked down the street, a chill running down her spine when noticing how dark and quiet it was, nah it must have been the weather. However, there was less light around than there should have been at this time. Actually there wasn't any light on at all down her block. Power must have gone out.

Pushing her self to her feet Amu groaned and started to make her way to the last house on the block, why did they have to live at the cul-de-sac? Taking only one step, rain still showering on top of her, something caught Amu's attention, sounded like there was a car coming up behind her. Turning on her heal quickly she looked back, her suspicion turning out to be true as a old fashioned Cadillac sped down the road, and was heading straight to where she was standing. Golden eyes widening, her body seemed to have had the worst timing, as it froze in place, silver Cadillac going at least 40 mph only seconds away from her. She mentally screamed at her self to move but nothing could pull her out of her stupor.

Slender arms wrapped around her waist, and pulled her from her spot in such speed she didn't really recognize the gesture of her savior until after the car flew past them from the side walk. Blinking away the shock of her near death experience, Amu growled bawling her fist and yelling at the car with her oh so colorful language, "YOU ASSHOLE! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE FUCKING GOING DICKHEAD! YOU DIDN'T EVEN SLOW DOWN DUMBASS! YOU ALMOST FUCKING KILLED ME BASTARD!! RGH!" She watched the car swerve off to the side turning a corner sloppily and out of sight. She seemed beyond pissed off, but it was only a cover to hide how scared she actually was, something called self preservation was present. If she didn't show, she didn't feel it right?

Still under the pouring rain, she used the substance to attempt to cool her heated mind down, letting out a slow breath before taking a step forward to continue her journey. She didn't manage to take that step as something kept her in her place. Looking down at the slender arms of contraption, her heart started to race just slightly at seeing the heat that was started to fuel from inside her, but it wasn't anger at first. Why is this? Because these arms that encased her, had protected her, and the way they held her, not tightly, but secure, safe; such a warm radiance she felt from this touch. Something stirred in her stomach, she felt light hearted, heat rose to her pale cheeks for many reasons and for a second there she believe that the hold had become a little tighter, feeling the ripples of the muscles of his, yes his chest move. Now is when she noticed she was pressed up against some random stranger arms.

That line kept running through her mind over and over again, and slowly fear came back into play. Her heart picked up its pace once again as possibilities ran through her mind of what this stranger could do to her, considering he still hasn't let go of her. Why hasn't he? The car was long gone! She was safe now right? As she was about verbally attack her savior, his touch suddenly felt so cold as it loosened and relieved it self from her warmth. She didn't know why but she felt something constrict around her heart when that happened, not wanting to think too much of it she ignored the feeling and turning to face her savior.

She turned a moment to late for all she caught was his messy navy haired figure disappearing into the shadows of an alleyway. "W-Wait!" Amu attempted to reach out to him to give her thanks, running the rest of the way to the alley way and turned to look in it. What she saw only confused her more, it was a dead end, and it was barren so her savior had no where to hide, nor was he any where to be found. Before she had much time to think about this, the loud sound of something crashing pulled her out of her thought, jumping from the suddenness of it. She took one last glance down the alley way, before taking off to the direction of the sound, which ironically came down the same street that idiot turned on.

Amu ran to the corner of the street to find that silver Cadillac had crashed into a pole and unfortunately the pole had fallen on top of it, about a block down. Her hands shot to her face, covering the shock, the pole had landed right on top the driver's side. Even though the driver had almost ran her over, there was no reason for any one to die, so doing what she thought was right, she took off down the road hoping that the driver was smart enough to lean to the passenger seat to avoid the blow in time. The pinkette was surprised to see that no one had come out of their houses and checked out the accident. People could be so rude and insensitive these days, so what if you get a little rain on you, at least help out a person in need.

