A/N I want to thank Myotherridesasquirrel, and Chewsontrees, MadAngryBeaverGirl, MyJudeyJude, QLude, and MyBooSmacky. I don't know what I'd do without meh BB's who don't do crack.

So like I decided to write a story about Bella getting a MySpace page, and she and Edward having blogs. It would be all kinds of fun and awesome combined. :D They would both be clueless and dumb in their own special way.

Also, in the same vein of all the Edward/Bella fics I will alternate between Bella (BPOV) and Edward (EPOV) with each chapter. Because we all want to know every single thought these two awesome people think about the other awesome person in their life, Bella and Edward.

DISCLAIMER: S Meyer wrote Twilight, but she would want no association with this.

Chapter 1: Bella's Donuts


108VirginBoy Blog

Bella walked by again. She always walked by me and it was repulsing. She had smelly blood.

I loved to watch her sleep, despite her smelly blood.

And then she started leaving me gifts once a month. I found out she threw away bloody donuts once a month for like five days in a row in her bathroom and I'd go in there and chew on them. That was so nice of her.

I knew she was thinking of me and that's why she left me them. They were all wrapped up too, really pretty in this chiffon soft white wrapping paper.

It was her way to tell me she was okay with me watching her sleep. She'd make them in her sleep at night in her bed – I smelled that too. But, I'd wait for her to wrap them up for me.

I wouldn't dare go near her girly parts. She had to remain a virgin because Bella was too pure to be defiled.

I'm in love with her and her donuts.