This is my first story so please be gentle when reviewing. I would also just like to say a HUGE thank you to my Beta, Wanda W. This story would not have been published if not for her wonderful work.

Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men.


Choices by Azalea Rose

Gambit, the Acolytes resident thief, had been summoned by Magneto less than five minutes ago but as he moved closer to his boss's office he became aware of argumentative whispers coming from within. He paused outside the door attempting to decipher what the whispers were saying. He could hear Magneto and a female voice, which Gambit figured must belong to Mystique. He moved closer so that his ear was almost touching the cold iron door but before he could understand anything being said the door flew open revealing Magneto's impressive yet minimalist office. Magneto was standing behind his large desk with Mystique leaning over one end, her strong blue hand gripping either side of the metal structure. They were both staring at the man standing in the doorway.

"Come in please Gambit" Magneto requested. Gambit warily walked into the room, acting casual, but keeping a close eye on Mystique's position as she came to stand beside him.

"Gambit, I have an important job for you. We are looking to recruit someone of great importance, but I am afraid they may need some persuading and probably will not come quietly," he explained, watching the mutant thief for his reaction. Gambit briefly glanced at the woman next to him. She stood tall and silent, her lips pressed together and her eyes narrowed suggesting she was not happy with whatever Magneto had in mind.

"What is it you need moi t' do?" Gambit asked, not giving away his intense curiosity. Magneto waved his arm to the side causing the heavy metal chair behind the desk to suddenly move backwards, scraping across the rough floor. He sat down and opened a drawer behind the desk, pulling out a paper file which he then put onto the desk in front of him.

"I want you to..."

"No!" Mystique snapped, cutting Magneto off mid-sentence. "I don't trust him with her! Let me go! You know I am more than capable of this." Mystique was leaning over the desk again, her hands balled into fists on the polished metal surface, her eyes blazed with anger and her lips were curled into a snarl.

"So dis a femme we are recruiting then, non?" Gambit asked as he began shuffling cards idly. Magneto gave Mystique a severe look that showed he would not tolerate being interrupted again. He then turned back to Gambit who continued shuffling the deck of cards.

"Yes, it is a female. You are to go and pick her up quietly. No fuss! There will be others that will protect her aggressively if you are spotted. I will leave you to plan the details yourself." Magneto said sternly.

Gambit's intrigue rocketed. - Who is dis femme? - He was shocked by Magnetos warning; clearly the man thought the security issue posed a serious threat but there were very few people Gambit knew of that would justify Magneto's concern. And what of Mystique? Who could be so important to her?

"Who is she?" he inquired, growing wary as to whom they wanted him to kidnap. That is what they were asking him to do, kidnap, Gambit was very sure of that but he didn't know who they could possible want who would need kidnapping. He had a bad feeling in his gut; he knew he wasn't going to like it. He figured that was why they were delaying in telling him who it was. Magneto took a piece of paper from the folder and threw it across the table to Gambit, who, upon picking it up, saw that it was a photo of a girl. A girl Gambit knew and recognized instantly. Rogue.

"Non." He looked up from the photo to Magneto who narrowed his eyes.

"No?!" disbelief and malice enveloped the single word uttered by Mystique. Gambit turned to the tall blue female. He did not want his loyalty to Magneto to be called into question but he also didn't want to hurt the girl after she'd already been through so much, most of which had been at the hands of Mystique.

"Don't you t'ink dat you've hurt her enough?" he accused Mystique keeping his voice steady and neutral even though he was staring her right in the eye.

"How DARE you!" Mystique seethed, outraged by the nerve of the boy. "I've always done what I thought was best for her!"

"That is ENOUGH!" Magneto bellowed, silencing the two mutants in front of him. "Gambit, I chose you for this job as I know you have already successfully kidnapped Rogue once. I believe you are much less likely to cause major immediate concern to the X-Men than Mystique or myself. However, if you do not wish to do your job then I will find someone else to do it for you! Though I doubt they will be as ... delicate about it as you." Magneto ground his teeth together as he waited for a response. It was clear that Gambit cared for the girl and eventually he would agree to get her rather than risk someone else going after her. Right now the southerner was glaring at the floor, a slight crinkle forming between his eyebrows.

"Are y' gonna hurt her?" he asked, bringing his head up to look straight at Magneto. Magneto raised his eyebrows and considered Gambit for a moment.

"No, that is not our intention." Magneto answered simply, Gambit decided that he seemed sincere.

"She's my daughter! She belongs here, I have left her with those 'do-gooders' for too long." Mystique stated, making sure the men had not forgotten her presence. Gambit looked at her then back to Magneto. He had no choice, he knew that much. If he didn't go they would end up sending that blundering idiot Sabertooth, who would more likely end up killing Rogue than making a quiet get away with her. He sighed deeply.

"Amende, Remy will go and get de fille."

"Good. When you get her safely away from Bayville and you are sure you are not being followed, contact us and I shall come to pick you up." Magneto stood and walked over to the window located at the back of the room. Gambit, taking that as his cue to leave, retreated quickly from the room.

Once he was clear of the office he noticed that he still had the photo of Rogue in his hand. He looked at it for a minute, studying her features. It had obviously been taken at a distance and without her knowledge; she was smiling at the fuzzy blue boy, her face carefree and happy. Gambit had developed a soft spot for her when he had taken her to New Orleans to save his père and he hated that he was playing a part of whatever Mystique and Magneto had in store for the sassy teen but he was glad that at least he might be able to limit the damage done. - Merde. She is gonna hate moi for dis. - Gambit sighed, a slight frown showing on his face as he slid the photo into his coat pocket.


Next chapter will be posted next week.

Aza x