Reaching the car finally, she stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed the condition of the driver. It wasn't the fact that now the girls head was crushed in since the pole had landed right on top of her, making her unidentifiable due to the damage. It was the fact that the girl was deathly white, and there were multiple bullet holes in her chest, the blood already seemed to have been coming to a stop. The girl had been dead for at least a few minutes before the crash, leaning over the steering wheel in a lopsided way. The girl had been dead when she almost ran Amu over. That fact had kept running through her head. Why was she dead?! And why did the streets suddenly feel so hostile? There was no one around, it was colder, the silence hit her hard, and it was suffocating. She took a few staggered steps back, frantically keeping an eye open of any strange activities. The beat of her heart pounded in her head torturing her with the reminder of the silence.

Then she heard it, the sound she had learned to fear, yet at the same time appreciate, and a bountiful paradox it was. They were the sirens that the Embryo Brigade had created to warn them of the Kuro Kakabel's army sightings. Her mind kicked into play, forcing her body to leave the crime scene and head to the safety of her home, but not before one final glance at the girl in the driver seat of the car. Sending the dead a final wish of a peaceful passing into the other world she took off back into the direction she had come from, as in the back of her mind she wondered if the girl was better off dead, than alive where she would constantly have to live in fear of Kuro Kakabel.

It was weird really, most of her life she had looked up to Kuro Kakabel, back when he was known as Kira. Well to be blunt, everyone did he was their savior, but yet he was still a killer. So naturally there were those who were always against him. Back then Kira only killed those who deserved to be punished, just like all the other Kira's but instead of using a book to kill off his victims, he killed them him self, with his own hands. During the years there were some off events that seemed to have been blamed on him, but everyone knew then that Kira was innocent; he only killed for good reasons.

It was a little over 6 years ago that things… changed. For one, Kira had proclaimed him self to be called Kuro Kakabel when leaving a recording of him self behind on his first actual murder. Now the one that used to seek justice was now killing for pure enjoyment. A sick bastard he had become, driving fear into each and everyone of their hearts, for their savior was now their enemy, was now dare she say it… a Murderer. No one knew what had enticed the sudden change of personality; mass massacres were being distributed across the world. The power he had now was enough to wipe out a country which he had, several actually. Russia, Turkey, Greenland, Argentina, South Africa, Madagascar, and many other random countries no longer existed, had no living life form. Half of China was destroyed by his army, along with the U.S., Canada, and Japan. Kuro Kakabel had achieved so much in the past six years; it was a mystery how they have neither yet to catch this guy or even identified him.

At the rate things were going, survival was very slim, especially now that Kuro's army was around the vicinity. She reached the driveway to her home, running up the walkway to her house. She had stopped to dig for her keys frantically in her bag taking them out hurriedly and went to thrust it into the key hole but stopped as she noticed some things made her insides twist slightly. First one being that the door was cracked open; there was a hole to where the lock was located for the door, some one had broken in. Through the crack and hole she could see light bouncing off the crevices, flickering about from the inside, wait wasn't the power not working? Lastly, some kind of rank smell protruded from behind the door. She held fast to the shudder of anticipation, confusion, and that annoying feeling of apprehension that had sneaked back into her chore.

Amu didn't know how long she had started at the door, the ring of the sirens echoing around her. Reluctantly she slowly reached out a hand to the door, skin hitting wood she quickly retracted it as she felt the icy coldness of the door. What was going on? Why was the door so frighteningly cold? Was her family in there? Were they alright? With that thought in mind, a streak of determination burned through her, wanting-no, needing to make sure her family was ok. Shaking her head furiously to snap out of her trance, she reached out again to the door ignoring the icy pain she felt from just touching the door.

She opened the door slowly to make sure that if the intruders if there were any, were still there she could avoid them need there be an attack. But what met her eyes had her instantly pale, and if it wasn't for her fear filled pride she would have fainted. Golden orbs opened wide, shinning with a coating of that salt like liquid, and nimble fingers twitched before the base of the hand shot up to cover soft pink full lips, preventing the scream of horror Amu surely wanted to release. Amu at this point was unsure as to what was the cause of her unshed tears, was it the volatile scene she was looking at, or the putrid smell that was almost suffocating that was causing this reaction.

