pureVENOM: Yay! People really like my Anima poem!! Yeah, she rocks!! Okay, another tiny chapter for her then! Hm... Maybe I'll write some small ficcies for some other aeons as well??
Disclaimer is on the other chapter.
Please review me! I love reviews and appreciate your um... reviewing-time!!
Whew! I almost never write in first-person!! It's too hard for me! I'm gonna try this though. Trying new things is good for you!
I hope this is good....

The moment I chose to become my son's aeon, I had made up my mind. I would give up my life, my soul, and my dreams to defeat Sin and give Seymour freedom from his terrible exsistence. Seymour's defeating Sin would also finally bring him the love and honor to him and his father-- the grandness that they both deserved.

Yes, my little Seymour would die, before he could ever really even live. But, it would be better to die a hero's death and bring happiness to Spira's people, than to live on in sorrow...? Half-Human, half-Guado, together-- a freak of nature. Shunned and despised by his two peoples, his father, Jyscal, had him move out of Guadosalam, along with me, his human wench of a mother...

After I had become Anima, I was devastated to find Seymour sobbing and even worse-- running... away. All the way back to the rubble-strewn entrance of the Zanarkand Ruins. ...So he wouldn't do it... He would not become the next High Summoner to bring the new Calm.

Still, my dear Seymour. He has come a long way. After my... death, he'd become closed and dark-- his only thoughts were of the dying and the dead. Death was the only way out, the one and only true peace, his mind would say.
And I, residing within the deepest, darkest corners of his psyche-- the Dark Aeon. I felt his pain, I shared it, I lived it. And I watched on-- it was all I could do-- as those negative sentiments grew, as did his Magic. He would use his abilities for no good, I knew, and I also knew that it was all my fault. I was the one who gave him his first taste of his true power.
Power was a terrible thing. More addicting than the strongest of Malboro Tectacles, more deadly than any Al Bhed war machina. It consumed his soul, his very being. And not satisfied with my bewildering strength, he just looked for more.
'I will attain immortality. Sin, the ultimate power, will make my dreams come true!'
My son would often proclaim things like this mentally. Of course, not to me-- to himself. When I became a fayth, he stopped speaking to me. As if I were wholly dead. And... perhaps I was. Who was I to say if I were truly dead or not?

Immortality... I could see nothing great about it. Yet, it was the thing that so many people sought. Why would you want to live forever? In a despairing world like this, watching everyone and everything around you die? To live on and on...
Being an aeon, having all these "grand" powers wasn't what it was all cracked up to be. People gawk and awe in admiration (but mostly sheer terror) at my strength and grand form, but they never see who truly owns this power. Like some horrid marionette to its puppeteer, my actions bend to the iron will of my summoner. Seymour.

I hated who I was, and I still hate who I am-- what I am. I abhor the things Seymour makes me do. Still, I cannot help but continue to kill and destroy... until he is gone.
But, I can never die. Even after Seymour, I'll eventually receive a new master, won't I? It is fate. All aeons are fated to be used as weapons of mass destruction to eternity. Can this terrible thing be really true...?

I live a non-living life, and I am immortal.
I have great strength, but none is my own.
I fight on for Seymour, who is no longer my son.

There must be a way out of this meaningless exisistence. I can't think of any, but there must be something. But, until then... I can still dream...


pureVENOM: Ohh... I feel all depressed now!! FFX just has that feeling plastered EVERYWHERE, don't it!?! *sniff*
Well, please tell me how I did! This is my first total first-person chapter thingy!
Reviewz, please!