Strangely as it was, the smell had sickly sweet hint to it, mixed with a rotting meat like scent, copper, defecation, and decomposition. To put it simple, it was the smell of death. The kitchen light flickered from the damage of some kind of impact, illuminating the scene, and giving it that special eerie touch to it. Scarlet blood stained the entrance of the house, Amy couldn't really tell if it was from only one person, there was too much to tell. A tear finally escaped as her eyes landed of one of the main sources of the blood. Embedded through the wooden stakes of the railings attached to the stairs hung in a very awkward position, was the one armed, one legged corpse of Hinamori Tsumugu. The questioned missing limbs were shredded in thin masses, scattered across the room.

Amu trembled at the sight, looking on to the destroyed lifeless body of her father, her papa, still standing in front of the front door. Blood was still slowly exiting his body; obviously this murder had just occurred. Murder?! This had to be a nightmare! Who would decimate a person like that?! Who was that cruel?! She was reminded of who was capable of this, the sirens still ringing in her ears. Kuro Kakabel… It had to be his doing! Bastard! Anger quickly replaced her tears of lost, teeth gritting thinking of the only possible suspect of this crime.

She was distracted from her thoughts as she heard a small scream coming from the upstairs, followed by hurried heavy footsteps she recognized to be her little sister's. Wait! She was still alive! And what about mama?! That streak of determination came back as she shot up the stairs, swiftly avoiding her father's body, and hearing a soft and short whistling type of sound chasing after the direction her sister Ami had gone. Placing more strength into her legs, Amu reached the top stair case, turning the corner to head down the hall, she stopped seeing a man with black greasy hair, pale skin, and a sickening grin as her had pointed a gun at her, with this weird barrel like object on the nose of the gun. A silencer! It would explain why she didn't hear any shots. Taking an involuntary step back, Amu shut her eyes, knowing what was about to happen next, the shot would be fired, and then she would be dead. Would that be a good thing? That brief thought she had of that woman she saw in the car, where they better off dead, than living in fear? And in that moment alone in a sense, Amu had accepted death, her posture straightening back up as she kept her eyes closed, unmoving. Hearing the torturous sound of the safety being cocked back, she found it surprising that she didn't flinch.

The following moment she heard the shot fired, however she was never hit. Something stopped it, but what? A golden eye opened to see a thin white layer of film had blocked the bullet from lodging into her. Amu's other eye opened in confusion blinking at the translucent thin like wall that saved her from her death. A familiar voice assaulted her ears as she turned to look at her savior.

"Didn't think you would give up that easily Amu-chan…" the soothing voice of her mother drawled out. In that moment, Amu couldn't have been happier to see her there, her mouth opening and closing to say something but couldn't. However her relieved look soon disappeared when seeing the worried and disappointed..? look on her mother features.

Averting her eyes from her savior, Amu mumbled her simple apology, "gomenasai…" Her attention was brought back to their attacker when hearing his spine chilling snicker.

"Interesting… An honor to be able to battle against a previous guardian! You must be highly skilled to be able to hide the Shugo Chara energy around you. However, don't get your hopes up, you won't win this fight, and you along with that brat of yours and pinky will join your husband soon enough," the raven haired guy said with a smirk. Taking a step back to her mother, Amu stood beside her mother with slight fear.

"Wh-what is he talking about mama?" Amu asked when seeing the hesitant look on her mothers face. However she didn't get an answer, but she did get an order.

"Amu, take Ami, get out of here and hide somewhere safe incase he gets through. If he does and finds you, run! You understand! You have to run and keep running don't look back. You have to stay alive; your purpose has yet to come. And take this," Midori ordered as she dug into her pocket, bringing out a four leafed clover like lock, the leaves being made of a translucent and colorful crystal with a pink ribbon to hang it with. She tied the ribbon quickly around Amu neck with a sorrowful smile. "This is meant to be yours. It is very important that you don't loose that. Remember what I said, keep running, and stay alive. Take care of your sister for me."

Amu looked at her mother with confusion, it sounded like she was saying goodbye, "Mama-Why are you saying goodbye! You can defeat this guy right! He even said you must have skills! Why are you giving-!" She stopped as the air around the house started to become bitterly cold, hearing the guy mumble something about 'tired of listening to pointless heart-warming bs moments like these'. Amu saw Midori eyes darken slightly, narrowing at her daughter as she enforced her order.

"Amu! Go now before the reinforcements come! Ami listen to your sister. Keep running no matter what happens, and stay alive! And always remember that I love you both very much. Go!" Midori finalized as she pushed Amu to Ami which was now standing under the doorframe to her own bed room, crying silently in her defiance. Amu turned to protest but seeing the stern look that her mother bore, that she swore could rock any one to their core in fear, she knew damn well that this was a manner to drop and follow. Taking a sharp intake of breath Amu crouched down to her sister and picked her up, holding her tight against her, struggling with both Ami wild movements in attempts to get Amu to let her go, and with her own decision to follow the order. All in all, she felt like she was betraying her mother by leaving her, she felt like a coward for running, she felt weak for not being able to do anything, and she felt alone when realizing the fact that her mother was saying goodbye, she knew she was going to die.

Amu held in her tears, her grip on her sister tightening as she ignored the small girl's wails of being separated from their mother. She glanced back at her mother, lips pulled into a tight line, eye brows furrowed, eyes hard with slight resentment towards her mother for making her do this but also to hide her own fight inside in showing her true emotions. She had to stay strong, for her sister's sake, for her mother's sake, and for her own. Yet she still reached for that last strand of hope as she spoke coolly to her mother, "You better not give up! Promise you will meet up with us later!" At this Ami stilled to watch their mother's answer, holding these next few words as gold in her eyes.

Midori looked at her two kids for a moment, taking a mental picture of her own and remind her self why she was staying behind. She could see through Amu little act, she knew what she was trying to do, and even though she knew she couldn't promise such a thing considering the power she could feel the enemy had, at her rusty level she stood no chance but she would be useful before she died. She would create some time for her daughters' escape, and in order to do that she would have to lie. Giving Amu a reassuring smile along with Ami, she nodded speaking her 'promise', "I promise… Now go!"

Ami relaxed in Amu's hold, grinning happily once getting Midori promise. However Amu cool exterior didn't falter in her mother's reassurance. Deep down she knew she was lying, but there was still a part of her that needed this. Giving a nod of acknowledgment to the request she turned back around to head for the stairs as she whispered in Ami ear, "Close your eyes." Once seeing that Ami did as she was told, Amu started their decent over to the stairs swiftly, and she didn't want her sister to be scared from seeing the remains of their father, if she hadn't already. Making it halfway down the stairs she skidded to a halt, spotting a black dog that resembled a wolf stalking to the foot of the stairs, looking menacingly with its pure white eyes boring into them as if they were its prey.

"K-kuso…" Amu quietly cursed as she took a barely recognizable step back up the stairs, cautious to not alert the dog to charge at them. The dog bared its teeth at her, growling dangerously as it stepped onto the first step of the stairs.

Ami hearing the dogs blatant warning, tightened her hold on Amu and not daring to look back while following Amu request on keeping her eyes closed, she whispered, "I-I'm scared onee-chan…"

Amu flinched at her sister frightened voice, her hold tightening also as she took another step back cautiously. She gritted her teeth as the dog/wolf creature slowly made its way up the stairs, toying with them at its slow pace, keeping her wondering when exactly it will strike. About her 3rd step back up, while keeping a cold gaze on the beast she cursed again when seeing another dog joined right behind its companion. Here Amu was thinking about taking the risk of just running right past the wolf/dog, so much for that. At the 4rth step, the air became chilled dramatically once more, before an explosion shook the house completely.

As Amu fought to keep her balance, Ami giving off a startled scream in her ear, the lead dog decided to start the attack as it rushed up the stairs and jumped to bite into Ami. Amu seeing this about to happen quickly turned to make it up the stairs, but tripped in the process, however she did make sure she didn't land on Ami, yelping as she made impact with the stairs instead. The dog had obviously counted on the fact that she would try to out run him, he over jumped his target, and due to her tripping, missed her by a mere second, having to dive into the wall in front of the stair case instead. Its companion however was a few steps behind, and had managed to avoid that situation, rounding up on Amu and Ami.

When seeing the first beast over jump its target, Amu wasted no time despite the bruises developing on her body, she shot back up with Ami in her arms and ran the rest 3 steps up the stairs, making a sharp turn to the right and headed down the hall way as the second dog ended up ramming into its companion due to the speed he was going when going up the stairs. With collective yelps, Amu glanced back to see the beast starting to shake off the collision, and also seeing her mother evading the attacks of the enemy. Returning to the task at hand, Amu sped down the hallway running into her own room, before kicking the door closed to prevent the beasts from following them in.

Placing a shaking Ami down, Amu straightened up before jumping as she heard 2 collective bangs at her door. Ami again yelped in fright, running to her sister side and clinging to her leg. With her own shallow breathing she glanced down at Ami, her 'i-fear-nothing' façade starting to fall in the eyes of her younger sibling. Amu, the witty onee-chan, was suppose to be Ami idol, her protector, her savior, and here she stood with no plan as equally frightened of the dogs behind that door as they kept trying to beat it down. Amu was seriously starting to berate her self from her own stupidity, they were trapped inside the room, and there weren't many places they could hide. An idea then struck her as she looked to the ceiling of her room; to be specific she looked at the string that connected to the door for the attic.

Smirking, Amu had Ami let go of her leg, rushing over to the entrance of the attic, and jumped to catch a hold of the string, trying to ignore how the wood to her door seemed to start cracking from the dogs' impact. Pulling down the entrance of the attic with the string she ushered Ami to head up the attic, following right after, the door to her room finally cracking down the middle. She worked quickly grabbing a hold of the latch that would bring up the entrance and keep the dogs from following them.

Amu however didn't work fast enough as one of them managed to break through the door and rushed forward to grab a hold of the door to the attic, which unfortunately it did. Gasping Amu quickly let go of the door, letting the dog free fall back down to the ground, on top of his companion which had rushed in also; the door landing on top of both. The pinkette stood up quickly grabbing a hold of Ami hand and rushed through the dark pit of their attic weaving her way through the antiques and wooden posts to find an efficient hiding place. Once finding one behind a pile of boxes, she placed a hand over Ami mouth to prevent her harsh breathing to escape out into the beast hearing, forcing her self also into staying quiet. Golden eyes watched and listened for the beast to make their entrance, using the light that barely poured in from the large round window in the attic.

Hearing the soft tracking of the beast's nails hitting the floor, she held Ami slightly tighter, to give her reassurance that they would be safe. She waited patiently for the wolf/dog to pass them, before attempting another escape, and trap the beasts in the attic at the same time, she just hoped their mother was ale to hold off that guy longer. When hearing the beast stalk past their spot, she slowly stood up, dragging Ami to do the same, while taking her hand she slowly and cautiously led them out through the maze of treasured memories held into the many objects stored in the attic. Yet Amu made the mistake of making sure the dog didn't turn around to them, next hearing a low growl from right behind them.

"o-o-onee-chan..." with the trembling voice of her younger sister, along with the tight squeeze from consternation to confirm that Amu wasn't hearing things, she gathered all her courage, taking off once more while pulling Ami along with her. She was surprised at the speed she was running, especially at the fact that Ami was following the whole time.

They made it out of the maze untouched so far, aiming to go down the stair into Amu room, only to find the other beast already waiting for them at the stairs. Amu again found her self skidding to a halt in front of the dog, turning her body slightly and pushing Ami behind her while using her self as Ami's shield, now facing the vicious pair. Both beasts stalked forward, snarling and baring their teeth, resembling more and more of a couple of wolves hunting down their meal. The golden eyed girl could feel Ami shaking underneath her touch, both stepping back towards the end of the attic. She shot her gaze to find an escape route once again, but only finding one at the moment which conveniently was right behind them. It was risky, and she really didn't want to choose that route, but it seemed she didn't have any other choice.

"Alright Amu, it's now or never," Amu whispered to her self while counting down to her queue. Taking a deep breath in attempt to distract her nerves, she turned on her heal, startling Ami as she reached down and grabbed a hold of younger sibling while starting her quick sprint, picking her up and sheltering her in her arms. When seeing the quick movements, both dogs reacted simultaneously, taking off to catch the girl before she reached her destination, the window. Yes, she was aiming in jumping right through it. She succeeded, diving right through the window as it shattering due to impact. She quickly turned in the air, to keep Ami from getting the most damage, as she glanced back seeing the dogs following out with her. She smirked as she was held suspended in the air for a few moments, noticing they had tried to stop their attempt at the last moment, which ended up working against them. Why is this? If they were to have jumped out like she did instead of slowing down their movement as they did, they would have landed into the pool, but fortunately they would meet the ground from 3 stories up it, a height there would be no chance of survival.

She let her body with Ami in her arms now free fall down to the water, breaking through the water of it in mere seconds. Floating down to the bottom, Amu turned her self so her feet would touch it before kicking right back up, both her and Ami gasping for air once reaching the surface, and they both made their way to the outer area of the pool. Amu then securely pushed Ami out of the pool before dragging her self out and shaking off the excess water off her. Going to standup she hissed in pain, reaching over and pulling out the few pieces of glass that managed to maim her.

As she did that Ami gaze settled on the beasts that were tailing them earlier, her own golden eyes unsettling and cautious at their sluggish movements. "Onee-chan…" The small girls troubled voice brought Amu own attention to the possessed dogs. She frowned, straightening up in her stance, did these dogs ever die? Placing a comforting hand on Ami shoulder, Amu gave it a light squeeze of reassurance that even though the beast seemed to miraculously still alive, they wouldn't be able to do much.

Amu bent down to her sister level slightly and whispered, "It's time to go Ami-chan… We have to keep our promise to mama…" She could feeling the younger girl tense slightly at her words before reluctantly nodding, and taking her fragile small hand into her elder sister hand innocently, giving Amu her queue to lead the way. With that being done, Amu glanced at their once humble home, still hearing the faint sounds of small explosions from with in it. Accepting this cruel punishment life seemed to bestow on them, she nodded to her self before turning around, her sister clinging on to her hand, and Amu lead them out of the vicinity, to start a new journey, not knowing this was only the beginning to their nightmares to come.


Amu awoke in a cold sweat with a jolt. The dream- no the nightmare had left her with an accelerated heart beat, and irregular breathing. Running a frustrated hand through her pink locks she breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm her nerves, trying to rid the memory of her parent's death. As she suspected back then, her mother didn't fulfill her promise, dying in order to give them a chance of survival. Shifting from her lumpy cot, she looked down at her clothes-wait, what? The languid cloth proved to be slightly irritating to her sensitive skin, however the vibrant colors not so light on the eyes of neon orange and white seemed to do the most damage to her serving, creating a annoying pulse in her head. By Kami, she would kill right now to at least get a pill of aspirin to get rid of this fruitless head ache.

However, she knew she had no right to complain much, considering at least she was now clothed and unexposed to the public view. Forcefully taking her eyes off the putrid wear, she looked around to see where she was located, and considering the very 'comfortable' bed, if you can even call it that, she was laying on was anything but comfortable, she figured right, she was in a jail cell. How humiliating, seriously first day in the past she gets landed straight in the hammer, because that bastard placed her in there in suspicions of her being 'Kira' and for resisting arrest, like he didn't need another reason to arrest her.

Amu had no time for this, she needed to get out and find Kuro Kakabel sooner rather than later. She stood up from her cot in the jail cell, kicking the empty food bowl that was oh so conveniently in her way with frustration, and walked over to the bars, gripping on them. Another thing she noticed her lack of guardians. The girls, where they alright? Her heart accelerated once again in fear of being left alone in the past, but most importantly that something bad would happen to her guardians, and it would be her fault for not keeping her mouth shut.

Absentminded, her hand reached out to where her lock would be once located, which of course was not in her possession. She let a sigh escape her lips, thinking of the dream, think of the day that changed her life forever, the day she had received her lock, her guardians appearing not too long after wards. It was the day she was forced to become an adult, and the cool and spicy Hinamori Amu we all knew became her prominent character. Also she became one of the top wanted people on the list of termination from Kuro Kakabel army, considering the fact that she had many assassins sent her way after that moment her sister and her self escaped. Now thinking about it, how did her mother know that she would be the holder of the lock, also the fact she pushed that she needed to survive. Was this why? Because she was destined to go back in time? Did her mother know that already? How did she know that? So many questions would forever be left unanswered.

A slight creak from the metal door grabbed her attention as her head turned sharply to the doors direction. For some odd reason, it seemed like time had slowed down as she waited for who ever it was to step into view, and who she saw, she was not expecting it. Amu breath lodged into her throat as she looked at the man that had just stepped into the room. Navy blue messy spiked out hair, framed the face of the soft yet handsome features, highlighted with eyes of the same shade of hair, the identity of the man that wore standardized military clothing. The male seemed to have been about a few years older than her self, and had the spitting image of Satoshi, enough that he could be mistaken for his twin.

If that was Satoshi… why was he back in the past? The more she thought of it, the more her conclusions started to become increasingly worst. What if she failed her mission by being arrested, and he had to come back to get her out, that was a huge risk considering he was needed in the future! Before she could stop her self she let the soft whisper of his name escape her lips, "Satoshi…?"

This seemed to have caught the guard's attention, as he turned his sharp cold gaze on her; Amu flinched at this now seeing the difference between him and Satoshi, and it was all in the eyes. Despite how cold Satoshi had wanted to presume to his followers, his eyes would always hold some sort of light to them, brighter than the ones she was staring into now, and a lighter shade of the dark pools she seemed to have been pulled into at the moment. These eyes suddenly became a puzzle to her, a look so penetrating that it seemed like he was looking through her very soul, but hidden beneath those long lashes was a very prominent emotion… pain. It almost seemed like their roles were switched, that she was the guard and he was the prisoner, trapped in his own hell.

Despite how quickly she had always managed to place up that 'cool and spicy' attitude, this time it faltered briefly right at the very beginning, she couldn't hide her self beneath this man's gaze and involuntarily let out a meek shudder. Despite the dangerous atmosphere looming around him, for some odd reason… she felt attracted to him. Yet another paradox was presented to her, the feeling of being helpless and terrified, she still felt thrilled and secure. That made no sense to her. Amu shook her head to clear her meddling thoughts, before leveling the guy with her own penetrating gaze which was weak compared to his; however it showed plenty of fire, she would not be undone. "Oi! You guys have the wrong person! I don't have time to be sitting around inside a bloody cell! Can you go get me the Director of this jail?!" Amu demanded of the guy, the air around her being a little too superior for his taste.

One elegant brow rose to her demand, looking at the girl as if she grew two heads. This slight interest he showed in her quickly vanished as he looked her impassively. Seeing this change, Amu narrowed her eyes at him, adding an extra fire into her glare. She darted to look for some kind of identification of this bastard, which when she found it, she briefly stiffened. Tsukiyomi Ikuto… He bore the same last name as Satoshi. Wait a minute! Was this... was this Satoshi real father?!

So the moment you have all been waiting for finally shows up... Ikuto Tsukiyomi has officially entered the building!! I know it isn't much of him in this chapter but there will be much more of him to come.. he is here to stay! And he may seem to be a little cold right now, but that is part of who he is, along with his flirtatious side in which will come to play soon enough. So now the question has come up... is Tsukiyomi Ikuto the father of Tsukiyomi Satoshi. They certainly look alike XD. Who knows what can happen, it might be him.. it might be a different Tsukiyomi... The answer wont come till way into the future so your going to have to wait. Any who i hope you all like this :3 I will update as soon as i can XD Review PLZ they make my day :3.